𝐕. nonchalant cartoon character

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this chapter briefly mentions fire, a character overthinking, and characters smoking.

please read with caution and enjoy <3

"... AND YOU CAN'T STAY IN THE CAR ON THE high end shoulder, you have to get out car and wait outside." wilbur breathed out as audrey panned the phone towards the ceiling of the van, the dark grey clouds and specs of rain filling the camera's frame. "as you can see, its - uh - raining, so tune back in to see what's happening."

audrey stopped the recording, handing the phone back to ash with a small smile. audrey chuckled, her smile not reaching her eyes like most occasions. wilbur looked over, his head in his hands as he stared at audrey. the girl was trying her best to conceal her feelings, but wilbur could read the girl almost like a book. he knew she was bothered by the comment and was somewhat grateful this van was breaking down.

"the car, it's burning..." the driver said, immediately slowing down. the van then came to a complete stop, "everyone get out, yeah, this isn't safe."

"out." wilbur commented, his voice laced with urgency and panic. "out, out, out."

leandra opened the door instantly, everyone's bodies being squished as they all piled out of the van, panic striking everyone as they went towards the side of the grass. "out, auds." wilbur urged audrey, his voice holding a somewhat softer tone. not wanting to upset her best friend, she exited the van, wilbur following after.

"is everyone alright?" one of the people in the front seat, the driver, came around and asked. "nobody's feeling very off, no ambulances needed?" he tried to joke, the members of the tour all shaking their heads no.

"i'll call a tow-truck, just - stay put."

immediately, wilbur turned towards ash, talking to the now-present camera. he looked towards the forest next to the rails on the road and said "we're going in here, now!" as he took ahold of audrey's hand and dragged her into the woods.

thoughts started running through audrey's head almost instantly. most of wilbur's fanbase knew audrey as the best friend wilbur showered with skinship, everyone agrees that she was a good person for wilbur to be around. audrey was, at first, hated by what seemed like every wilbur fan online. it took a few months for everything to calm down, however, the effect was still made on audrey.

wilbur started roleplay as he let go of audrey's hand, his lore voice shining through. "here in the wilderness of sussex..."

immediately, once audrey's hand was let go, a thought popped into her head, if ash got that in frame, what would happen if it were published? if mark was wondering if there was something going on between us, and he knows us offline, what would people say on?

noticing the girl was stressing herself out, leandra nudged audrey's shoulder. "hey," she asked, her hoodie pulled over her head. "cigarette?"

the two weren't best friends like elodie and audrey were, but they wouldn't call eachother enemies, either. the two talked about their trumpet experiences, as they both were on tour for playing, and offered each other cigarettes when the time was called. smoke buddies are what they called each other, and this was one of those times the nickname shined.

audrey nodded as she pulled her hand out of her coat pocket. taking the stick, she placed it on her lips, fishing for a lighter. finding one in the depths of her pocket, she tried lighting it but the rain kept pouring and the fire kept dying out.

"here," joe offered, pulling his flannel over his head as he crowded around the two girls. immediately audrey smiled up at joe before bending down and successfully lighting the cigarette. taking a puff, audrey felt her nerves die down slightly. audrey knew cigarettes were bad for her physical health, but damn did it help mentally.

"so... d'ya wanna talk about why you look like a stressed mother of seven trying to figure out why her kids want to attend band practice instead of sports?" leandra joked, taking the lighter from audrey.

audrey laughed as she took another puff, her arm crossing over her body. "nothing to worry your silly head about." she smiled as she ruffled leandra's wet hair, the rain not doing it justice.

"oi, piss off," leandra laughed, swatting her hand away from her hair as she tapped the ash off audrey's cigarette. "but really, i'm here if you need anything, even if it's just to live up to our nicknames."

"smoke buddies for life." audrey held up her hand for a fistbump, waiting for leandra to take it.

"smoke buddies for life." leandra smiled, connecting both of their fists.

audrey backed up after that comment, a grateful smile on her face. her shoes crunching on the ground after letting leandra get her shared lighter attempt. turning towards the lovejoy members, she studied their movements. ash was vlogging mark, commenting about how the rescue tire would take a few hours, his accent peeking through. joe was still hanging around leandra, the two sharing a cigarette and laughing.

audrey turned her head towards wilbur, the boy looking at his phone before walking off more into the field and up a small hill. his shoulders were dropping as he shuffled along the tree branches. audrey peered at him, watching his movements before he turned to the girl. embarrassed by staring, audrey turned and fake whistled. stuffing one hand in her bomber jacket and one hand with the cigarette, the end of it slowly going out, she smirked.

"you look like a cartoon character, the way you whistled and tried to act nonchalant." wilbur commented, his voice a bit louder due to the distance between them, the cars going by, and the sound of the rain.

"sorry... who are you? why are you talking to me?" audrey joked as she finished her cigarette, tossing it to the side and looking down. letting her shoe raise, she stomped on it before looking back over at wilbur.

"come here, auds." he sighed. audrey shook her head, putting both hands in her coat pockets before taking the few steps over, meeting wilbur. standing on her tiptoes and bumping her shoulder with her arm, she smiled.

"stop acting like you're fine, auds. four years, remember that?"

with her lips falling into a straight line, she felt her body physically droop at the comment. looking down at the ground was her solution to the issue, her shoes against the mud becoming incredibly interesting. she breathed out, her hands still fiddling with random items in her pockets. making a mental note to ask for the lighter from leandra, she shrugged. "meh, it's whatever!"

"it's not whatever, auds." wilbur sighed out again, turning his body to face audrey. he bent down slightly, so that his face was in her line of vision. audrey still examined the floor and all it's random grass patches, but looked over at wilbur slightly. "you care about the comment, because you don't want our friends to wonder the boundary of our friendship or the internet to send you shit, am i wrong?"

"you know too much," audrey commented as she turned her head towards wilbur fully, watching as he returned to his upright position, still looking at audrey. "it's just - i can't go back to that mentality again, will, you saw everything that happened. if ash got you holding my hand on camera, what would happen? if mark commente-"

"if you want, i could ask ash if he could show the clip to make sure? you know he'd show us, he knows what happened too, elodie too." wilbur mentioned, his hands going onto her shoulders. "we all want good stuff for you, and would never intent to hurt you."

"i don't wanna bother him with my insecurity and paranoia, i'm sure i'll be fine. like you said, i'm in my head too much. a new year's resolution, remind me december thirtieth about it." audrey nodded, brushing the conversation off as quickly as she could muster.

"as long as you're alright, auds." wilbur finalized the conversation, wrapping his arms around the shorter girl. "i care too much, you know that."

she smiled into the hug, her arms wrapping around his torso. "i know, painfully so."

"hey! the rescue car is here with the spare tire and we're going inside the van." joe commented as he walked up the hill the two were on, making the two pull apart quickly. wilbur's hand went up to his neck as audrey whistled.

"they have poncho's if you want, too!" leandra giggled, taking audrey's hand as she dragged her down the hill, the two stumbling. once they were out of earshot, leandra whispered "we're talking about that later."

the group then walked back to the side of the road, taking a photo of everyone in their ponchos out of pure comedy before squishing themselves into the rescue van, conversations flying.










tagged lovejoyonline, leandratrumpet, audrey829jpg
liked by leandratrumpet, lovejoyonline and others
ashkabosu ⚠️incident⚠️
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NATA'S NOTES β”ŠΝ™βœ§Λ–*°࿐

so like being honest this story is kinda following ash's "we went up north" vlog with bits and pieces of my own ideas being thrown in ! i might include the "i got stuck in ireland" vlog but i dont know yet

if u see a lot of similarities between this story and the vlog, thats why !!!!

200 reads!!! u guys r crazy!!!!! thank u :)

also if u cant see the words on bea's photo it says "please imagine this photo of bea matches audrey's description + fits the aesthetic of the other photos" :)

i hope this helps the timing of everything as well, i dont want anyone really confused as to what time we're in :>

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