Chapter 7

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"Madam, please, its alright. The children are fine. They are just trying out some sweets in the kitchen." said Brielle calmly. She wasn't good at lying and didn't want to risk the woman's wrath further. The pantry, where the children actually were wasn't really inside the kitchen but beside it. There was no way she was going to let the horrible woman get to the children. Not on my watch.

The woman suddenly lifted a fat, ringed hand and slapped Brielle across the face. She used so much force that Brielle was knocked to the ground. She  hit her head against a food trolley and rolled across the floor  a little before the friction could stop her. 

Was the woman insane? Hitting her in the middle of a restaurant?  Brielle struggled to get up, but her twisted ankle and the swelling pain on the back of her head was too much. The woman was about to kick Brielle on the stomach with her sharp, pointed heels when she was pulled back. 

"Madam, the police are on their way. I'm going to press charges." said a gruff familiar voice. Brielle was unable to focus, her vision was blurring. The pain on her head was overpowering everything. She saw a tall figure tightly holding the struggling woman's wrists behind her back. But she couldn't see who it was.

"You idiot! Do you know who I am?" the fat woman screeched. "I'm Amelia Kerging, engaged to the wine mogul Hefter Dorn. You can't do anything to me. I'll destroy you."

"Oh, so you're the mistake he was talking about last night." said the man icily. Brielle was on the verge of losing consciousness as she realized who her saviour was. 

"I'm Jack Dixon." he said condescendingly. "Your fiance is very much dependent on my services to run his company. Mess with me and I promise you that you'll regret it."

"This bitch stole my kids, if you think I'll take this lying down---" Amelia Kerging screamed, aiming to kick her shoes at Brielle, as her hands were restrained.

"Madam," said Jack firmly. "Your kids are safe. There they are." He pointed at the trolley, Brielle had hit her head against. Two little children were peeping from behind it, fear evident in their eyes. They must have come out from the pantry upon hearing the commotion.

"You stupid fools." Amelia cursed. "How dare you run away. Damn right you'll pay for this."

The little girl, Melly, burst into tears, and the young boy, Max, hugged her tight.  All the customers had stopped eating to stare at the fiasco. Things like this never happened at a place like this. 

"Raul, Sebastion," said Jack calling the two men he was dining with. They were standing right behind him. "Hold this troublesome woman please." They did as they were told, dragging her further away from Brielle.

Jack rushed up to Brielle and the kids. The other waitresses had arrived and everyone was tending to Brielle, who had fallen unconscious. The back of her head was bleeding.

A tired looking bespectacled man, wearing a pained expression and a ragged coat, pushed the doors open and ran from the entrance towards the children.

"Oh Melly and Max!" he exclaimed, tears falling down his face as they rushed to hug him. He lifted them against his chest and held them as they cried.

"Dad, she was so horrible," said Max. 

"I know, I know. Its alright." His father fixed his spectacles as he looked around. "Where's the lady who protected you?" he asked, completely ignoring his ex-wife.

"Thats her, Brielle." said Melly pointing at her. Jack had lifted her into his arms and was carrying her bridal style to the elevator.

"We should accompany them." said their father as Melly and Max nodded. They followed Jack and Brielle to the exit. Raul and Sebastion took Amelia to sit alone in the waiting room, promptly locking her in till the police arrived.

 The head of management, Fanny was in a state of shock. But she was also a professional. The scene was cleared in no time. She had Mimi and Penny the other waitresses take orders for the tables under Brielle's supervision and had boxes of chocolate and a complimentary glass of wine given to all customers as an apology for the chaos, and delay in service.

The restaurant was back to normal by the time the police arrived. The only thing to give away the incident was Brielle's blood on the carpet and the several eye- witness accounts. 

Jack was pacing back and forth in the hospital lobby, fuming. Max, Melly and their father sat on the benches looking at him.

"What were you thinking marrying that vicious woman?" asked Jack finally to the man.

"I wasn't." he answered truthfully. "I thought I was in love. She was after my money of course, But I was only a struggling businessman, I own only a small company. She met Hefter through me and fell for him immediately. She divorced me, and took our children. I couldn't afford the lawyers anymore, but now I'll sell my company if I have to. My kids are all I have."

"They're your own children?" asked Jack, knowing he was being insensitive. The children looked nothing like either parent. The woman had flaming red hair and the man black hair. The children however were blonde.

"We're adopted." said Melly as Max nodded.

"They are, but I love them so much." said the man hugging the children tight.

"We love you too Daddy." they said in unison. Jack smiled, a rarity in itself.

This was the second time that day he'd come to the hospital. His own father Dixon senior was in another hospital room, recovering from his heart attack this morning. Now the woman who's saved his life was admitted in the same hospital. 

Jack was usually very calm. He could make business deals and execute company takeovers without so much as a wrinkle. It was surprising how angry was now. Clenching and clenching is fist repeatedly to ease his desire to punch Amelia in the face.

"Sir," said the lady doctor as she took off her gloves and approached him. "The patient is stable. She's sleeping now. But the cut wasn't deep and it seems she's been overworking herself. She just needs to rest."

"Thank goodness." said the children'd father as Max and Melly jumped with joy.

"Thank you." said Jack relaxing instantly. His cool demeanor returned at once. After all true gentlemen never hit women, no matter how much they deserved it. True gentlemen took them to court.

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