Chatpter 1

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Vera loved the garden, the wind running through her hair, and the breeze on her face. Freedom. That's why she was running through the garden in Kingslanding, her hand tightly holding her uncle's hand, guiding him to the flower she had planted a few weeks ago.

"Hurry Aegon!" Vera voice spoke with a sort childish happiness  that reminded Aegon of the good in the world.

"Vera, it's a stupid plant. It's not any different from the hundreds we have just walked by," an annoyed Aegon huffed as he pushed his long pale hair out of his face.

"But Aeg! It's not just any plant. It's my first plant, and I've had to look after it for weeks! To allow it to grow" The young girl started tugging the boy along, the giant smile once adorning her face started to slip away as she dropped the boy's hand, realizing how stupid she sounded over a plant. Which he seemed to notice straight away.

Aegon released a sigh and started to pick up pace. "Come on, Vera, we don't have all day," he told her with a soft smile that only increased when she let out a laugh.

Aegon watched as her hair flew behind her as she dragged him to the plant she wished to show him. Sure, he didn't understand the excitement of a simple plant, but it meant something for Vera, so it meant something to him.

Aegon was never good at allowing people to care for him whether it be that he be annoying or he drinks to much. There always seemed to be a reason for people to hate him. But Vera never did.

To Aegon, Vera was a breath of fresh air in the consistent suffocation that was his life. When the walls of Kingslanding started to crush him, Aegon new that Vera would always be there to let him out. He was brought out of his thoughts when he, suddenly slammed into the back of said girl.

"Look Aegon! Isn't beautiful!" Vera exclaimed happily as she crouched down closer to the flower. It was beautiful ( to Vera ) its petals were a light orange, with yellow pollen inside. The young girl let out a gasp, she tugged on the boys tunic till he crouched (ungracefully) next to the girl.

"Look, look there's more growing" The young girl practically squealed, and much to Aegon's surprised there were indeed little green sprouts poking out of the dirt.

"They are beautiful Vera" Aegon said softly to the girl, who smile grew five times bigger. Which made Aegon smile a bit.

You see Aegon didn't care about many people, because not many people cared about him. But every time Vera smiled it made Aegon happy, because if he could mange to get one smile out of the young girl it meant he was slowly paying back the millions of smiles the girl had managed to get out of him and Aegon felt like he needed to pay her back for the years of love she had given him.

"Are you going to pick it?" He asked, as he sat on the soft ground beneath him, his legs slowly stretched out slightly pushing the dirt. Vera seemed to be in thought about the question before, she gently tugged the small flower at it's stem. it made a small snaping sound before she turned to the boy.

"You can have the flower" She told the boy handing it to him, Aegon face changed into a look of confusion, wondering why the girl was passing her flower to him. As if hearing his internal thoughts she spoke again this time a shy smile creeping on her face "I think that this flower is as beautiful as you, so you can keep it"

It was safe to say that at that sentence surprised Aegon,  sure he had been complement before, but they were all from maids and family members. He knew most of them never meant the words they spoke, but for some reason Aegon had a hard time believing that Vera would lie.

"I'm not nearly as beautiful as you but I thank you." The boy replied, grasping the flower gently tucking it in his long hair, seemingly ignoring the gently blush taking over the girls face at the complement.

The two children's moment was interrupted by a certain queens guard who came running into the garden looking for a certain boy. "Prince Aegon, you have your training" He told the boy sternly completely ignoring the princess who was seated next to the boy.

"Good morning Ser Cristion" the girl greeted with a wave, all she got in return was a small nod before nodded he forced the boy next to her up.

"Goodbye Vera, see you later" The prince bid farewell to girl while being dragged to training. Vera waved by before going back to inspect the flowers growing around were her flower once grew.

AN// Thank you for reading the first chapter what do we think?

Sorry if their are any spelling or grammar mistakes English is not my first langue  

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