If you ask me why I'm not putting date in my Diary, it's because I don't want to have memory of that day or it's not special to me
I must say I haven't had the happy life I wanted
I only live my happy life in my delusions
“Delulu is the solulu” that's what girlies would say.
I'm Ammy,I'm a girl of sixteen year old, I'll be seventeen by December 17th(squeeeee!!)
Today's is December 13th. Am I supposed to be happy cause it's my birthday soon?. I don't know actually,I don't want to be happy now then on my birthday they'll ruin it for me
And when I mean “they” I believe you get what I mean.
Back to the introduction
I'm an obsessed lover of the sea(Thalassophile) as well as I'm obsessed with the moon(Selenophile)
Also a girl that loves the dark(Nyctophile)
Lastly,I'm an introvert.
I think we all know the attributes of an Introvert
That's all I can say about me
After helping mama in the kitchen last night and setting the table. I and Tatiana started to imaginate even when we're eating.
Trust me mama doesn't understand (hehe)
Tatiana started the conversation
“ Uhm sissy will the moon be out townayht”
“Of course the moon is always out except days that Bratty Tatty refuse to eat and take her medicine”
“ But I'm weating naw and I'll take my meds after weating, will the moon be owt then?” she pouted (she's so cute)
“Of course you'll see the moon tonight”
She slammed her hand on the table,stood on the chair making her tall
“Is it gowing to be a full moon” she shined her eyes, you could see the “skeleton” of her eyes
“Hey, you scared me,I thought you were choking” mama said
I laughed
“Chill Tat, it's going be a full moon on the next Tuesday”
“Weally,weally?” She stressed the second”weally”
“Yes Tatty”
“So are we gowing to tell stwories about the full moon? Are we going to swing song to the moon? Are we gowing to take pwictures of the moon?”
“Like I said before,chill,chill,chill!!!”
“We’ll do that on that day,I promise”
She finally sat down and finish her meal
I really brought this upon Tatiana
I could say she's as obsessed as me
And for Tatiana when it comes to her parents fighting,my mom and her dad
She always laugh,I don't know if she's laughing on purpose or she's doesn't understand
But she always come to me
“Mama and dad is fwighting” she'll laugh
I love Tatiana and I hope she grows up to be a strong woman
It's 11:58pm right now and I'm supposed to sleep but here I am writing(I love it)
Delusion for tonight…….
Just me and my shadow lost on the Beach,yes I'm lost but I love it,I feel like it's my home,I'm happy,the salt filled breathe of the ocean soothes me. It makes me comfortable. I love the ocean…………
You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net