Loud House Shorts Part 6

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"So...what's next Loud?"  Lydia said.

"What's next?  I retire as a Dragonborn."  Lincoln said.  "After 5 years of this, and beating a World Eater half to death...or undeath as I have seen, I feel it is time to move on from all that.  After all, I maxed out all my skills, learned all that I can from the masters magic, and I learned all the Shouts...plus I did all the side and main quests.  And got married.  All in all I think I'm ready."

"Okay, my Thane...so, who's up for one more Bounty Quest before we ride into the sunset?"  Lydia was disheartened at first...but she knew it was a matter of time.

"Yeah, I'd like that."  Lincoln said.

And so they restart their lives anew, away from the pressures of modern life, and destiny.

He wakes up in and unfamiliar room with beeping monitors, and a worried family, well most of 'em.

"What happened?" Lincoln asked.

"We waited 6 months, no, nearly a whole year for you to wake up, brah."  Luna said, tears threatening to spill out.


"Other than 6 months of physical therapy and down time...our parentals down to Lily here-'Linky, you up?' are doing better.

"A few doctors I know took scans of your brain activities and noticed something miraculous, and we also took a sneak at your dreamscape, as it were." Lisa explained.  "But this question is more important: Who is Lydia?"

"L-lydia?  Wh-where is she!?  I need to know!I'm glad to be alive but...I would have been 'lost in my head' without her for 5 years." He said, trying to sit up.

"Lost in you head?  Why didn't you bring a map?" Leni said.

"GUYS!  Being in a deep coma has worn me out, like a lot! C-could you gimme some time alone, I have a lot to think about."  Lincoln said.

As they filtered out with well wishes, Lincoln had only one thing in his head:

'Was it all a dream?'

(Alright, This was based on my first playthrough of Skyrim long ago, and a what if scenario)

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