We continue walking through the forest, discussing the future and what we plan to do after school. I tell Asher about my creative writing lectures but have no clue what job I want it to lead me into and he tells me how his accountancy lectures are going but like me, has no idea what jobs to do after either.
We've taken the long route around the forest, taking our time and enjoying the fresh air and beautiful scenery.
"Look!" I exclaim. We've been walking for around fifteen minutes and I point to the most incredible Japanese maple I have ever seen. The leaves are fire orange, hanging on branches that reach five times my height, completely contrasting against the dull brown leaves of the other trees surrounding it.
"Looks just like you," Asher teases.
"Oh, haha, very funny," but it does and I secretly congratulate myself on having hair as beautiful as this, standing out amongst others. I pick up a leaf that's fallen to the floor and hold it up, examining it more closely.
"You going to keep it?"
"It will be a good reminder of this walk," I say and put it into my jacket pocket and rejoin Asher on the path.
"You like Autumn then?" Asher asks with a smile,
"Yeah, my favourite season by far, everything is so cosy, and I love the colours," I look at him and laugh, embarrassed that he's seen this side of me, "but by the expression on your face, I think you've guessed that already... I can be pretty obvious sometimes."
"No, you tend to show your true feelings about things; you're not worried about hiding anything... I like it."
"Wow deep... you seem to know more about me than I do..."
"That's true about everyone I meet. I tend to look at the things about people that other people don't." He says as he put his hands into the pockets of his coat.
"Oh?" I'm finally starting to see what Saffi's talking about now, but he says he notices it about everyone... why does she think that I'm any different to him then?
"Yeah like everyone thinks that Nick is funny obviously but I've noticed that he's funny because he's terrified people won't like him if he doesn't make someone laugh. And Saffi, yeah she's a kind person but she genuinely is the kindest friend, she really does care deeply about what other people are feeling and if someone's upset it makes her upset until she finds out a way to make them feel better."
"Wow" is all I can say,
"Yeah and you..." he turns his head to look at me and I look at him "you're different to most. You're fascinated by the little things, by the things that most people take for granted," he points to the leaf in my hand and my grip tightens around it, "everything is beautiful to you and you're confused on why people don't see it the way you do. It's cute really." I couldn't think of what to say... he thinks I'm cute? Well that's not the thing to be caught up on right now... how did he just analyse my whole personality in one sentence? "But" he carries on, "there are some things that you want to keep to yourself but feel bad doing so. You feel as though you need to be an open book." How did he know? I want to tell everyone about my dad and the fact that mum and I are struggling so bad with it but I don't know why, I just feel like everyone should.
"How did you know that?"
"I told you. I can read people. I can tell when something's bothering them and I can tell something is bothering you. But hey, you're allowed your personal problems and thoughts Miyah. Don't feel as though you have to tell people things if you don't feel comfortable. If you do end up telling someone, make sure you think about it first, promise?"
"Yeah... I promise." I felt weird but also like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. It felt good for someone to finally tell me that I am allowed to have feelings just to myself.
Asher put his arm around me and gave me a squeeze. "Sorry that could have been a bit forward of me but for some reason I felt like I had to tell you."
"No worries. I think I needed to hear it."
We return to the school about an hour later, feeling quite chilly but happy.
"Thanks, Miyah, I really enjoyed that,"
"No worries, I did, too," although I still feel terrible for bringing up the conversation about his family at the beginning of the walk.
Asher gives me a little wave and walks up the stairs leading to the boy's rooms; meanwhile, I decide to go and make myself a drink in to warm up my hands before heading back upstairs to finish my book.
I open the door to our room and Saffi's already sitting on the bed, looking at her laptop.
"Oh hey! Just looking at something emailed to the year group... come here," she pats the space on her bed beside her, and I sit obediently.
"Hello everyone... blah blah blah... ooo! Here you'll like this!" She turns the laptop, so I can read the screen,
Good afternoon students,
Starting this evening, the fire pit will be available for you to enjoy. It is available to all students; however, if anyone would like to use it please drop Alan Betteridge an email with the time and date you would like and he will start it for you beforehand. Please be responsible, as fire can be dangerous if not handled properly.
"Oh, how cool!" I say.
"Ok, good. I think we're going to book it for tonight for the big group of us."
That evening after dinner, our group heads into the gardens to the fire pit, which has been kindly pre-lit for our use. Now that it's mid-September, the evening air is quite chilly, and the sun has more or less set, meaning the main source of light is coming from the warm glow of the fire.
"Hey Miyah, there's a seat here if you want," Asher calls. I've come a few minutes later than the rest of the group as I had run back to my room to fetch a warmer jumper. He pats the empty space next to him on the outdoor sofa, so I sit. "You want some?" He holds up the blanket that covers him, and I nod, grateful for another source of warmth. He drapes half the blanket around my legs and waist and pats it down as if tucking me in. He sees me smile as he does this, "Sorry," he blushes but I don't say anything in return, just smile.
After a few minutes of everyone getting settled and cosy, Connor pulls out a few bags of marshmallows and some skewers which he bought this afternoon and starts handing them around.
"How do you like your marshmallows?" Asher asks, pushing one onto a skewer and handing it to me.
"Thank you. Um... slightly burnt,"
He gives me a disbelieving, almost mocking look, "Of course you do. You're one of those people..."
"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?" I say offended, "how do you do yours then?"
"Oh, nothing, nothing. I do it like a normal person, toasted until slightly brown on the outside and perfectly gooey in the middle." He turns his skewer slowly over the fire, watching his marshmallow intently. "Ok, how about this, I'll give you my first one, and you give me yours, and we'll see which one's best, yeah?" He turns to face me and holds out his hand,
"Deal," I shake it and then turn my attention back to my own marshmallow. After a few minutes, I announce, "Ok, mine is done,"
"Finally. Mine's been done for ages,"
"Hey, it's worth the wait, trust me."
He holds his skewer up to my face, "Mine first; it's getting cold." I open my mouth, and he pushes the marshmallow in gently. It's pretty gooey, so I have to hold my hand up to my mouth to stop it from spilling out everywhere because I'm laughing. "Good? Oh hey..." he stops and brings his thumb up to the corner of my mouth, "You have a little just here," he wipes it away off my lip, "you can't even say it was bad because I know you're lying."
My cheeks go red in embarrassment, "yeah, it was alright for the amount of effort you put into it, I don't think I've ever seen you concentrate of something so hard." I hold up my own, "ok, my turn."
He grabs the marshmallow off my skewer with his mouth and pulls a face of absolute disgust, "The outside is like eating charcoal," he splutters after struggling to swallow.
"It's not that bad," I shove him playfully,
"It really is. I don't know how you eat it like that..." I smile and shake my head.
"I think I definitely won." He states and smirks,
"I think you're being fussy and biased."
It really is a perfect evening. We chat and laugh until around midnight, and by that time, people are beginning to fade and head back inside to go to bed. At around half past, Saffi and Nick leave (I have a good guess that this was Saffi's idea by the way she winks at me not so subtly before walking away), leaving Asher and me alone with the fading embers of the fire.
We watch the fire grow dimmer, and then Asher places one of the other blankets around me and says, "Is it starting to feel more like home here now?"
"Yeah," I'm staring into the orange embers, "I started to feel at home as soon as I had unpacked my things." I look up, and he smiles gently,
"That's good," he says almost in a whisper. "I'm glad you came here, I didn't expect to become such good friends already. Saf's probably told you that I don't normally open up to people, especially as quickly as I have with you. There is something about you though," he turns his head to look at me, "I know like I can trust you, I did as soon as you turned around on the first day." He pauses for a few seconds, then continues, "sorry it's late, and I've just blurted everything out." There is another pause for a few seconds before I shuffle closer to him and put my head on his shoulder.
"Hey, don't worry, I'm happy you trust me, and you can trust me, I'll be here for you when you need me to be." I feel his head lower itself on top of mine, and I smile to myself. I don't really know what's going to happen with us, and I don't mind either way. I've found a friend, a really close friend that I can trust, and I've never been happier. We sit there for, fifteen minutes to half an hour, just sitting, chatting and watching the fire die out, but once we start getting too cold to be out there anymore, Asher kindly walks me to my room and we say goodnight.
"You need a hobby." I give Saffi a glare as I close the door. She's been sitting on her bed for the past half an hour waiting for me to tell her what happened when she and Nick left.
"So...? Come on tell me!"
"Nothing happened Saf... we just sat and talked until it got too cold to stay out there."
She deflates and the smile fades from her face, "Nothing? He didn't kiss you by the fire or kiss you goodnight by the door? I heard him out there you can't deny anything!"
I smile at her enthusiasm, "Nope. No kiss, no hand holding, nothing romantic." I walk over to her bed and squish up next to her as she lay down, "the only thing that happened that could slightly interest you is that I put my head on his shoulder and he put his head on mine."
She sits straight up again as though poked with something sharp, "Nothing happened? Yeah right, this is a start of something Miyah!" She bounces up and down and takes ahold of my hands. "I knew you liked each other, I knew it!"
"Yo slow down Saf," I can't help but laugh at her, she's adorable. "Don't you get ahead of yourself or get your hopes up. If anything does happen I want it to be slow and properly done ok?"
"Ok fine yeah... I promise I won't do or say anything... but this means you like him right?"
I pause and think but then smile, "yeah I guess so..." she squeals and pulls me into a hug. I can't believe how excited she is for me, I have the best of friends.
We say goodnight, and I sleep well that night, content and happy.
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