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Anna walked in Magnus's apartment with a big smile on her face while humming a happy song. When she entered in the apartment she saw Magnus and Luke talking.

"Hey guys!" Anna said in a cheerful voice.

"Hey" Magnus said looking away from her.

"Something happened?" Anna asked confused.

"We need to talk." Luke said.

"Ok then. Let's talk. What is it?" Anna asked folding her arms.

"Luke's sister is alive." Magnus informed.

"I just got a fire message from her. It appears that Valentine is holding her captive." Luke said.

"What would Valentine want with Cleophas?" Anna asked confused.

"Anna....Cleo said that he still has the Soul Sword." Luke said.

"What? No. That's-That's impossible. Jace fought Valentine and got the sword. The Calev has the sword." Anna said with frowning.

"I thought the same thing, but the Clave lied." Luke said.

"I-I need to tell Alec about this." Anna said and wanted to leave but Magnus hold her wrist.

"Anna....Alec is Head of the Institute. He might already know." Magnus said.

"No. No. I- I just saw him. He would have told me. Jace would have told me. My grandma would have told me. They would have warned me somehow. They would have never kept something this important as my safety or yours from me." Anna said with teary eyes.

She pulled her wrist and went to the Institute. She walked through the halls and when she was in front of the office's door she breathed in and out to calm down. She entered in the room and Alec looked at her. He saw the look on her face and he got worried.

"Hey. Everything ok?" Alec asked.

"Honestly I thought it was, until I had a little talk with Magnus and Luke." Anna informed as she got closer to him, sending him a glare.

"What's going on?" Alec asked confused.

"You tell me Alec." Anna said and Alec looked at her confused. "When I first came here and I saw you and the way you acted you know what I saw? I saw courage and loyalty, but above all that I saw honesty. I saw a soldier, a man I could count on and that you will be honest with me. Where did that honesty go?" Anna asked him.

Alec then sighed and got up and looked at Anna. "I can explain." Alec said.

"You knew about the sword." Anna said with a stern look.

"I just found out." Alec defended.

"When? Did you know about this when we were eating? When I told you that you are an honorable man? When we kissed? When you told me that I made you feel all those feelings that I felt together with you in that moment?" Anna asked tears gathering in her eyes.

"I did." Alec confessed and Anna scoffed.

"Then why? Why would you keep this from me? I still try to understand why my grandma wouldn't tell me, but you? I thought we promised that we will trust each other Alec. I thought that we will tell the truth." Anna said.

"Look, I thought that if I would tell someone then it will be an uprising from the Downworld. I didn't wanted to tell you because I knew that you wouldn't want to keep a secret in front of Magnus. It wouldn't be fair for you." Alec said.

"Oh, so now you know what is fair or not for me? Alec, I can keep myself safe! Every time I keep my guard up in front of the danger and right in the day I want to get loose you keep a secret that can bring my fucking death! If you people want me dead, just say it to my fucking face, because I am tired of being lied to!" Anna said some tears rolling down.

"Bella-Bella. Let's not make it personal." Alec said.

"Personal? How can I not make it personal? In the game is not only the Downworld's lives but also mine! You know that all my life I've been lied to my face about what and who I am, but I thought that maybe from everyone I could trust you! I considered you my happy place! I considered you family, but you know what? I forgot how many liars are in my family, and you are just like them. You are not any different from the people I met, you made me promises, impossible promises and when I am not looking you break them." Anna said angry tears rolling down her face.

"Bella I-" Alec said and tried to touch her arm but Anna took some steps back.

"NO! Save it. You know what? Maybe Sebastian was right. Maybe you are not worth it giving up everything I worked for in London." Anna said glaring at him and she wiped away her tears.

Anna then looked him in the eyes and glared. "You are far from an honorable man. You are a fucking liar." Anna said and exited the office. 

"Bella-Bella please. That's not fair." Alec said while Anna was in the frame door.

"You are the one that made it unfair Alexander." Anna said and walked out.


"Anna, you need to calm down." Luke told Anna as she walked back and forth.

"Was he ever gonna tell me? Did he told anyone else?" Anna said angry.

"I don't know he didn't tell-" Magnus started but got cut off.

"I trusted him. I FUCKING TRUSTED HIM. And he took me for granted?! I trusted him more than anyone and he lied me to my face!" Anna said angry and then she threw a fire ball to a near table.

"Look, I know you are hurting. And I am sorry. But you need to settle down." Luke suggested.

"No. Now is not the time for settling down. I let my guard down and look what happened. I am lied, again. Again by a person I love." Anna said trying to shoot another fire ball but Magnus grabbed her arm.

"Yes it is Goldie. Alec is trying." Magnus said and Ana glared at him. "Trust me. He is on our side. He would never do something to hurt you." Magnus said and Anna looked at him.

"But he did." Anna said and pulled her arm from his grip.

"The Seelie Queen is right, we can't trust the Clave." Luke said and Anna looked at him confused. "They deceived us again." Luke continued and Anna frowned.

"The entire Downworld is at stake, Valentine is free and the sword is missing." Magnus said. "We need to tell her." Magnus suggested.

"I don't trust her. I never have." Anna said glaring at the mention of the Queen.

"She is the most powerful person in the Downworld. If we want to stop Valentine we need her help." Luke said.

"Magnus I can't." Anna said looking at him. Magnus looked at Luke and then at Anna and he sighed.

"I'll arrange a meeting to the court." Magnus said.

"I am not coming." Anna said and walked to her room.


After some time Magnus and Luke came in the apartment, Anna was petting her cat and was eating ice cream.

"So how did it go?" Anna asked.

"The Seelie Queen wants to talk with you. She said that she is willing to make a deal with you." Luke informed.

"Tempting, but I don't make deals with the devil." Anna answered smirking.

"Anna.....she knows about you and your origins. She want you by her side." Magnus said in a soft voice.

"Did she said how and why?" Anna asked.

"The nature is her friend. She said that she wants to see the Soon-to-be-goddess." Magnus said.

"Fine..." Anna said and changed. "Let's go and see the Bitchy little Queen." Anna said angry and walked in the portal.

The three soon were in the Court and Anna walked in front.

"My Lady, I present you Magnus Bane, Lucian Graymark and Anabella Herondale." A Seelie informed as the Queen entered.

The three bowed in front of them and the Seelie Queen smiled to Anna. She then looked to the two men and her expression was a hard one.

"So the Clave lied and Valentine has the sword. Is anyone surprised?" The Queen asked in a monotone voice.

"My Lady, we agree it's time to take charge of our destiny. So we take your offer to unite the Downworld to hunt Valentine." Magnus said.

"Good. But we do it our way." The Queen said stern and Anna looked at her confused. "No more playing by the Clave's rules." She explained.

"With all the respect Your Highness, we didn't come here to start a war with the Shadowhunters." Luke said.

"The Shadowhunters want us dead. I bet you goddess will agree." The Queen said and looked at Anna who has a stern face.

"And how can you be so sure about that?" Anna asked raising her eyebrow.

" Just a thought." The Queen said smiling. She then turned to the two men. "Do you think it was an accident that they loose Valentine?" The Queen asked.

"Actually it was." Anna said sternly. "If you would have been there you would have known. Guess you don't know really everything." Anna said rolling her eyes.

"I don't trust the Clave, but I trust Clary. She told me that she and Jace recovered the mortal mirror to protect the Downworld from Valentine." Luke informed.

"Your love for the Shadowhunters weakens you." The Queen stated. "That's why your pack lost so many wolves." 

"My pack lost them because of Valentine." Luke defended.

"After the lies your boyfriend told you. Are you still willing to protect them?" The Queen asked Anna. "And you warlock, after how many pain the Shadowhunters caused you and you people, your still helping them." The Queen said to Magnus that bowed his head.

"Boys, we came here to stop Valentine, not to break the accords." Anna warned them.

"Don't let your crush get in your way of safety. As you Shadowhunters say, Feelings could the judgement." The Queen said smirking.

"You know what, I really want to know what is your deal." Anna said angry.

"Anna..." Luke said a warning being clear in his voice.

"No look. I am done playing nice. You told me that this child wanted to talk with me, well I am here and all she is telling me is bullshit. So Your little Highness, you are wasting my time." Anna said and everybody looked at her shocked expecting for the Queen to get angry and do something to her but the Queen just smiled.

"Very well. I understand you and I think I can't keep it from you." The Queen said and walked away. Come along. Just her." the Queen said and walked away. Anna nodded to the men and walked after the Queen.

They sit on a table and the Queen smiled.

"Please take her weapons." The Queen said.

A Seelie got closer to Anna and when she wanted to take the daggers that were on her tights Anna glared.

"Touch me and I swear that the next second you won't have any hands." Anna threaten and the Seelie looked at the Queen.

"Very well, I understand your caution." The Queen said calm.

"Yeah, after I heard you tried to kill tried to kill my mother, and you almost choked my brother to death, well, I can't just stay nice and calm around you." Anna said with a fake smile.

"I must admit that trying to kill your mother wasn't my finest moment. But your mother was a threat to the Downworld and the Shadowhunters . I couldn't let my people die because of her." The Queen said.

"You know, it's true what they say, you know how to manipulate the truth. Yes, my mother was a threat for both Shadowhunters and Downworlders, because she had something from both worlds and she was more powerful than anyone. That make her a threat to you. So, because of your selfishness and your want to be the most powerful you wanted to kill my mother." Anna explained and the Queen looked at her with an emotionless face. Anna smirked.

"I can't say if it's true or not what you said." The Queen stated.

"So you are not denying my theory." Anna said smirking. "Also, about my brother. You were chocking him when he came with the Daylighter and Clary Fairchild. I want a reason." Anna demanded.

"It was just a game for entertainment." The Queen stated.

"Of course yours. But I want to ask you what would you have done if Clary would have refused to kiss my brother?" Anna asked.

"I knew she wouldn't. Their feelings were at the surface." The Queen explained.

"But she could have. Her boyfriend was there. Maybe she wouldn't have wanted to cheat on him, in front of him." Anna stated.

"She played her part in the game. Now they all know their feelings." The Queen said and Anna nodded.

"Now back to business. Why do you want me here?" Anna asked.

"Your friends told you already. I want you on my side to hunt Valentine." The Queen answered plain.

"Why?" Anna asked.

"I am the Seelie Queen, and I have an army and I am powerful. I know how powerful your mother was and I know how powerful you are. I need someone like you in my team." The Queen explained.

"How do you know about me?" Anna asked raising an eyebrow.

"The bees, the birds, the nature is talking to me. They are in my will." The Queen stated.

"Yeah, well you should probably tell them that gossiping isn't nice." Anna commented.

"It's noted." The Queen said.

"Why would accept your deal? What would I get from it?" Anna asked.

"The Downworlders will hunt Valentine together. They will be united. He will suffer and die, don't you want that?" The Queen asked.

"There is a catch, it always is a catch. My question is what it is?" Anna asked eyeing the Queen.

"No catch. Just want you by our side, and that we will play as we want." The Queen explained.

"That could mean that you are even willing to break the accords. That will mean grounds of war." Anna warned.

"All I want is for my people to be safe." The Queen said.

"I want the same thing for my people." Anna said sternly.

"Which ones? The Downworlds or Shadowhunters?" The Queen asked.

"Both." Anna said.

"You can't have both Anabella. You need to start little and then go big." The Queen explained.

"Well I want the safety of everyone, and that includes Downworlders and Shadowhunters. Last time I checked I am from both worlds." Anna said glaring at her.

"Yes you are. But you need to chose from them. One day you won't be able to protect everyone and you will have to chose your team. Think who needs more protection in these times. The Shadowhunters, or the Downworlders? " The Queen asked and Anna started to think at the words she said.

"I will need time to think about this. I can't take such a big decision without thinking about the consequences." 

"Very well. But think fast." The Queen said and waved her hand. A rose was soon in her hands. The Queen then handed the rose to Anna and smiled. "Once all the the petals on the rose turns black, your time is up. And remember, those who are not on my side, will be on the losing side." The Queen warned.

"Thank you. Now excuse me, but I will take my leave." Anna said and got up. She bowed and walked away.

She arrived out and Luke and Magnus were there waiting for her. When they saw her, they walked to her.

"What did she said?" Luke asked.

Anna looked at the rose in her hands and sighed. "I have a decision to make." 


Anna was in her room, well, her room in Magnus's apartment. She was looking at the half black rose. Noir was on her lap and looked at Anna.

"It's ok Noir. I am ok." Anna said smiling to the cat while rubbing it's ears. She sighed tiredly and looked at the rose.

When she got back from the Court, Magnus told her that he and the warlocks from New York are going to side with the Seelie Queen. He told her that he can't put at risk so many people and Anna understood him and she agreed. But about her, she didn't knew what to do.

Suddenly she heard someone banging on the door. She got confused and walked out of her bedroom and then she heard the voice of the man she clearly didn't wanted to see.

"Magnus! Magnus please open." Alec said.

Anna got annoyed and opened the door. Alec got a little surprised when he saw her and Anna just glared at him.

"What do you want?" Anna asked.

"I need yours and Magnus's help." Alec answered.

"Good luck with that. Why would we want to help a liar?" Anna asked clearly annoyed and she wanted to close the door but Alec stopped her.

"Bella please. It's Max." Alec said and Anna's eyes widened.

"What happened to Max?" Anna asked worried.

"Jonathan got to him. He attacked him and now he is in infirmary fighting to survive." Alec explained.

"Damn it!" Anna cursed. She looked at Alec straight in the eyes. "Go back at the Institute. I will get Magnus and we will get there soon." Anna said.

"Thank you." Alec said.

"I am not doing this for you. I am doing this for Izzy and Max, and for Jace. I have known for 9 years how it feels to loose a younger sibling. I don't want them to go through that pain." Anna said and shut the door close.


Izzy, Alec, Robert and Maryse were in front of the infirmary door, when a portal opened in front of them From it came Anna and Magnus, a deadly look on Anna's face.

When the blonde saw the Lightwoods her eyes softened. 

"Izzy!" Anna said and hugged her friend. "How is he?" Anna asked while keeping her at arm length.

"He is holding up. But I don't know how many time he still has left." Izzy said.

Anna nodded and then looked at Maryse and Robert. "I will do everything in my power to make him feel batter and wake up. And we are all gonna find Jonathan and kill Valentine once and for all." Anna said and they nodded. 

She then looked at Magnus and they walked in the infirmary. They entered and the Lightwoods looked through the window at them. Anna hold Magnus hand while the other one was raised towards Max. Soon blue and purple mist came out and circled Max's bed. After some time Magnus started to shake a little but Anna stood still, she soon noticed Magnus's state and decided to let him go. The mist disappeared and Anna frowned that Max didn't wake up.

She then let Magnus and got closer to Max, she raised her hands above his body and closed her eyes. She then opened them and they were silver. Soon mist came out of her hands while she looked in space in front of her. She stood like that while mist was around Max's body. Anna was lost in her spell, and just when someone shook her she woke up, feeling her legs numb, and she fell in Magnus's embrace. She was panting and she looked at the bed seeing Max still asleep.

"Magnus let me try again." Anna said.

"Anna, you can't. You are not strong enough." Magnus said.

"Magnus please! He needs me. I can't let him like this." Anna begged and she tried to get up when she felt dizzy.

"If you will try the spell again, you will die." Magnus warned and Anna nodded. She put her arm around Magnus shoulder and they walked outside. Magnus put her in a chair and went inside.

"Anna! Are you alright?" Izzy asked as she kneeled in front of her.

"Izzy, I am so sorry. I am not strong enough. I can't heal him." Anna said a tears gathering in her eyes.

"Anna you did everything you could. Besides, I wouldn't want you to die. Look what that spell did to you." Izzy said pointing to her.

Anna looked at herself and saw her shirt stained with blood.

"How? Where this blood came from?" Anna asked confused.

"Your nose." Izzy said and Anna put her hand under her nose and took it and saw the red liquid on her fingers. "Here. Let's try to clean you up." Izzy said giving Anna some napkins. Anna nodded and took Izzy's hand. They went to her room and Izzy gave Anna a bright blue shirt. When they came back they saw Magnus talking with the Lightwoods.

"His injuries are too severe." Magnus informed. "Max's only hope of recovering lies with Brother Enoch." Magnus said looking at the Silent Brother.

"Magnus there needs to be something else." Alec said desperate.

"Brother Enoch." Maryse said.

The brother wanted to get to Max but

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