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"Huh?" she furrowed her eyebrows.

"That movie of yours." He replied. She laughed at this. A healthy and beautiful laugh. She wrapped her arms at his neck and said, "Awww, are you jealous? Good you should be. That's the sign of love darling." She nuzzled her nose with his. She got a break in a Hollywood movie. It was her first one and was very excited, though Arav didn't oppose but he was not comfortable because it was a romantic movie.

"That's not it. You'll be away from me, god knows, for how long." He sighed.

"In that case, you might not want to waste a single moment." With that she kissed him. They forgot the time in their romance and actually missed their reservation. It was reminded them by their growling empty stomachs.


After ten more years, when Shanaya became a popular actress and Arav became a successful scientist, they decided to get marry. Shanaya left the acting field and joined her mother in designing world. Arav is now a renowned scientist and invented many programs on which space satellites are working on both levels, national and international.

Arav have prepared everything at the same park where they first was going. He was waiting for his bride impatiently. Who could have said in high school that after some year they'll be married. The bride came in bridal dress which she designed. In blood red lehnga with matching jewelry and makeup she was looking Aphrodite herself. Shanaya was happy. She really wanted her relationship with this cute nerd to last long and it was going to be longer than she thought. She looked up at her groom. He was wearing a light red color shervani, looking devilishly handsome, 'Nah he is looking cute as always. No devil resides here.' She thought to herself and her smile brightens even more.

And they live happily ever after, with some bitchiness and some cuteness. Their relation is like sweet and sour together but not bitter.


Here is the last part of this story.

Hope you enjoyed with amazing Cafe latte....:)

But there are many more to come....

Till then enjoy...:)

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