14》 The Legend of Mount Tensei

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" Back when Charizard was still a Charmander, I abandon him. I thought he was weak because he couldn't win single match. I was wrong in abandoning him ".

Damien then looked at Charizard who was standing behind Ash, his gaze unwavering. " Charizard, I'm sorry I was a terrible trainer and an even worse friend. I didn't understand what it meant to truly care for a Pokémon. Watching Ash battle with Ho-Oh made me realize how wrong I was. Can you ever forgive me? "

Charizard's eyes softened slightly, but he remained silent, his gaze still intense. Ash placed a hand on Charizard's side, feeling the tension in his eyes.

" Charizard ", Ash said gently. " People can change. Damien is trying to make things right. Maybe it's time we all move forward ".

Charizard huffed, releasing a small plume of smoke from his nostrils. He eyed Damien for a long moment before finally giving a slow, reluctant nod.

Cross watched, his own eyes misting over. He looked at Ash and Serena, his voice choked with emotion. " We've both made mistakes. But it it's possible, we'd like to start over. To learn what it really means to be good trainers ".

Serena smiled; her heart warmed by their change of heart. " It's never too late to change. And it's never too late to become better ".

Ash nodded, his eyes shining with the same determination that had carried him through so many battles. " We all make mistakes. What matters is that we learn from them and grow ".

After that Cross and Damien departed from Mount Tensei, at the same time Marshadow approached Ash and Serena with a calm and purposeful demeanor.

[Hello Ash], Marshadow spoke, his voice smooth and gentle, yet filled with an otherworldly echo.

Ash and Serena were surprised for a second seeing Marshadow in front of them but then came out of the surprised state as he continued speaking. [I watched you battle with Ho-Oh, Ash. I've seen the strength and kindness in your heart. Since the time you two stepped on Mount Tensei, I have been observing you both. Your battles, your friendships and the bond you share with your Pokémon. I am impressed by your spirit and determination, Ash].

Ash knelt down to Marshadow's level, his eyes filled with curiosity and respect. " Thank you Marshadow. It means a lot to hear that from you ".

Marshadow took a step closer, his expression earnest. [I have come here with a request, Ash. I want you to catch me].

Ash's eyes widened in surprise. " Catch you? But why? "

Marshadow's gaze was steady and unwavering. [I have lived on this mountain for thousands of years and I believe that under your guidance, I can continue to grow and learn. I want to be a part of your journey, to help you face the challenges ahead].

Ash's heart raced with excitement and gratitude. " Marshadow, I would be honored to have you on our team. But are you sure this is what you want? "

Marshadow nodded firmly. [Yes, Ash. I have made my decision. I want to fight by your side, to learn from you and to protect the bonds of friendship and trust that you hold so dear].

Ash reached into his bag and pulled out an empty Pokeball, holding it out towards Marshadow. " Marshadow, if you're ready, let's do this together ".

Marshadow looked at the Pokeball, then at Ash. With a determined nod, he reached out and touched the Pokeball with his shadowy hand. In a flash of light, Marshadow was absorbed into the Pokeball. The ball shook briefly before clicking, signifying a successful capture.

Ash held the Pokeball in his hand, a wide smile spreading across his face. " Welcome to the team, Marshadow ".

Pikachu who had been watching intently, let out an excited cry in celebration. {Yes, we caught a Marshadow}.

Serena clapped her hands together, her eyes sparkling with joy. " This is amazing, Ash. We're lucky to have Marshadow in our family ".

Ash looked at Serena with a smile, " Yes, and soon we would be welcoming more members in our family ".

With a smile Ash and Serena returned their Pokémon back in their Pokeballs except Pikachu of course and then headed towards Celadon City Pokémon Centre on Charizard's back as that was the nearest Pokémon Centre from there.


And that's it for the movie part.

Well, this is the longest part that I had ever written and now my fingers hurt a lot. So please don't expect this much long chapter any time soon.

Now talking about the chapter, well I know many of you might have not liked the starting but well it was necessary for setting up the future story, so sorry if you find it boring.

The prophecy of Rainbow Wing and the legend of Mount Tensei were totally my imagination, and I don't know if you guys liked it or not. Half of my friends were happy with it, but some find it boring. So do tell me about your views in comment section.

Talking about battles then it was my first-time writing Serena's battling style, and I think I did a good job in writing her battle. Still, you can tell me if I made any mistake.

One more thing, I didn't mention in the story which Pokémon Ash traded in this chapter with his Tauros, so I am just mentioning the names here: Mudkip, Male Nidoran, Alolan Sandshrew and Chespin. If I would have written this, then the chapter would have gotten very long.

Not to forget that it's too much to write all conversations of Ash related to trading that's why I am just going to mention the Pokémon he would trade at the end of each part.

Lastly thank you for reading

Your Busy Writer


Ash Pokémon :-

Pikachu, Bulbasaur, Charizard, Kingler, Muk, Tauros (23), Snorlax, Heracross, Meganium, Quilava, Totodile, Noctowl, Donphan, Swellow, Sceptile, Corphish, Torkoal, Glalie, Staraptor, Torterra, Infernape, Buizel, Gliscor, Gible, Unfezant, Oshawatt, Pignite, Snivy, Scraggy, Leavanny, Palpitoad, Boldore, Krookodile, Pidgeot, Riolu, Blastoise, Primeape, Gengar, Abra, Tyrogue, Eevee (4), Espeon, Froakie, Honedge, Sneasel, Sobble, Ralts, Marshadow, Mudkip, Nidoran(Male), Alolan Sandshrew, Chespin.

Serena Pokémon :-

Fennekin, Eevee, Pancham, Pikachu, Ralts.



Age: 16

Best Friend: Cross

Occupation: Pokémon Trainer












Age: 17

Best Friend: Damien

Occupation: Pokémon Trainer




Raichu (Alolan)




Raticate (Alolan)






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