14》 The Legend of Mount Tensei

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I have a surprise; this chapter is going to be a MOVIE CHAPTER!!!!

I was going to make this chapter a 14K READS special but when I was on 5000 words, I saw that my story has completed 15K READS so I quickly changed some ideas and made it into a movie chapter. Thanks once again to all my readers for your love and support despite my irregular updates.

Talking about this chapter, I know, most of you must have guessed from the title what is going to happen but for those who don't know then, they have to read the chapter to know about it.

There would be a new rival as well as the return of a certain someone from Gen 1 of Pokémon anime as well.

I was going to complete it on Friday and then update on Saturday but unluckily I got my periods which made me irritated a lot, that's why I didn't posted it before. I know girls reading this story might understand what I mean.

Anyways, I hope you all would like this part. And I hope for more votes and comment as despite of the fact that my every chapter gets more than 700 reads still there would be only 15-25 votes. I also get sad seeing less votes so if you like the part then please vote, otherwise even I have to set vote target for the updates.

Sorry if anyone find this rude.


With leaves upon my head, I sway, Grass and Poison, that's my way. A gentle fragrance fills the air, in my final form, I'm quite rare. Who am I?

The answer to the last riddle is Pikachu.

" Normal " - Human Speech

" Normal " - Human Thoughts

{Normal} - Pokémon Speech

{Normal} - Pokémon Thoughts

[Normal] - Author's Notes

Normal - Pokedex Entry

[Normal] - Telepathy

Now let's start the chapter!

Word Count: 30384


In the last chapter, we saw Ash and Serena going on their first date as a couple. They went to different places and shared some romantic moments.

Ash and Serena had now reached the Rota Palace and had just entered the hall, only to see all the youngsters standing there and looking at them with teasing looks.

" Look who's back! ", Gary shouted, standing up from the couch with a wide grin. He was flanked by Calem and Gladion, all three sporting identical expressions of mischievous delight.

Ash rolled his eyes but couldn't hide his smile. " Yeah, we are back, so what Oak Tree ".

" Oh nothing, just asking, have any problem with that ", Gary asked with a smirk.

" Nope ", Ash replied.

" How was your date, lovebirds? ", Miette chimed in, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

Aria, the elder sister of Ash added with a knowing smile, " Did you two have fun? You were out pretty late ".

Both Ash and Serena felt their cheeks heat up, and they knew there was no escape. " It was great ", he replied, trying to keep his voice steady.

Lisia raised an eyebrow. " Oh, I can tell ", she said, her grin widening. " You two look like you've been floating on cloud nine ".

" Oh! Come on big brother, give us the details of your date ", Leaf chimed in while jumping in excitement.

" We first went to a cafe for a nice breakfast, then we went to watch an opera, had our lunch after that at a seaside restaurant, then strolled through the streets of Rota and at last came home after having our Dinner ", Ash said while trying not to give them a lot of details.

" Ashy Boy we know that there is more to the story then you two are letting on, so give us details or we are not gonna let you go from here ", Gary said with a smirk.

" Yes, Serena tell us, what other things you two did ", Lillie said while coming closer to Serena and giving her a mischievous smile.

" Ok fine, we both shared a cotton candy, and even went for a couple massage ", Serena replied while looking at the floor, blushing due to their teasing.

All the girls squealed in excitement hearing this, while Gary was surprised that Ash planned this.

" How Romantic ", Leaf, Lisia and Lillie squealed loudly.

" So Ashy Boy, you finally grow up a little ", Gary said with a smug look, while Ash just rolled his eyes at him knowing that Gary could not change.

" Gary! ", Serena exclaimed, trying to suppress her laughter. " You're terrible ".

Both Rosa and Leaf nudged Serena from each side. " I bet you both were looking cute together that every person would have been admiring you two ", Rosa said while nudging Serena once again.

" By the way do you think Ash might have tripped over his own feet during the date? " Gladion asked while looking at Gary with a mischievous look.

" Hey! ", Ash protested, crossing his arms. " I didn't trip! ".

" Ok, Guys, leave them alone, they might have gotten tired from their date, let them rest and you all should go to sleep now as well otherwise nobody would be able to save you all from your mom's anger ", Aria said, trying to save both Ash and Serena from further teasing.

Reluctantly all of them leave from there leaving Ash, Serena and Aria there.

" Thanks Aria, for saving us from their teasing ", Serena said with a relief.

" No need to thank me but I might have saved you now, but I don't think I would be able to save you from their teasing tomorrow ", Aria said while looking at Ash and Serena.

" Don't worry Aria, we would think of something, now I think you should go to sleep as well. While we both would go and see our Pokémon before going to sleep ", Ash told Aria to which she nodded and returned to her room while Ash and Serena made their way towards their Pokémon.

As they entered the garden, they were met with the familiar sights and sounds of various Pokémon roaming freely.

Pikachu who first saw Ash and Serena, immediately perked up and dashed towards Ash, leaping into his arms. {You are finally here}, Pikachu said happily.

Serena's Fennekin, Eevee, Pancham and Pikachu also made their way over. Serena crouched down, giving each of her Pokémon a gentle pat. " I hope you all enjoyed being here ".

In no time Ash and Serena were surrounded by a multitude of Ash's other Pokémon, all eager to listen about their trainer's date.

Charizard gave a proud roar, while Bulbasaur and Blastoise exchanged happy glances. Other Pokémon also showed excited faces to know about their Trainer's date in detail.

As Ash and Serena settled down among their Pokémon in the garden, Pikachu looked up at Ash with curious eyes, {So, how was the date?}.

Ash chuckled, understanding his partner's question. " Our date? It was great! We went to a nice cafe for breakfast, shared a cotton candy, strolled through the streets of Rota, watched an Opera, had lunch at a seaside restaurant, then had a couple massage and finally dinner on the boat that to under the stars ".

Fennekin's ears perked up, and she tilted her head, listening intently. Serena's Eevee and Pancham along with Ash's other Pokémon also joined in, their eyes gleaming with interest.

Serena smiled, glancing at the Pokémon. " Yeah, it was really beautiful. The food was delicious, and the beach was so peaceful under the moonlight ".

Ash nodded, adding, " And you know what, we also caught some new Pokémon ".

Their Pokémon exchanged happy glances with each other, knowing that they got some new friends.

Ash stepped forward and called out, " Come on out, Sobble and Sneasel! " He tossed two Pokeballs into the air, and in a flash of light, Sobble and Sneasel appeared. Sobble looked around timidly, while Sneasel stood with a confident grin.

Serena followed suit, releasing her new catch. " Come out, Nidoran! " A female Nidoran emerged, looking around curiously.

Ash's Pikachu immediately ran up to Sobble, offering a friendly smile. Sobble, though initially shy, seemed to relax a bit under Pikachu's friendly approach. Sneasel on the other hand, sized up the other Pokémon with a confident glint in its eye, clearly eager to make new friends.

Fennekin and Eevee approached Nidoran, welcoming her with warm gestures. Nidoran responded with a happy cry and wagged her little tail.

Ash knelt down beside Sobble and Sneasel. " Everyone, meet Sobble and Sneasel. I traded them with my Tauros during our date. Sobble is a bit shy, but I'm sure he'll come around. And Sneasel here is quite the character ".

Serena smiled and gestured to Nidoran, " And this is Nidoran. She's very sweet and curious. I found her injured so after doing her first aid and taking her to Pokémon Centre, I caught her ".

Ash and Serena then introduced their other Pokémon to Sobble, Sneasel and Nidoran. The other Pokémon gathered around, offering happy gestures and cries to the newcomers

After spending some more time with their Pokémon Ash and Serena left along with Pikachu and Eevee to sleep in their room. Their Pokémon also chatted for some time and then went to sleep as well.


Next Morning

The next morning, the first rays of the sunlight gently filtered through the windows of their room, casting a warm glow over the room. Ash and Serena were peacefully asleep on their bed, with Pikachu and Eevee nestled beside them.

Ash was the first to stir, blinking his eyes open and stretching lazily. He smiled as he saw Pikachu curled up next to him, the little Pokémon's ears twitching slightly in its sleep. " Good morning, Pikachu ", Ash whispered softly not wanting to wake Serena just yet.

Pikachu opened one eye, then the other, and greeted Ash with a cheerful cry, {Good morning, Ash}, while stretching his tiny arms before hopping up onto Ash's shoulder.

Next to them, Serena began to wake up as well. She smiled as she felt Eevee's soft fur against her cheek. " Good morning, Eevee ", she said, stroking her Pokémon gently.

Eevee yawned adorably and responded with an enthusiastic greeting, {Good morning}, after which she scampered onto Serena's lap.

Ash and Serena exchanged a warm smile and a gentle hug. " Ready to start the day? ", Ash asked, his voice filled with energy.

Serena nodded. " Absolutely. Let's see what today has in store for us ".

They got up and began to get ready, their Pokémon following closely. As they prepared, they couldn't help but reflect on how wonderful the previous day had been, with their date and introducing new Pokémon.

After getting ready, Ash and Serena, glowing from their first official date, walk hand in hand through the grand corridors of the palace of Rota. As they approach the dining hall, the sounds of laughter and clinking dishes grow louder, signaling that their family and friends are already gathered for breakfast.

Entering the hall, they are greeted with warm smiles of elders and teasing grin of the young ones. The long dining table was laden with an impressive array of breakfast foods - Fresh Berries, Pastries, Pancakes, Garlic Bread, Tacos, French Toasts and Berry Salad along with different types of Juices and smoothies.

Delia waves them over enthusiastically and Red and John raises a cup of Juice in their direction. Serena's mother Grace beams with pride as she sees her daughter and Ash together. Their friends and siblings sit around the table and grinned knowingly.

" Good morning, everyone ", Ash says, his voice filled with happiness.

" Morning, sweetie! How was your date? " Delia asks, her eyes twinkling with curiosity.

" It was perfect ", Serena replies, squeezing Ash's hand. " We had a wonderful time ".

" Well, don't leave us in suspense! " Diantha chimes in, a playful smirk on her face. " Details, please! "

" Yeah, did Ash finally manage to be romantic for once? " Lance adds with a wink.

Ash blushes slightly, scratching the back of his head. " Come on guys, it was just a date ".

" Just a date? ", Gladion teases

" From the way you two are glowing, it seems like it was more than ' just a date' ", Rosa added with a teasing smirk.

" Maybe we should call it a ' special date' ", Miette giggles.

Grace leans in, a mischievous glint in her eyes. " Serena, did Ash treat you like a princess? "

Serena laughs, nodding. " He did, Mom. It was really wonderful ".

Red cleared his throat, a playful smile on his face. " Ash, did you remember to pull a chair for Serena, or did you forget? "

Ash laughs, shaking his head. " No, dad, I remembered ".

" Young love ", Yellow sighs dramatically.

" It's so sweet. But Ash, dear, did you manage to go to whole date without talking about Pokémon battles? "

Serena grins. " He did talk about them a little, Mom, but it was adorable ".

"That's my boy ", Delia says, her eyes sparkling. " Always so passionate about battles".

" By the way Serena, did Ash gave you any Pikachu themed surprises ", Gary asked with a teasing smirk.

" Nope, there was no such surprise, why you were expecting something like that ", Serena asked with same grin on her face.

" Yes, I was expecting everything to be Pikachu themed ", Gary said while looking at Ash's Pikachu who gave Gary a cute look but then suddenly shocked him with his thunderbolt, making everybody laugh at him.

" What was that for? " Gary asked covered with soot.

" Why Oak Tree, do you want it one more time? " Ash asked trying to control his laugh. Gary was going to say something but then looked at Pikachu who was giving him a devilish grin, making him quiet.

Lusamine, who had been observing quietly, finally decided to change the topic, so she spoke up with a warm smile. " By the way it's wonderful to see you both happy. Just remember, love is a different kind of feeling, one where true love wins from both sides ".

As the teasing continued, Aria couldn't resist adding her own flair. " Serena, did Ash manage to impress you with his dancing skills? "

Serena giggled, recalling Ash's amazing dancing skills. " For sure, I was impressed with his dance on the day of his coronation as a prince ".

Leaf, known for her playful nature chimed in with a grin. " Hey big brother, don't forget to bring Serena flowers next time. It's a classic move! "

Ash scratched his cheek and pretended to be innocent. " Flowers? Ok, I'll keep that in mind ".

" So, when's the next date? Are we invited this time? " Rosa asked curiously.

" We have not decided when we are going to have our next date, but one thing is for sure, that you are not at all invited ", Ash replied with a smirk, making Rosa puff her cheeks in anger.

After enduring a fair share of teasing from everyone, Ash decided to take revenge from Gladion for all the teasing.

Ash grinned mischievously, " Hey Gladion, you know what I just realized? "

Gladion glanced up a hint of curiosity in his expression. " What is it, Ash? "

Ash leaned his head towards Gladion, like whispering something but speaks loud enough so that everybody could hear, " You remind me of a Scyther ".

Gladion blinked, caught off guard. " A Scyther? ".

" Yeah ", Ash continued with a grin, " all serious and ready to slice through any challenge with those sharp edges of yours. But deep down, you're just a bug Pokémon with a heart of gold! "

Gladion's expression softened slightly, a rare chuckle escaping him. " Is that so Ash? And what does that make Gary and Calem? "

" Hey! Why are you dragging us in between you two? " Calem argued.

" Because we are friends right ", Gladion answered.

" Plus, why only I should be teased by Ash ", Gladion whispered to Calem and Gary, making them sigh.

" Oh! Well Gary reminds me of a Machamp. Always flexing and boasting his qualities as a trainer. It's like he thinks he is the strongest Pokémon trainer around ", Ash replies making others laugh at Gary's comparison with a Machamp.

Gary smirked, pretending to flex his muscles, " Hey can't blame a guy for being strong, right? "

Turning to Calem, Ash continued with a playful chuckle, " And Calem, you're more like a Snorlax. Always calm and collected, but when it comes to waking up early or moving fast, forget about it! "

Calem chuckled along, knowing Ash was teasing in good fun. " Yeah, I do like my sleep. But hey, Snorlax is pretty powerful when it wakes up! "

" By the way, you compared me, Gladion and Calem with a Pokémon but what about you? " Gary asked with a mischievous look.

Ash shrugged playfully. " Me? I guess I'm like a Pikachu. Always energetic, quick to change into things, and maybe a bit shocking at times, not to forget cute as well. Right, Serena? "

Serena giggled at that and answered, " Of course, my Ashy is the cutest ".

All the other people surrounding them couldn't help but burst into laughter at Ash's comparison.

The teasing's and banters continued for an hour after which they all are in living room to say goodbye to people who are leaving for their homes now.

" Mohn, you are leaving too soon, you should have stayed some more ", Red told his friend from Alola.

" I know, you want me to stay, but I can't do anything as I am needed in Alola right now ", Mohn replied.

" And here I thought we would be having some fun together ", Delia said while looking at Lusamine.

" Oh, don't worry, next time, we would stay with you for a month at least ", Lusamine replied.

" And what about coming to meet us in Kalos ", Grace questioned.

" Oh, that would not be needed, as we are going to shift back in Rota ", John answered.

" That's a great news, now at least one of my friends would be near me ", Delia said happily.

" When were you gonna tell me that? ", Grace asked John in serious tone.

" It was decided just yesterday. Me and Red both discussed about it and since I am mostly done with my work in Kalos that means we can shift here ", John explained calmly.

" Ok fine ", Grace said with a sigh.


With Children

" I'm going to miss you all so much ", Lillie said, her voice trembling slightly.

" Don't worry Lillie, remember we have each other's phone number now so we can talk anytime ", Lisia said with her usual cheerful smile.

" Yes, not to forget, we are friends, so keep in contact, ok ", Serena suggested.

" I will keep that mind and will definitely send lots of pictures of Alola ", Lillie nodded while wiping her eyes.

" And we would also try to send you pictures of places that we would visit ", Ash said with a smile.

" Oh, I would love that, but you would also have to come to Alola to visit me and Gladion in Alola ", Lillie said looking at Ash and Serena.

" We would love to come, Lillie ", Serena said while hugging her making the young girl smile.

" Remember to message us daily in our girl's chat ", Leaf reminded Lillie.

" Not to forget we should be the first one to know, when you would get a boyfriend ", Lisia said with a teasing look, earning a laughter from everyone except Lillie.

" Lisia ", Lillie said with an embarrassing look.

" What Lisia! she is saying the truth ", Rosa chimed in while nudging Lillie.

" Ok fine, I would tell you guys if I would find a boyfriend ", Lillie said with a smile, despite of the fact that she wanted to cry, as she doesn't want to leave such good friends behind, but she has to go back to Alola as she has school.

" That's like a good girl ", Serena said with a smile making other's smile as well.

Gladion usually reserved, stepped forward to shake

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