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Conflicts, Issues, Harmony.

Who thought that after so many perfect coffee dates will lead to a disastrous official date? At least not the main characters of this story.

After being asked for an official date, Arav was determined to plan the venue and all the activities they'll do. Of course there won't be any movies that will take lots of time because he doesn't want to waste any but there will be dinner. In Arav's mind it would be simple and perfect for someone like her who never saw anything like he planned.

Arav was standing in front of a mansion that was surrounded by a vast green land. He just completed his security check at the gate and was in front of an automatic glass door which will lead him inside. He gulped on the thought of his own house. He took a deep breath and was about to enter when Shanaya came outside running and engulfed him in tight embrace. This was his and their first physical contact. He was hesitant but eventually submitted into it. She stood on her tip toes and gently pressed her lips on his cheeks, making his pale skin blush.

"Come in," she welcomed him cheerfully. He entered the house and was awestruck by its beauty, its structure was modern but has ethnic furniture and interior décor. The structure and décor were complementing each other. "Just a minute I am coming." She told her vanishing upwards through the grand stair case at the middle of the grand hall. A maid dressed in proper uniform came and placed water, coffee and homemade exotic chocolate cookies which will bring water in ones mouth. He already helped himself with three mouth watering cookies by the time she came in aquamarine keen length frock. Her hairs were dyed black unlike other days when she goes with wild red and were open hanging till her waist. Looks like she got a recent hair cut. They were pin straight and the steps in them were well defined. Arav suddenly forgot everything about the cookies and his mind and heart was all about her.

Arav on the other hand was wearing open button blue checks shirt with a plain black T-shirt inside and it was pair with blue rigged jeans and black sneakers. He took a deep breath, extended his hand towards her and called out with a smile, "Let's go." She held his hand and they both moved out.

"What the hell is this?" Shanaya's eyes were as wide ready to come out of its socket when she found Arav's bike standing out at the main gate. She can't believe her eyes that this is for real. "I can't sit on this." She moved to her side facing Arav and crossing her arms in front of her chest firmly.

"But I don't have any other choice. This is my means of transport." He tried to reason out with her.

"I do not care. I am not going on this. What if I fall?" she yelled at him and she gasped in some realization and said again, "What if I died in an accident? I am not ready to die and I am certainly not travelling on this." Folding her arms in front of her and looked away in determination, pouting.

Arav chuckled on her behavior and said, "That's why I brought an extra helmet my drama queen." All he did was tap her nose and she gave in and they both rode towards their first date destination.

"Arav what's this?" Shanaya asked scrunching her nose towards the panipuri vendor her eyes widen at the sight. They were at small food shop which has wide variety of street foods. Arav thought that she must have never gone to this kind of shop so he decided to start his date from here. After all street food is all girls' first and common love. The only problem was Shanaya is not any girl.

"But dear this is very novel, I mean I can bet you'd have never been somewhere like this." He again tried to reason out very calmly.

"Do you have any idea how much calories they contain? They equal to my one week workout." She hissed through gritted teeth, "and who knows whether they are safe to eat or not?" she added in same tone.

"Don't worry about that. They have certificate from food administration and they are the not that much fatty as you think, you are just exaggerating." he said calmly but was little irritated. It is been whole day she is complaining about each and everything. He tried to reason out with same thing that she must not have experienced them so it's only good to do them once in a while.

"Exaggerating?" she whisper yelled at him so no one pay attention to them. "So you mean to say that I dip my freshly manicured hands into this, your panipuri and your bhelpuri just to experience some weight gaining activities? You...you call all this fun?" while yelling at him in hushed tone she pointed to every item put in front of them with raised eyebrows and disgusting expressions.

"YAY, NOW WE'LL ALL HAVE COMPETETION. One to eat most of the spiciest panipuri will be the winner and one who eats the least will be paying for all of us." There was a group of teenage girls, at the other end of the shop, squealing over the competition they were going to hold among themselves. Shanaya's eyes widen at their behavior.

"Look at their excitement. Girls are mad over it and here you are. Please, ok only one for me and you can eat other things with spoon also I can ask for extra glove for you. Should I?" he asked and gave her a cute smile. What she could do? She gave in. An extra glove was brought for her and she ate the first one. Unfortunately for her it was the spiciest.

"Fuc... I'll kill you Arav. Ahh...water I need water please." She cried in pain and gasped for air while putting her palm lightly on her mouth. Her eyes filled with tears and were red shot.

"We got our payer girls." That bunch of girls teased her. She gave them all deadly glare and they all looked away, one of them whistles slowly. Shanaya drank the water along with honey and barged out of the shop into the street towards his bike. 'She is angry, very angry. You are dead Arav Bajpai', he thought to himself and ran after her.

After many too many apologies they headed towards the couples' park at the end of the city. It was a beautiful park with lots of trees that were claimed by many couples like them. She questioningly raised her eyebrow to him with dropped jaw.

"Like seriously? Seriously Arav you have chosen this place as last destination for our first date? Can't you be a little more decent?" Her temper was on cloud seven.

Arav ran his fingers on his hairs in frustration but still manage to keep calm and said, "Baby this is decent or else I wouldn't have brought you here. And we still have to look inside, there is spot I had secure only for us."

"You secure a spot at 'decent place' like this." She quoted the word and barged towards the parking lot again. "This is the worst date ever." She was mumbling while walking towards his bike.

"Look Shanaya just last time..." he was cut off by her.

"No you look Arav. First you brought this bike and ruined my aroma hair spa that I had yesterday and I hadn't brought me scarf and my makeup is ruined. Then that spicy shop of yours that ruined my taste and now this cheap place. I really had enough. And you know what, I am calling a taxi don't bother to drop me home." And with that she left him in the middle of the parking with many expressions on his face and heart, mostly hurt and embarrassment.

He was sitting on the chair inside the same park, which he booked for them and now he was only one left to enjoy their date. It was a beautiful spot near lake with many swan couples floating there and he planned a dinner there for them. Now he was sulking, head dropped down and fingers inside his hairs. 'Where did I go wrong?' he asked to himself.

"What are you doing here?" he lifted up his head and found none other than Neha.

"What are YOU doing here?" he asked instead.

"Hey, I asked the question first." She took the other chair there and sat down. "Still I'll answer. I came here to meet a boy but he ditched me." she shrugged, she opened the water bottle which was kept there and drank water.

He chuckled, "Looks like we both are on the same boat. Hey wait you have a boy in your life?" He asked in astonishment.

"Nah, we just met through social media and we decided to meet here for the first time but he never came." She leaned back in the chair, finished the water bottle and tossed it in nearby dustbin.

"Oh. Well I wasn't ditched but she left saying that this is the worst date ever. It was first for me and she didn't even see this place. I've paid heavily for this, not that I am complaining but still." Finishing the sentence with a sigh he leaned back on his chair. "Ugh." He let out a frustrated groan.

"I have an idea. Why don't we enjoy this thing here? I mean we both ditched and we are friends. Let's enjoy the scenery here and the dinner then we can both go together." She suggested with a smile. "I do have ulterior motive too though. I need a ride to the apartment." She winked at him mischievously. He smiled at her genuinely through his sulking expressions and nodded in agreement. Though there was truly an ulterior motive of Neha as she was actually stalking them through whole date so that she can ruin it but due to some girl's high standards she didn't have to do anything and currently she is the happiest woman of the world. She purposely takes lots of snap together. Although Arav was little sad that he ruined his date he was happy that he can atleast enjoy his dinner with his best friend. Later they both rode toward their house.

Shanaya was once again roaming around her room. She was feeling everything at that time. Frustration, exasperation, hurt, sadness, irritation and what not. "Ugh, why do I have to run away like an ass? I could have waited for the last one." She grunted and once again made her room a complete mess. She ran her fingers through her hairs zillionth time without caring about aroma hair spa she has taken. "What would he be thinking of me now? I made a mess now. Oh dear, I seriously wanted this to last longer than others." She kicked the bed side lamp and it fell on the floor crashing the bulb. It was the only light source at the room for now. As soon as the light goes off her mobile buzzed and light flashed through it. She groaned but picked it up. It was a message from unknown number. She was curious, this was her private number who could have messaged her. Her eyes widen when she saw it. It was Neha, she messaged her photos she clicked at the park with a caption, 

'This is what happen when you leave your cute bf alone at dinner date'.

Her jaw dropped to the floor. She can't believe in her eyes that the last destination was so beautiful, why didn't she stopped, 'Sh*t, I missed it.' She face palm herself and sat on her bed with a loud thud. Yes, she wasn't disappointed that Neha was there with Arav. What was more bothering her that she missed a beautiful place. She should have seen it. A message again popped up into the screen, it was from Arav it read, 'Sorry for today. Good night'. "Oh baby I am so sorry for doing this to you." She said to his name written on the screen and kissed it.

Again a message popped and it was from Neha. 'You must be thinking what I was doing there right? But honestly you are at fault. Thanks for letting him go for me. BIBMO.' 

"You little bitch." She grunted. Then she texted her, 'You forgot I am the headmistress here so I know all your tactics dear. But you're right here, it's my fault and I am ready to correct it. You just wait and watch. ' she pressed the send button and in her shorts and loose t-shirt on, picked up her car keys and drive towards Arav's house. The bitch was back with some actions.

Arav was trying to sleep from the time he entered the house. Neha do help her to forget about Shanaya for sometime but now all the day's memory was crawling back into his mind. He felt like some cheap douche bag for ruining his date. It was his first date and he spoiled it, he should have prepared something of her standard. Just when his mind feel little relaxed from cursing himself all evening and was just fall asleep, his doorbell rang. He didn't respond at first but then it became frequent. 'Ugh,' he grunted and flipped out off his bed. As soon as he opened the door, Shanaya came crashing into his chest and gave him a tight hug. He suddenly fully awake, was stunned for a moment but then flow with it and reverse the action.

"I am so sorry. I can't forgive myself for running from there. I can't even sleep so here I am to apologies. I know I can't getaway with all these sorrys so I'll do anything you say. Go anywhere you want." She said it all at once and then break the hug, "Stay anywhere you do." She added with lower eyes and this made both of them blush.

"It's ok. I mean I am sorry too for not matching your standards." He mumbled running his fingers through his hairs. Yes, she found it kind of cute so she jumped at him and stick her lips to his. They were softer than any other, full and luscious. Perks of kissing a nerd. She pushed him inside and kicked the door to close. His eyes widen at the sudden contact, he didn't imagine that it would happen so fast. He was just standing there stiff not reciprocating but when he heard the door shut he pushed her to the door along with him and with one click closed it. Neither of their lips left the contact. He started to sync with her as he lift her up and walk towards the sofa. He sat there and made her sat on his lap. They broke the kiss for air.

"You just stole my first kiss." He said to her very slowly leaning to her ear. She smiled and kissed his cheeks.

"There are lots more to come and lot more to steal." She said in husky voice and again kissed on his lips, this time deepening their kiss. After some time they broke, she kept her forehead on his and said, "I am sorry for running." She then backed a little and looked at him, narrowing her eyes, "By the way the place for dinner date was beautiful. I saw you were enjoying it even without me."

"Huh? Enjoying without you? What you are saying and how'd you know about the place? You were there? Then why you didn't come? I was waiting for you there if you change your mind and come back." He was baffled.

"You look so happy here in these pictures," she held out her phone from her back pocket of shorts and showed him the photos Neha send her. His jaw dropped she told him that these were just for memories.

"How did you get them? I didn't send them." He asked.

"No, you didn't. Neha did." She shrugged and kept sliding the pics, "I must say you have a very photogenic face." She kissed him once more knowing exactly what he must be thinking.

"When you both exchanged numbers?" he asked again still trying to grasp the information.

"We didn't. I thought she asked you for my number. Why, she didn't?" she asked trying to act little shocked.

He shook his head and said, "No, she never asked me. I'll talk to her." He said to no one in particular looking somewhere in distance. His eyes moved to her and found she was looking at her intensely, he smiled.

"Yeah, you should. I don't have a good feeling about it. But you know look good when you try to be angry," and with that she kissed him hungrily which he reverted with same intensity. You did not think that she won't fire back at Neha. Even though she ran away she will not allow anyone else to take what is hers. "You look tired let's sleep." She said getting up from his lap and walking towards his bedroom.

"Are you sleeping with me?" his asked incredulously.

"Yes. Don't worry I won't do it. I know you need time baby." She said shrugging and enters the bedroom. It was bigger than the one she slept in before. It immediately felt warmer and comfortable to her.

He rolled his eyes at her and followed her. They both lie down, Shanaya rest her head on his chest. It was softer in comparison to others but warmer and she felt cozy there. She felt that he was lying stiff on the bed. She lifted up her head and gave a soft but lingering kiss on his cheeks. "You know its fine. You can get comfortable." She shifted upwards and brought her lips near his ears and said in a very husky tone, "I won't bite unless you want." She kissed his ears. He immediately turned to her and wraps his arms around her. She laughed a little and rested her head on his chest once again and they went into a peaceful sleep.

Next morning she woke feeling something wrap around her waist. She opens her eyes and looked at him loosing herself into the sight in front of her. He was looking so handsome in his deep slumber. He shifted and tightened his grip around her. He snapped open his eyes in surprise and sat on his bed. All the night's memory came back and felt relieved that he didn't kidnapped her, not like he'll ever do.

"Moring sweetheart. How was your night?"She asked in sleepy tone.

"The best," he leaned towards her and kissed her. They were enjoying their moment when doorbell disturbed him. She groaned in the kiss and curse whoever was at the door. He chuckled and went to open the door. It was Neha. She was holding a breakfast tray and carrying a big smile on her face. He was surprised seeing at her doors this early.

"Hi, good morning," she greeted him cheerfully, "I thought you could use some healthy breakfast." She held the tray higher to show him. At the same time Shanaya came out of the room shoving her bed hairs backwards and making a loose bun of it. She saw her but didn't say anything instead she gave her an evil smirk and wrapped her arms around his waist from the side and rested her head on his arms.

It is safe to say that after this Neha's chapter is close for ever.


All is well and they are going to one of their dates. It's the first time after their first one which was planned by Arav and it was also their one year anniversary. Not the one when their real relation started but when they first met. At the wedding.

Arav was impatiently waiting in his new apartment which he brought recently bigger than previous one, in his black formal suit which he actually rented for today. Shanaya was taking too long for getting ready. She came here today to spent whole day with him and now it was already one hour since she started getting ready.

"You are taking too long. It's seven already. We'll miss our reservation." He shouted from the hall sounding impatient. "Coming, god can't a lady get enough time to look good for her boyfriend." She chuckled. He was roaming in the hall for last twenty minutes. Something was bothering him.

"You are not getting it. I spent lot of my time and money for today. I don't want to waste it just because you are not getting enough time for your makeup." Something is definitely bothering him. He never sounded so angry. She frowned and raised her eyebrow questioningly, she applied last touch of make-up and stepped out of the room.

Arav's eyes widen and jaw dropped on the sight in front of him. There she was standing in golden saree. It was exclusively designed by her mother for her. It was sexy, with a back less top and figure hugging drape was giving her an angelic look. He walked forward and wrapped his arms around her waist, giving her a lingering kiss on lips. Shortly she broke the kiss and asked, "What's the problem?"

"Problem? What problem?" he whispers in her lips still don't want to break the contact.

"You're smudging my lipstick Arav." She said sternly. She knew he will not like it and give what she want. Answers.

"Fine." He said, releasing her from her grip and moving back. "I don't like you to kiss another person." He added nonchalantly.

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