Mornings and nights

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(I was writing this update in class, sorry for any mistakes)

Taehyung woke up
Blinking a few times to regain his sight as the sunlight seeped through the blinds and shone on his face

Last night was rough
He had been caught up within his thoughts once again
Just like any other night
And had tried to fall asleep but his mind wouldn't shut down
It just kept on going in circles until it had worn itself out and he felt himself drifting away in the sea of
his own thoughts

He got up stumbling a little as he tried to gain his balance
His legs felt a bit like jelly and his stomach was clearly rumbling
Indicating that he was hungry

He reached for the blinds letting the warm light rays fill his room
Then grabbed his phone from the bedside table and making his way to the bathroom to wash is face and brush his teeth

After a few minutes He made his way to the kitchen
Placing his phone on the counter and looking into the fridge

He wanted pancakes
So he looked for all the ingredients around the kitchen
And made the batter since he wasn't bad at cooking
And once he made the pancakes and a cup of coffee he sat down
Phone in one had his fork in the other

His focus mainly on his phone because he was waiting
Waiting for her to call or text
To at least say 'let's go somewhere today'
But the thought then came to him
What if she was waiting too
So he was colaught up in making a decision

To text or not to text

Who would be first

It almost became a competition one without a winner

Meanwhile within his waiting game Taehyung was also immersed in the old pictures they had all taken together
He really did miss how everyone and everything used to be
Especially him
He was happier before
Happiness was there before but he blinked and it was gone
Everyone had parted ways-


My everything😊☺️:
How about we have some lunch later or we could go out for dinner later

You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net