December 14. 7:55am
In my last entry,I mentioned that I only add date when the day is special
No! Today's not special. I'm just putting it in my entry so y'all can know that my birthday is near. December 17 remember
And squeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!
That was me screaming, and that's because my delusions for last night was chilly, t'was cool, t'was so real, t'was..I don't know what to call it again!!
It felt so real that I don't wanna wake up again!!!
It was going so smooth until I heard Tatiana at my door “squeeeeeeing” also
One would think she also had her delusions overnight
But trust me that's not it!
I got down to open the door for her and she ran inside,ran to my bed,jumped on it till maybe when her legs ached
While I stood there and waited till she finished her “what should I call it” so I can continue writing in my diary
My legs were already aching even while standing
You could tell Tatiana did her “what should I call it” for long
“So sissy….”
Urghh finally,I sat down on my reading table waiting to hear her “stwory”
“So sissy…uhm…so sissy” she's trying to breath while talking
“Jesus, you've mentioned “so sissy like ten times”. Yeah I exaggerated.
“Breathe in and out five times then speak”
She did that, you can tell she really wants to say something
“So sissy…. while I was “sweeping”(she meant sleeping) wast nayth(last night) then I woke up and gwess what Tatiana saw” she stressed that “saw” and again you could see the “skeleton” of her eyes.
“What did you see?”
“No, you wave to gwess” she pouted and folded her arms like she was serious
“Ohh I have to guess,uhm…. what could you have probably seen,a fairy?”
She gave me that look that could send the ancestors to grave again the tenth time!
“No!!!!!!,I saw the Moon,the Moon,it was a bwig Moon,it was bwight,I saw it twough my window…..I…. I…..cwould not sweep back…..uhmm sissy…. what do you cwall it again….hmmmm….hmmmm…. moonstwuck….yes….I was moonstwuck…. and…. and….I love the Moon” Again she stressed the last word.
Finally she gets to say everything, now all I had to do was act surprised
“Really, really, you saw the Moon,wow, Tatiana saw the Moon, that's so so cute, I'm happy for you” I sighed.
“Uhm…yes weally…I wanted to tell you that…..bye” she turned to leave and suddenly looked back
“Sissy can we uhmm, it's satowday twoday,can we bwake some cupcwakes” she looked so pitiful that you won't hesitate to say yes to her.
“Alright,Alright, you can go now”
She's made me spend my entire time writing down her”stwory”
It's few days to my birthday and today's weekend, you could call that special (hehe)
Mama goes to the market today,we can bake then. I hope Tatiana doesn't ruin the kitchen like she did last night
And yeah we're on holiday break, that's why I haven't talked about school, we'll talk about that later
My brother will be home today (aarggh)
My imagination for last night was so chilly, okay I think I said that before
I'd love to tell you about my delusions
But not now, I'll tell y'all in the night entry
My delusions is a World on it own
I think I should give it a name so I'll know in the Queen of that world and trust me I'm not passing away while on that throne
In my delusions,I can never die.
Okay,I think I was being serious there,I don't want to be serious till the year ends that's because this year didn't give me what I wanted
I tried but I'll try harder next year
I'm retiring for the rest of this year
I need to get my butt off and go do “Saturday chores” I don't know who made it the rule to always over clean the house on Saturday.
I'm lazy,yes you can say that.
I'll be leaving my Diary in my wardrobe, because I don't trust my brother and Tatiana.
Y'all should help me kill any cockroach if you see one while you're in the wardrobe
I'm not dirty,I just happened to be punished by what I hate. I don't know if it's a blessing or curse
Cause I fucking hate cockroaches,I can't kill them,thank God my brother is coming back today.
So y'all can be useful and help me kill them.
It's 8:31am already
I have to go now
Ammy loves you……a bit!(Hehe)
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