Day 44 - Emmalee_Sky's Crash Into Colors

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Crash Into Colours

by Emmalee_Sky

"Oh gods. We're crashing!" I gripped the back of one of the black chairs in the bridge. My heart pounded. This wasn't how it was supposed to be. Maybe on some planet with blue sand and pale purple waves under five moons. Not in some shipwreck with aliens!

"Axtrun, straighten out!" Vax said, eyes narrowed as she pushed buttons on the console. "And we're not crashing, Tish. Calm down."

I shook my head, staring with wide eyes as the sky, black with speckles of light, flash by. My nails dug deeper into the leather seat. I should've stayed on Xenumia! Mediocracy and the Sorter were better than dead.

"Tish, sit down or you'll hurt yourself," Vax added, but I couldn't look away from the forward window.

"Error," a voice spoke throughout the ship.

"No shit, Axtrun," Vax muttered.

"There is an error, Vax. However, I cannot find it in my ship."

"There's gotta be something. Engines? Shield? Gravity stabilizers are still online, thank the gods. Never swimming through this ship again. I swore to myself. Last time I-" Vax stopped then shot a look at me. She licked her lips. "Never mind. Give me something, Axtrun."

How can she be so calm? My knees shook, my heart pounded, sizzling satellites, I was on the verge of hyperventilating.


I blinked, looking towards Vax. She stared over her shoulder, her short hair with its blue tips brushing against her white t-shirt. Her brown eyes caught mine, and I stared, the stars shooting behind her as we sailed rapidly, without direction, without purpose. Loud beeping filled the bridge.

"It's going to be fine. Sit down. Please."

Then an explosion of color burst before the ship and light blinded me. My arms rose, covering my face as I fell back, slamming into the ground. Pain jarred me.

"Shimmering stars," Vax whispered.

And we fell right through it.


Yelling yanked me awake. My eyes snapped open, and all I saw was blue. My heart dropped. Gods. Was I blind? Oh gods no.

The blue moved, and I blinked. A tail swished. I blinked again. "Suti?"

The blue cat's head spun around, eyes wide. "Tish. Thank the gods. You're awake. Don't move," she whispered.

I opened my mouth but stopped just in time to hear throaty voices. I waited. Vax's voice followed. "What's wrong?" I whispered back.

Suti's tail flickered in my face. Shutting my eyes, I tried not to sneeze. "Shhh. We had a tricky landing. Gods, I hope Vax doesn't insult them. That alien just doesn't know when to keep her mouth shut."

Insult who? I tried to sit up, but Suti's nails dug into my skin. I winced.

"Okay, this is awkward." Vax's voice rose. I wanted to peek, but Suti blocked my view. "It was an accident. There was a-"

"You destroyed our place of prayer!"

I stiffened. "What?" I whispered.

"Axtrun fell on their hut."

"It was not a hut, Suti. It was a prayer room for the Church of the Almighty Toad King," Axtrun's voice buzzed in my ear. I reached up and felt the com inside my ear.

"I don't under-"

"Please remain silent, Tish. You are cloaked for the moment, but if they see you, the consequences may be dire."

What did that mean? I tried to sit up again, but Suti remained on me. "Move, dammit," I muttered. "Let me see."

Suti hissed but moved just enough that I saw Vax kneeling, surrounded by a group of men in dark brown robes. Her hands were tied behind her back. I frowned. Littering the ground around all of us were men and women, covered in the same robes. They didn't move.

"How am I cloaked?" I ignored the bodies. Was that because of us? Did we- stop thinking about it!

"After our emergency landing, Vax pulled you out to give you some fresh air since you lost consciousness. We seemed to have landed on a prayer room out in this field. The followers were not in there when we landed, so they were on you in minutes. Vax was able to place the device around your neck just in time."

A bulky necklace laid on my chest. I reached up and ran my fingers over the black disk. A blue current sped along the edges. Blue and Black. Just like Axtrun, just like the ship. "Connected to the ship?"

"The device is connected to the camouflage feature on my ship."

I bit my lip. Made sense. I looked at Vax again. The robed men had moved tighter around her. She stared at one in particular. Her head tilted. "It was an accident, I swear. Didn't mean to interrupt whatever the hell was going on here. Fight away. Don't care. It's just that we were crashing and then, oh almighty toad followers- wait, what do they call you lot?" She shook her head. "It's probably something great, isn't it?"

A murmur followed then the one she'd been looking at stepped forward. "We, followers of the Almighty Toad King, are called Toadies, and we don't-"

Vax's laughter cut him off. "Toadies."

He straightened. "Yes."

"Toadies. Isn't that just perfect?" She threw her head back and laughed harder. "Toadies. Toadies. Toadies. Toe-dees. Toe-"

"What are you doing?" the man asked, crossing his arms.

"Both waiting for my lady love to wake up and giving myself enough time to remove my binds, of course" Vax grinned.

I blushed.

"There's no one else here," the head Toadie said.

"That's what you think. Now, if she'd just become visible that would be great."

I tore the necklace away, and then Vax was on her feet, her right hand gloved while the left one was bare. She closed that hand into a fist, and I noticed the black fingertips. But they weren't her fingertips, per se. "Damn," she whispered. "Axtrun's going to be pissed. Just fixed it two days ago. And the artificial skin had felt so perfect this time."

"There was no other way?" Axtrun's voice came through the coms.

"Well, not really." Vax shrugged then ran straight for us. She swooped Suti onto her shoulder and grabbed my arm, yanking me up. "Time to go!"

And off we went, running through the field towards trees, jumping and moving around bodies. I looked back just once. The Toadies followed as we moved further away from the ship, and in the corner of the front window, I spotted Axtrun, the fluorescent blue outlining the droid's suit lit it up just enough.

"Will Axtrun be okay?" I called.

"I will have the ship ready for when you return."

"What the hells, you idiotic alien!" Suti cried.

Peeking over my shoulder as I ran around another cloaked body, I caught sight of Suti clinging to Vax's shoulders.

"You're an alien too, Catolen. Seriously. And I didn't have much choice. They probably roast little kitties over a fire and eat them whole. Just trying to help you out," Vax said, laughing. She leaned her head away when Suti swiped at her. "Hey now."

Suti hissed.

"Watch out, Tish!" Vax cried.

I spun around, jump aside just as hover Jeep shot out into the field. "Whoa there!" a man called.

Vax gasped. "Cayben?"

"All aboard," he said, reaching a hand out to her. Vax grabbed it with her left hand, and the man didn't even twitch as the cold, black steel made contact with his brown skin.

"Hurry, Tish!" Vax's left hand was on my right arm, and she yanked me up. The second we were all on, the man floored it, and we raced away from the Toadies and into the forest.


"Flaring estellas," Vax whispered, sitting in the back of the hover Jeep, brown eyes wide. "It's really you."

Cayben grinned, his eyebrows rising for a moment. "In the flesh."

"How the hell-"

"Much the same way you did, I suspect." He shrugged.

She laughed then threw her arms around him. "It's been nine years, bastard. You've been here all this time?" She pulled back and looked at the trees as we passed. "Wherever the hell this is. Gods. I can't believe it."

I licked my lips, looking between them then jumped when Suti crawled onto my lap. Her blue eyes watched me for a second then she licked my hand. I sighed.

"Has it really been nine years?" He scratched his cheek.

And my attention was back. Just who was this guy? And how did he know Vax?

"They were part of the same crew," Axtrun spoke up suddenly. I blinked then fought a flush when Vax turned in our direction.

"Sorry, that's rude of me." She moved beside me and bumped my shoulder.

I rubbed my nose and looked out at the greenery.

"This is my crew, Tish and Suti." Vax ran her hand up my back.

I bit my lip to keep from jumping.

She grinned.

"Small for a crew. What happened to Axtrun?" he asked, crossing his arms.

"They acquired me just before Cayben left."

"That's another way of saying we stole Axtrun." Vax laughed.

"I wouldn't say we. It was you. I was dragged there against my will." Cayben pointed out.

They both laughed as the Jeep made a right turn out of the trees and into a meadow. The hair on my body stood on end. My mouth dropped as we drove through a ripple in the air.

And on the other side was a quaint cottage, straight out of some ancient e-zine.

"Barrier keeps everyone away," Cayben said as the hover Jeep approached the cottage.

A man stepped out. He stood by the open door, arms crossed, shaking his head. When we stopped in front of him, he watched us get out. Cayben went up to him and kissed him on the lips then turned to us. "Vax, Tish, Suti, this is my husband, Bezz."

Husband. Oh.

Bezz's black eyes didn't miss a beat. He shot a look at Cayben then sighed. "I sent you to check on Raze, and instead, you come back with two women and a cat. See the problem here?"

Cayben grinned. "The fighting was done, I think. The Toadies were chasing them, and I didn't see Raze or the others."

"Fighting?" I said before I realized.

"Who's Raze?" Vax asked.

"Raze is my brother," Bezz said. He sighed and covered his face, hands moving to his dark hair after. "Gods. That man. Him and that group of his. Going head to head with the Toadies is just asking for trouble."

"They're terrorists, Bezz. They are trouble. You need to stop worrying about him," Cayben told him, laying his hands on the man's shoulders. He turned him around and ushered him into the cottage. Vax followed, and Suti brushed against my leg as she did too, leaving me with no choice but to do the same.

"I know that. Really, I do. I just-" Bezz stopped and shook his head.

"I thought they were all Toadies," I said to Vax. "They pretty much all had on those robes. Even the ones on the ground."

"Robes? Oh, no. The robes are the Toadies'. They must've covered up the group," Cayben said as we stepped into a living room. "Take a seat." He gestured to black couches.

Vax yanked me down onto one. "Why'd they do that?"

"Because they only wear red speedos," Bezz mumbled.

I blinked. "I'm sorry. Must've heard you wrong."

"Nope. You didn't. Speedos. Itty bitty red speedos." Cayben snickered.

My mouth opened then closed. I tried again. "But I could've sworn I saw men and women."

All three of them looked at me. Suti jumped onto my lap. I looked down at her and away from their gazes.

Something beeped, and Bezz looked at his watch. He got to his feet and walked over to the kitchen. He grabbed a pack and walked over to the couch opposite us. He took out a cigarette and slipped it between his lips. Suddenly, Cayben was beside him, lighting it for him. Bezz took a drag, eyes closing. He held it for a second them exhaled. The smoke clung to him. He leaned back on the couch. His right hand tapped against his pant leg. Cayben took the pack from the couch and put it on the table in front of the couches. It read Ecrivain's Specials, and in smaller font: cure all.

"Move away, Vax. Now." Axtrun's voice shot through the coms. "Before it reaches you. All three of you."

I was on the other side of the couch, Suti in my hands, before I even realized. Vax stood before me, her hand on my stomach, keeping us back.

"It's okay," Cayben said.

"Like hell it is. What is that?" she asked. "It set off Axtrun. Must be strong and bad to get that response all the way from the ship."

"It's a cure-all," Bezz explained. He took a few more deep drags and then the cigarette was done. He tossed it into an ashtray and the thing filled with water quickly. He exhaled, and the smoke, once again, engulfed him. His eyes closed for a second but then he opened them. They were glazed over. He laid back against the couch and sighed again.

"And it's highly addictive, but that's the price we pay for him to have his hand back," Cayben told us.

Hand back? I stared at the hands on Bezz's legs.

"I don't even want to know," Vax muttered. "You know I hate drugs."

"That's why I wasn't going to say anything." Cayben sat beside Bezz, brushing his leg against his.

"You two know each other," Bezz said, eyes still closed.

"They were crew members," I spoke up.

"Thieves, you mean," he corrected.

I frowned.

"I don't really steal stuff," Vax pointed out.

"Except Axtrun," Cayben added.

"And me," Suti joined.

Bezz and Cayben jumped.

"A talking cat!" Bezz gaped.

"A Catolen! Here? How?" Cayben stared.

"I should've kept my mouth shut," Suti muttered, hiding behind me on the couch. I reached back and scratched behind her ears. She purred.

Bezz cleared his throat. "No need to hide Cayben's past. I know the kind of man he is. He's fine, even if he didn't propose properly, and I have to lie to everyone about it."

Cayben flushed and shot a glare at the other man. "This is the only place with such a custom! How was I supposed to know?"

Shrugging, Bezz crossed his arms. "You decided to stay. You should've learned the ways."

"What do you supposed the custom is?" I whispered as the couple argued.

"I have no idea," Vax admitted.

"It appears to be over a drunk phone call."

I pursed my lips to keep from laughing, but Vax had no qualms about it. She fell into me she laughed so hard.

The two stopped fighting, and Cayben frowned. "What?"

"Nothing," I said, straightening Vax. At least her laughter was slowing down. I sighed. "Sorry."

"No, I'm sorry," Bezz told me, getting to his feet. He grabbed his pack of cigarettes and walked over to the kitchen. "Would you like some coffee?"

Cayben perked right up. "You got some?"

"Earlier when I got another two packs of Ecrivain's Specials." Bezz moved around in the kitchen.

"Oooh, coffee would be lovely." I smiled, rubbing my hands together as I walked to the kitchen. I leaned against the counter. That's just what I need. Coffee. Blazing meteorites, it's been ages. "We ran out a week ago. Vax promised to pick me up more next time we docked."

Bezz stopped what he was doing and turned to me. "What a strange world you live in," he said.

"Why'd you say that?"

"No reason," Bezz said, going back to making the coffee.

I watched him quietly for a bit, just watching him. He moved easily, and I couldn't help but wonder which hand he'd been missing. Was it his left or right? How'd he lose it? Accident? When? What hap-

"No, I won't go," Cayben said suddenly.

Spinning around, I watched both of them jump to their feet.

"I think-" Vax started, but he interrupted.

"I said no. This is my home. My life is here now. I won't go back."

"Cayben, be reasonable. This isn't where you belong," Vax told him.

"I belong where my husband is," Cayben replied.

"Of course he belongs here," Bezz spoke up. He hurried out of the kitchen and stood by Cayben's side. "He belongs with me."

The three of them glared at each other.

The silence grew.

Light from outside slid into the room, and I caught Vax's luminescent gaze, one I'd caught only once or twice since we left my world and started traveling together. An unsettling look.

"Fine. Stay. Who cares about your family back home?" Then Vax turned and left the cottage.

No one moved.

I wanted to scream, but instead, I turned towards our hosts. My heart dropped. Cayben's eyes were locked on the door Vax had just left, while Bezz's gaze was on his husband's. Eyes soft, mouth slightly parted, hand frozen between them but didn't connect.

I bit the inside of cheek. Damn you, Vax.

I sighed. "I'm sorry about her," and before they could say anything, I ran out the door.


"Vax!" I cried.

She didn't turn back as she rushed headlong towards the barrier.

I raced after her. "For the love of the gods, will you-" But she was through, the air rippling behind her.

"Oh hells," I muttered as I followed after her, but I stopped short when I came through, and Vax stood a foot away.

Her back was straight, and a soft breeze lifted strands of her hair. Her white t-shirt had dirt smudges covering it. Her hands were fists by her black pants.

I sighed, walking to stand beside her. I peeked at her. Her eyes were closed, her forehead furrowed. I looked away and cleared my throat. "Maybe we should head back to Axtrun."

She looked over but didn't say anything, just watching me.

"We cannot leave. We are stuck for the time being."

"Stuck?" I blinked. "How can we be stuck?"

Vax sighed, running her fingers through her hair. "However we got here, we can't leave just yet. Something caused us through that cloud, and whatever it was, it's not allowing us to leave just yet."

"What is?" My heart skipped a beat.

She pinched her bottom lip with her left hand, the metal dark against her slightly chapped lips. "I thought maybe it was me getting Cayben back but..." She shook her head then rubbed the back of her neck. "I-I don't know what to do."

I blinked. "You're kidding."

She turned fully to me, eyebrows furrowed. "Tish-"

"You promised me the stars and galaxies that first night, and this is nowhere near what I was expecting," I told her, hands on my hips.

She snorted. "It's been months. I think I've been doing fine."

Heat warmed my cheeks. Oh, she'd been doing more than just fine. We watched front row as a meteor shower flared between the planets Janorua and Kuthorei, swam through the pink rivers of Roviera, picnicked on a cliff overlooking the volcanic ashes of Horta, and not to mention, ran from people that I hadn't even gotten the names of on multiple occasions. It was an adventure, every day, every moment, just Vax, Suti, Axtrun and me. Endless. It'd been more than I could've imagined.

Clearing my throat, I scratched my cheek softly. "Y-Yeah, you're doing great."

Vax grinned, laying a hand on my shoulder. "Well, that's just perfect then." She sighed and looked at the barrier. "We need to talk to Cayben. See what he knows about what happened when he crashed here."

I nodded, licking my lips. "That's what we need."

Her hand moved down my shoulder and then down to my hand. Our fingers intertwined. A shiver shot through me, and my lips parted slightly. I inhaled.

She looked into my eyes and then down to my lips.

My heart skipped a beat.

She took a step closer, her other hand landing on my lower back. She pulled me to her, our bodies touching

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