The resturant

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Taehyung replied back saying that dinner was fine and the two agreed on meeting up at 8pm at a nice restaurant that happened to sell Korean food

He wasn't happy
He was elated
He loved seeing her
She made him happy no matter how bad life was


The two sat in the  restaurant
Waiting for a waiting to take their order
And when the waiter finally came
They were relieved
That was of course until this happened

"What would you like to order?"

"2 black noodle soups please"

"Okay, pretty lady, but in return for that can I have your number"


Taehyung cut in angered
"Isn't that unprofessional of you"

The waiter didn't know what to say

"I thought so... why don't you go back to taking orders before you try pick up girls while your working"

The waiter walked off and scoffed
While Taehyung just took a sip of the water in his glass

"Taehyung do you remember...back when we were young and you, uh confessed to me"

Taehyung nearly choked
Although they were friends this was their taboo subject
The time when Taehyung had a crush on her

"Uh...yeah.....what about it?"

"Do you me?"

"Why do you think I might?"

"You still act like you used to when you were with me"

"Are you scared?"

"Scared of what?"

"Scared of me liking you?"

"No....I don't think so"

"Then it shouldn't be a problem of weather I do or not then, right?"


Is this story even going anywhere?

You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net