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"You have progressed since you got your angelic rune and I think you are ready for your first mission. What do you think?" Alec said to his little brother, both of them in his office.

"I've been ready since the day I first got here." Max said smiling widely at his brother.

"Then better get over your training. You know our sister hates tardiness." Alec said to his brother that rolled his eyes.

Max was walking out when Jace and Clary entered. "Hey guys, um....do you know where Anna is?" Max asked.

"She is training Max, something you should do too." Alec said.

"Fine...." Max said and walked out as Jace smiled at his littlr brother and patted his back.

"Don't worry Max, everybody loves spending time with my sister, but right now, she is really not in the mood to talk or be nice to anyone." Jace said and Max looked at him confused.

"Is she ok?" Max asked.

"She will be. Just give her some time." Jace said smiling and Max nodded as he walked out.

"Any sign of Jonathan?" ALec asked as Max walked out, but stopped to hear the conversation.

"No, we tracked the box itself but it wasn't enough." Jace said and then they noticed Max standing by the door.

Max got the hint and walked away to his training. 

"So Valentine has somebody stealing baby booties?" Alec asked annoyed at the situation.

"Someone did. Someone that wants us to not be able to track Jonathan." Jace said as he put the box on the desk.

"And now we have no lead to either of them." Clary said.

"Actually we have less than nothing." Alec said and Clary and Jace looked at him confused. Alec sighed tiredly and looked at them. "There is something you should know." 

"Ok. Go on." Jace said.

"The Clave doesn't have the Soul Sword. They never did." ALec declared and the two looked at him shocked.

"So the Clave has been lying this entire time?" Clary asked.

"Wouldn't be the first time." Jace muttered.

"The Clave is trying to prevent an Uprising. If the Downworld will find out that we have the Soul Sword will be chaos." Alec warned.

"The Sword have been deactivated. It can't be used on Downworlders." Clary said confused.

"Not the way Valentine wanted to use it before, but it's still an Mortal Instrument." Alec said and Clary looked confused. Jace then turned to her.

"If it is combined with the cup and the mirror, he can raise the Angel Razil." Jace explained.

"I thought it was just a legend." Clary said.

"All legends are true." Alec said. "The Angel will grant him one wish. Anything he wants." Alec explained.

"The end of the Downworld as we know it." Clary said shocked.

"Exactly." Alec said.

"Does Anna know about this?" Jace asked folding his arms.

"No. And I don't want you or anyone else to tell her about this." Alec asked.

"Wait what? Why?" Clary asked confused.

"Because if she will find out, she will tell Magnus and Raphael. Then it will get to Luke and then everyone on the Downworld will find out." Alec explained.

"Alec, I am sure Anna can keep a secret." Jace said smirking.

"Not in front of Magnus. Especially not one that will involve her friends safety." Alec said.

"What about her safety? She id half warlock. Wouldn't the sword or the wish affect her as being the fact she is half Downworlder?" Clary asked worried.

"That's why I am trying to protect her. And the others too." Alec said.

"Alec, she is Anna. She is my sister. She is Anabella fuckling Herondale. She hates liars. How do you think she will feel when she will find out that her boyfriend and everybody around her lied to her about something as important as I don't know....the possibilities for her and her Downworld friends to die?" Jace asked angry.

"Bella won't find out if anyone won't tell her. And I think you don't want her to be stressed and angry or anything else as she is still learning how to keep her magic under control." Alec warned his brother.

Jace looked angry at Alec and then started. "If Anna will find out, my neck is not gonna be the one she is going to point a sword. So be sure of what you are doing and be ready to accept the consequences." Jace warned and him and Clary left the office.


Anna was in the training room exercising. She was hitting and punching in the air and when she made a turn to punch she got her fist caught by someone. When she looked up she saw Sebastian.

"Seb!" Anna said and hugged him. "Where have you been? I haven't saw you all day yesterday." Anna said confused.

"I was looking around the city. I will have to remember it when I will come visiting you from London." Sebastian said smiling.

Anna smiled at her best friend and then she sighed tiredly. 

"Are you ok?" Sebastian asked.

"I am fine." Anna said looking away, but when she looked at Sebastian she saw him with his eyebrows raised and a knowing look on his face. "Ok, maybe not." Anna said.

"What happened? Are you hurt or something?" Sebastian asked.

"Just my honor." Anna joked and Sebastian chuckled. "Yesterday we went after Jace and Clary, after they tried to find Valentine, and Clary was a little.....lost....she thought we were the enemy and attacked us....well more me. I let my guard down for a moment and she kicked me with her foot in my jaw." Anna explained as she sit down with Sebastian next to her.

"I bet it hurt." Sebastian said chuckling.

"It did. What hurt most was how pathetic I felt." Anna said looking at the floor.

"Why are saying that?" Sabastian asked confused.

"Because, I am Anabella fucking Herondale. The heiress of the Herondale family and maybe a future Inquisitor. I trained all my life to be the best Shadowhunter of the new generation, and then comes a girl, 3 years younger than me, not even trained for at least 3 months and she is able to kick me in the jaw, putting me to the ground! I wasn't like that, never. I am not like that. When she kicked me I felt weak, and you know how much I hate to show weakness." Anna said and Sebastian nodded taking in everything.

"Look, maybe it's just me, but you are kind of stressed lately for an unknown reason. Maybe you should let it loose." Sebastian suggested.

"So you saying that I should let my guard down and stop training? This way Clary can gain more strength and Valentine can recover from the all bruises I gave him? Sebastian, we are in war times, I have to keep my guard up high. I don't have the luxury to let it down now, not again. I can't." Anna said serious as she got up and walked to the punching bag.

"Alright, maybe you are right, but I still think you need rest." Sebastian said as Anna punched the bag.

"No thanks. I got my rest, and now Valentine's is out." Anna said punching.

"I understand that he is Valentine and all, but remind me, why do you hate him more than anyone else does?" Sebastian asked.

Anna stopped punching. "Because that man is the devil himself. You know that when you were a kid you had a specific monster that was trying to kill you in your nightmares? Well he was the monster in my nightmares. He killed my father, he experimented on my mother and my little brother. He then raised my brother, lying to him and leaving him when he was at least 10 or more. And he still dared to show up years later and say Jace is his son, and saying that I am not like my parents. With the last thing maybe he was right, because I am worst than them." Anna said and turned and punched the bag in anger.

"Alright then." Sebastian said and then he wanted to hit her in the back but Anna turned, she got his arm and flipped him to the ground. Sebastian was now panting on the ground, as Anna was over him holding an arm at his troath.

"See? You trained enough." Sebastian said smiling.

Anna smirking and rolled her eyes playfully. She got up and helped him up. "Maybe you are right. Maybe some rest won't hurt." Anna said smiling at her best friend.

"I am always right." Sebastian joked and Anna rolled her eyes at him and hugged him. She then pulled from the hug and looked at him. 

"You are the best Seb. I don't know what I would do without you in my life." Anna said smiling softly at him as one of her hands was resting on his chest.

Sebastian didn't answered, didn't smiled. He was surprised by Anna's words and just stared at her eyes. Full of light, happiness, innocence, but also with a fire that would invite anyone to try to discover her. And Sebastian wanted it. He wanted to discover everything those eyes were hiding. His gaze went to her lips for a second. He rose bow-shaped lips. And without a thought of the consequences he did what he felt.

He kissed Anna, and the blonde girl wasted no time pushing him away.

"What the actual hell Seb!?" Anna asked angry. Sebastian looked at her shocked. "We have talked about this and I thought we were fine, and besides, I have a boyfriend." Anna said glaring at him.

"Anna, I am so so sorry. I don't know why I did it. I just.....I don't even know." Sebastian said starting to panick.

Anna sighed tiredly and got closer to him. She put an hand on his shoulder. "Look, I am tired and I bet you are tired too. What happened before, didn't happened, ok? I am not gonna risk my relationship with Alec, but I am not gonna loose you after all the time you were by my side when I needed somebody. So, we will forget that what happened happened and we will mind our business as before. Ok?" Anna asked a serious look on her face.

Sebastian gulped when he saw the dangerous look on Anna's face and nodded. Anna stayed serious and took a step back from him. 

"Good. I will go to Magnus so see you around." Anna said smiling at him and walking out.


"So Goldie what do I own the honor for you to visit me?" Magnus asked.

"Magnus do you remember when I was little and we played dress up?" Anna asked smirking as she sit on the sofa.

"Yes?" Magnus answered confused.

"I want you to dress me as a witch." Anna said smirking.

"Why would you want to do that? What is wrong with your style?" Magnus asked confused.

"It's to much Shadowhunter, I want something to scream "I am a witch motherfuckers!". I got so tired of the troubles my Shadowhunter self has that I thought about being a witch for a day." Anna explained smirking.

"Oh girl! It finally came the day. I promised myself I won't cry."  Magnus said waving his hands in front of his eyes, pretending he is trying to stop himself from crying.

Anna laughed and looked at her friend. "So what do you say?" Anna asked.

"Girl, I wanted to dress you like a true witch the minute you were born! I am ready! I have already so many ideas." Magnus said and Anna smiled.

"Consider me your doll for today." Anna said and Magnus hold her hand and dragged her to his atelier.

While Magnus was thinking of how to dress Anna up she decided to chat with her boyfriend.

Ann: Hey

Alec: Hey love.

Anna: What are you doing?

Alec: Head work. What about you?

Anna: Going to turn into a witch.

Alec: What do you mean?

Anna: I asked Magnus to dress me up as a witch for a day. It's going to be fun.

Alec: Not too much sparkles right?

Anna: Have you met Magnus? 

Alec: Right. So I guess that when I will see you tonight you are going to be like a disco globe or something?

Anna giggled as she read the message.

Anna: How dare you? Magnus would be so hurt to hear that. He is an excellent stylist.

Anna wrote and when she looked up she saw Magnus holding a silver sparkling dress.

Anna: Ok, maybe you were right about the whole disco globe thing.

Alec: Told ya. See you tonight at dinner?

Anna: Sure. Can't wait.

Alec: Me neither. See you then.

Anna: See you.

Alec: Love you.

Anna: Love you too.

Anna put her phone away and looked at Magnus that was deciding between two dresses. One being a light pink and the other one being a dark red.

"Give me the pink one." Anna said and Magnus looked at her.

"You sure?" the warlock asked.

"Yes. Besides, Alec told me on our first date that pink suits me." Anna said grabbing the dress from his hands. 

"Ok then. You take this with the dress." Magnus said giving her a shinning pair of knee length boots. He then snapped his fingers and Anna was changed in the new clothes. "Alright, now sit." Magnus demanded and Anna sit down and the warlock started to do her make up and hair.

After two hours Anna was ready.

"By the Angel, Magnus. I look, I look" Anna was surprised as she looked at herself.

"Hotter. Right. I know." Magnus said smirking.

"Wow man, you really do miracles." Anna said smirking at him.

"Please, I just made you sine brighter than before. Not big deal. So how do you feel?" Magnues asked.

"Confident, powerful, excited." Anna said smiling wide while looking at herself in the mirror.

"Well, my job is done." Magnus said with a proud smile on his face.

Anna smiled and hugged him. "Thanks dad. You are the best." Anna said hugging him.

"No problem Goldie. Now, I think you should go and show your new look to your boyfriend." Magnus said smirking.

"You are right." Anna said and kissed his cheek. "See you later Magnus!" Anna said grabbing her phone and made a portal and going through it. 

She got in front of the Institute and walked in, eyes on her while she was walking. She then turned to everybody with a glare. "Quit starring. Everybody back to work. NOW!" Anna said and everybody went back to work. She walked to the hall and then she heard a voice calling her.

"Anna? Is that you?" Jace asked.

"Hey baby brother." Anna greeted as she turned to him.

"What happened to you?" Jace asked surprised at the way she looked. "You look like a warlock." 

"That was kind of the point of all this." Anna said smirking.

"Why?" Jace asked confused.

"My Shadowhunter self has to many problem to deal with. And I never was my full self as a warlock, so I decided that I will take a break from the Shadowhunter drama and be a Downworld for a day." Anna said smiling.

"You really know how to pick your time" Jace muttered.

"Excuse me?" Anna asked confused.

"I said you look absolutely beautiful. It suits you, in a strange new light." Jace said smirking covering what he said.

"Oh shut up. I look good, you like it or not." Anna said rolling her eyes playfully.

"You are right. You are my sister, and you look almost like me, and I look good in everything." Jace said smirking.

"You know I will leave to find my boyfriend before your ego gets bigger." Anna said taking a step back.

"You going to see Alec?" Jace asked.

"Yeah, why?" Anna asked confused at the tone Jace was using.

"Umm nothing. I was just asking." Jace said.

"Alright then...? Do you know where he is?" Anna asked.

"He was in his office all day." Jace said.

"Thank you baby brother. See you soon." Anna said hugging him and walking away smiling wide.

"See you." Jace said sighing tired.

Anna was walking to the office but then the tone Jace was using when he talked about Alec and she started to think about all the things that might happen. One of the thoughts were that maybe Alec was cheating on her. 

She got near the office but she heard nothing. "I swear, if he is cheating I am going to hunt that slut and I am going to cut down his dick." Anna said before she arrived at the door and leaned on the door frame.

"Hey." She greeted with a smile when she saw her boyfriend.

Alec then looked up and saw Anna and her new look. "Wow" Alec said as he looked at her.

"Speechless already?" Anna asked smirking.

"You just look.....wow..." Alec said breathless. Anna walked to him and saw that he was tensed from the work or from her maybe. She walked behind him and started to massage his shoulders, Alec sighing tired and leaned on the chair and closing her eyes. Anna smiled and leaning closer to his ear.

"You like that?" Anna whispered and Alec hummed in return. "Tiring day?" Anna asked again.

"Very." Alec said.

"Are you tired?" Anna asked.

"A little." Alec said calm.

Anna smirked and started to kiss his ear and then his jaw.

"Bella..." Alec whispered.

"Shh baby." Anna whispered as she continued to kiss his jaw down to his neck. 

Alec then turned the chair, grabbed her waist and put her on his lap, Anna gasping surprised at the move.

"Hey there." Alec said smirking at his girlfriend.

"Hey." Anna said blushing and leaned to kiss him.

Alec kissed her and Anna returned the kiss and after some time they pulled away. Anna put her head on his shoulder as he hugged her, keeping her on her lap.

"I missed you today." Alec whispered in her head as he kissed her forehead.

"I missed you too." Anna said and pecked his lips.

Alec smiled and hugged her and then he sighed tiredly. "Believe it or not, but I really don't want to go to the dinner anymore. I am staying to comfortable." Alec said and Anna giggled.

Then Alec's stomach started to grumble and Anna laughed.

"Don't worry. We can get food and still not move." Anna said smiling and waved her hands and food appeared in front of them.

"The advantage of having a warlock girlfriend." Anna said smirking.

She then took some food and gave Alec. He ate and Anna smiled.

"What?" Alec asked as he saw Anna staring and smiling at him.

"Nothing I am just so proud of you. You are head of the Institute, and you made a good deal with the Downworld leaders of New York. You have now cabinet meetings and all this kind of things so we all could be closer. Alec, what you did is incredible. Magnus told me about complete transparency and I think is a wonderful idea. You gained their respect Alec. I am so proud, and now everybody will trust you and the Shadowhunters." Anna said rubbing his cheek lovingly.

Alec smiled and took another spoon of food Anna gave him. "That's- That's good to hear." Alec said.

"Oh it is. And I must say Alec, I am impressed. You progressed in my eyes since I got here." Anna said smiling as she took a bite from the meat.

"Really?" Alec asked surprised.

"Really. And it's in a good way. So I must say, you are an honorable man, Alexander." Anna said smiling and Alec nodded, not even talking. 

Anna kept on eating and giving Alec food while he kept her close to his chest. When they finished and got to the dessert Anna was like a ball of happiness. Eating ice cream, while being with her boyfriend and having no care in the world was like a blessing.

Alec looked at his happy girlfriend and couldn't stop smiling. His gaze then falling on the blue jewel around her neck.

"You kept the necklace?" Alec asked.

"Of course I do. I am wearing it every day since you gave it to me. It's special." Anna said

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