πˆπ•. bunnies can't spell

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this chapter briefly mentions a character over analyzing a comment made by a friend.

please read with caution and enjoy <3








tagged lovejoyonline, wilbursoot, leandratrumpet
liked by ashkabosu, joe_goldsmith and others
audrey829jpg preparing for tour got me like
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AFTER PANIC PACKING AND STRESS PLAYING her beloved brass instrument, audrey fell asleep at her own flat in the ungodly hour of half past four. audrey left around two, saying how her things wouldnt pack themselves, and off she left. sticking to her word, she did facetime wilbur at seven am, wondering which hat she should take on tour. to nobody's surprise, he picked the cat-like one.

audrey was strolling down the road with her suitcase and trumpet in toe as she made her way to the lovejoy members. mark, joe and ash all smiled as the girl made her way towards the pile of luggage, which mainly consisted of guitars and clothing for those few shows. leandra wrapped her arms around the girl once her items were down. once confirming her items were all there, the two walked over together, the wind blowing audrey's hair in different directions.

ash was already starting his monthly recap vlog by the time she was able to hear the boys conversation again. joe was strumming on a guitar as ash filmed him on his phone, playing the same tune as ash was on his bass a week prior. looking off the screen, ash turned the camera to show leandra, waving her hand in silence with a smile on her face. the camera panned to audrey, her tongue sticking out.

"prick, i've been looking for that jacket." wilbur commented from the side of the bus, his eyes crinkling when he walked over towards audrey. ash continued filming the other lovejoy members, letting wilbur talk to audrey. the boy was wearing his los campensinos jumper along with a black puffer jacket. his hair was hidden under a maroon tinted beanie, some curls peaking out. his harry potter glasses were sat atop his nose as he wrapped an arm around audrey.

audrey laughed as she went into the hug, ignoring his comment at first. letting go, she smiled and replied with "so what! it goes well with my aesthetic, yeah?"

wilbur backed up to look at audrey's outfit, his eyes scanning over the outfit. with a lollipop in his mouth, he nodded his head. the girl had worn a two piece shirt and skirt, covering most of her torso and legs. the pattern complimented audrey nicely, the purple and white floral designs one of her favorite. overtop was an oversized black bomber wilbur left at her flat ages ago, the piece in question. with a final nod as he acknowledged the doc marten's on her shoes, wilbur shrugged. "it looks better on me, but fine. if it makes you happy, the piece fits your aesthetic."

smiling with her entire face, she turned around to face the rest of the tour crew and watched. ash had pocketed his phone and held his bass case, joe had started to put away his guitar, and mark as well leandra had already claimed their spot on the van. shaking her head, she looked back at wilbur to see his body walk forward, taking audrey's trumpet case from the pile and placing it in the trunk.

audrey and wilbur's friendship was nothing like audrey's friendship with elodie, or any of the lovejoy members and friends. audrey wasn't a physical affectionate person, and hated when people did things for her, but didn't seem to mind it when wilbur picked up her trumpet case a placed it in the back without her asking. audrey had just brushed it off as a best friend thing.

audrey looked down at the bricked pavement as she waited for wilbur to finish. before letting the boy go first, he handed her an old leather notebook, audrey's sacred journal. "you almost forgot this," he commented before sitting at the window seat. awkwardly, audrey shuffled into her seat next to him before placing the notebook on the table.

wilbur was flipping through the musical channels the bus had to offer. wilbur was nodding his head along to the smooth jazz, nudging audrey every two seconds. ash had begun recording the moment, audrey catching the camera's lense. the girl widened her eyes as ash smiled from behind the camera. audrey shook her head as she took out her phone, scrolling through whatever app she thought about. soon after, the van started rolling.

one hour of the six down, the van was well on the motorway. wilbur shuffled his backpack onto the space between the himself and audrey, rummaging through to find something. taking the found item out, he placed it onto the already crowded table and placed his bag on the floor again. audrey groaned out a responses, looking at the item before flicking her eyes up to wilbur's.

"what?" wilbur commented, taking a pen from audrey's journal spine, trying his best to decipher her emotions. "what's that look on your face?"

"four years of friendship, wilbur." audrey commented, her eyes not leaving wilburs except to shake her bangs out of her face and to blink. "use your brain."

wilbur shook his head for a moment, looking at the newly placed crossword and the girl next to him. his eyebrow furrowed as he placed a hand on his chin, his fingers covering his mouth. "is it- the crossword?"

"bingo, lovejoy and friends, we have a winner. why are you doing a crossword," audrey commented sarcastically as joe chuckled silently. she looking down at the date on the crossword, her eyes widened. "not to mention it is literally two months old. i remember when you bought this! you were so convinced you could finish all two hundred and thirty crosswords in a month. it's been two, so clearly that's a lie."

wilbur let his mouth fall open as his hand grabbed the crossword book. flipping the pages backwards, he pointed towards an unfinished one with scribbles over some of the boxes and doodles of bunnies in the corners. wilbur looked back over to audrey, a smirk over his face. "you couldn't even finish one, auds."

audrey huffed, a smile making it's way over her lips. "i don't exactly know what you're implying, soot, but that wasn't done by me." as soon as she finished, wilbur opened her notebook, the first page of her notes being scribbles of bunnies in different colored pens. with the pen in his hand, he pointed it towards the page "okay- listen- i was tired and didn't care enough about the stupid crossword. it's a crossword for fuck's sake, nobody under the age of seventy-five does them."

"seventy-five?" wilbur questioned, his eyebrow raising. "do i look seventy five to you? i proudly do crosswords on this tour bus." audrey looked over at wilbur before shrugging. "hey!"

audrey let her smile widen as she grabbed the pen that wilbur was holding and flipped the crossword book. clicking the pen, she immediately tried to guess the words by placing random letters that definitely were not meant to be there.

wilbur's eyes widened in fear as he placed his hand over the pen audrey had and another hand on the book, trying to shuffle it out of her grasp. "let go!" he grumbled, looking at audrey.

"piss off! i'm trying to solve a stupid crossword!" audrey joked, looking into wilbur's eyes. audrey's smile dropped slightly, the determination to win against wilbur suddenly forgotten as the two of them just staired into eachother's eyes.

"are you guys gonna kiss? i always knew there was shit going on!" mark chuckled, bumping his shoulder with ash who looked lost.

audrey immediately coughed as she shook her head rapidly, letting go of the pen and book as she moved her arm, untangling wilbur and herself. she went quiet almost instantly, the comment lingering on her mind.

"auds are you o-" wilbur question with concern before the bus started to shake with every move. his eyes squinted in confusion as the bus started to bump every two seconds. almost instantly, the lovejoy tour members started looking around as wilbur spoke up. "did we- is the bus alright?"

"probably a flat tire, mate." joe shrugged, his headphones still resting on his neck. leandra nodded next to ash, the two going back to focusing on their mario kart match.

"hey boys," the driver said, his voice overpowering everyones. "we're gonna have to pull into the s.o.s stop." the lovejoy members, leandra, and audrey all nodded as the bus started slowing down the motorway, cars passing instantly.

"auds," wilbur commented, his voice quiet. "talk later?" to which she only nodded, noticing ash started recording and handing the phone to audrey. immediately wilbur started speaking, his inner comments being spilled out.

NATA'S NOTES β”ŠΝ™βœ§Λ–*°࿐

so like being honest this story is kinda following ash's "we went up north" vlog with bits and pieces of my own ideas being thrown in :P so if u see a lot of similarities between this story and the vlog, thats why :)

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