BullSh!t – The Next Episode of QueerSpace
by HardeeBurger
The man who met Maybell on Schenor was too gorgeous to be all human. "But I am!" he lied, sensing Maybell's prejudice against Genetics.
"And you're Tan Scarlett?" she asked into his shocking, almost yellow, hazel eyes.
"I am!" His hair was a thick tabby brown, tufted to look like bird wings.
Maybell looked at his transport. "That's just a truck," she observed. "My ship can't make it dirtside. You need a space transport."
"I know! Come with me and we'll get one!"
Maybell scowled. Her horny genes told her that this guy was coming on to her. They also told her his flawless, snow white skin was to die for. She caught him sniffing her butt as she climbed into the passenger seat of his panel truck. With a claw and a scratch, she took a halfhearted swipe at his nose. He dodged her using cat-like quickness. In a flash, he raced around and climbed into the driver's seat. Trapped in the confines of the cab, she swatted his nose for real, feeling only slightly annoyed.
"You smell like fish," he said as he drove to the transport dock.
"Yeah. I get that a lot."
Tan slapped the gearshift and popped the clutch every time he changed gears, making Maybell's bosom bounce. "I have the most luxurious whirlpool bath," he said as he eyed her from time to time. "Warm and scented with bath salts, all hot and ready to go."
"You got any bourbon?"
"Kentucky's finest, my dear!"
"Are you sure there's no sedge weed in it?"
"If it does, you may spit it in my face!"
"And fruit? You got real fruit? Not that spacefruit crap?"
Tan again eyed his prey. "Have you seen all those birds on your spaceship? We have tons of lovely, real fresh fruit!"
Maybell practically drooled. "Then let's go," she said, instantly regretting her poor decision-making skills.
After Mrs. Peacock signed Claire's paperwork and the creds were transferred to Sara Jane's business account, Tan led Maybell to his quarters. It was spacious and filled with seats and perches of all types, most with supple men and women draped over them. They eyed Maybell with languid curiosity, each sniffing the air as she passed.
Maybell could smell them, too, since there were over a dozen of them. "You're cats," she said with disdain.
"Not really!" Tan said as he paraded her past his clowder. "I don't have any feline characteristics."
"These guys do," she said, jerking her head at a pair of toms.
Tan smiled bright as the sun. "Hmm," he purred, agreeing. "But I only have cat pheromones." He approached to take Maybell's hat and satchel. "They help make me look sexy."
Maybell couldn't disagree. Her arousal drew Tan's attention to the scent of her crotch. But in her head she was screaming mad. Another Genetic! She gave up on having wild horse sex with a mare named Sara Jane, and monster sex with a successful businessman, a hyena named Heinemann, to come to this funky cat house and bathe with Tan. She hated fucking Bobcat for bathwater in her poorer days, and she unintentionally hurt her orangutan best friend Gavin more times than she could remember by denying him any sex with her at all. All because of her feelings of worthlessness as a normal human being surrounded by genetically modified freaks.
And her love for having animal sex with them. Maybell snarled at Tan as he waited for her to undress in the privacy of his bath.
"Get out," she said. "You're not invited."
Soaking in a whirlpool tub like Tan Scarlett's was a joy Maybell had never experienced. It was huge – big enough to seat six – with heated jets that adjusted to caress every part of her body. And Tan's bourbon was the real thing. Not Woodford Reserve, like the kind Sara Jane marketed, but definitely made in Kentucky. If it was cut with sedge weed, Maybell's discerning palate couldn't tell. With a bowl of pomegranate seeds and sliced kiwifruit on a nearby table with her booze, Maybell sunk low into the scented bathwater. Warm bubbles buoyed her butt, making it bounce on the tub's bottom.
Maybell planned on never leaving. "I'm gonna have to fuck that dumb Tan in order to stay here," she conceded as she drifted off to take a catnap.
She awoke to find Tan slipping into the tub across from her. Its size was so great that their bodies didn't touch. Since she hadn't seen him enter, she wondered if he was as naked as she was.
"We don't have to have sex," he said as if reading her mind. "I just want to snuggle with you."
Maybell scowled. "Okay," she said, disbelieving.
"You're such a bad kitty," Tan said as he laid his head on her bosom. "How did I ever get so lucky?"
Maybell's scowl went from perturbed to confused. "I don't understand you one bit."
Tan snuggled deeper. "I'm a freak. You're a freak. I love freaks so much."
"I'm a completely normal human being."
"Hmm. I don't mean a genetic freak. I mean you're queer. A sex freak, perhaps."
A small laugh burst from Maybell. She found herself caressing his back as he sat between her legs, facing away from her. "God, you're gorgeous," she announced, caressing his body further.
Tan began purring out loud. "Hmm. Thank you! If you want, you can pet me all day!" After a while, he asked, "May I kiss you, too?"
Maybell had no problem with that. As he drove his tongue into her, she thought there might be something strange in her fruit or drink, like an aphrodisiac. Little did she know that she was succumbing to what Tan had in his body. Cat pheromones in his saliva made having sex with him unavoidable. But no matter how many cues Maybell gave Tan let him know he could take her, he wanted nothing of it. He lolled on her and coiled around her, letting her touch and tug every part of his body, yet gave service to her with only lips and tongue.
Maybell rose as they kissed endlessly, until she was standing in the tub. With force, she shoved Tan's head towards her loins, forcing him to suck on her labia.
Ecstasy never felt so good. Soaked to the gills in cat pheromones, Maybell came like a freight train.
"Oh my God!"
* * * * * * * * * * *
An afternoon with Tan turned into the evening, and evening became night. By the time dawn arrived, Maybell had experienced more orgasms then she could ever imagine. By the dawn of the next day, between catnaps on Tan's cushy bed, Maybell was being passed around like a six-pack. Tan's clowder of cats used her like a bowling ball. Someone always had their finger or thumb stuck in her, or some other part of their body. Whenever it seemed they might drown her in Tan's bath, or suffocate her with their flesh, or break her or split her in two, they relented just long enough for her to catch her breath before driving her harder and harder.
Maybell cared not one whit. She knew what they were doing to her. No matter how brazenly they attacked, no matter in what way she was assaulted, one thing always held true. Maybell experienced constant sexual release. She screamed like a siren, she squirted like a fire hose, she gushed like a broken faucet. She plowed through orgasms unfettered, both those that rode on her skin and those that roared deep inside her.
She reveled in all her glory. She gagged, she sputtered, she spat. She tried matching every caterwaul she heard with a vocalization of her own. The more her assailants yowled, the louder she cried out in kind.
After two days of constant pleasuring, Maybell began to fag. After a third day, she couldn't stand, and found herself crawling among Tan's clowder on her hands and knees. Her jaw was set hard and jutted out as she breathed with vehemence through gritted teeth. Her red hair looked more like yarn balls, knotted and glued to her head. She couldn't raise her eyes without swooning, so she looked through lowered lids and knit brow at the feline genetics around her.
"Again," she hissed when she was able. "Do it to me again."
The toms in the clowder were taken aback by her gruff demeanor. Most of them became afraid, or were too spent to respond. Several of the more brazen queens took advantage of the situation, and set their claws into Maybell. They were curious to see if there were limits to her pleasure threshold.
Tan sat on a cushion, pleased with his new toy. He had brought home other queer playmates, both none of them measured up to Maybell. He took his own advantage with the toms, fluffing and licking them. Once he had them re-hardened, he sent them after Maybell by biting and scratching their asses.
As time and space lost its meaning to Maybell, a noise like a smoke alarm came from a small creature hidden in a corner. "Quiet!" she said, which Tan repeated until there was absolute silence.
Silence save for Maybell's labored breathing.
"She's coming!" the creature said. "I hear her!"
The cats in Tan's quarters ran and hid. Soon after, Mrs. Peacock knocked on the door.
"Tan, dear?" she called through the door. "Can you come with me? I need help capturing some of my birds."
"Coming, Mrs. Peacock," Tan said. "Just give me a moment please."
Tan sighed theatrically as he strode towards the door. He stopped to lick Maybell's cheek, tasting all manner of sweat and body fluids.
"She's always losing her birds," he said to Maybell with a laugh. "It's the reason she needs me."
With the toms and queens now gone, Maybell gained a moment of clarity from her continuous fuck-fest. She took note of the creature in the corner, the smallest critter in Tan's big clowder. She never left the safety of her corner.
"Howdy!" Maybell blurted, sitting naked and cross-legged on a pillow. "What's your name?"
The creature glanced about, as if certain Maybell wasn't speaking to her. "Uh... Wolfe," she replied when she realized they were alone.
Maybell got a case of the giggles. "What?" Wolfe asked after a while, grinning a bit herself. Her pretty face was shaped so that it looked like she was smiling all the time.
"That's a funny name for a cat!"
Wolfe grew concerned and turned away. Her long bangs fell down from her forehead, nearly covering her giant yellow eyes. They shone like electric lights.
"I dream about your eyes," Maybell said as a way of apologizing.
"Oh," Wolfe said, turning them back onto Maybell.
Maybell stumbled on her feet as she tried to stand. She also stumbled on words as she approached Wolfe.
"They're like, so turned onto me. And so on all the time. Your eyes are on me all the time."
"Oh," Wolfe said again, unsure if she should feel complimented or afraid.
Wolfe tried hiding in the over-sized blue robe she was wearing, but Maybell couldn't control her curiosity. Soaked in cat spit, her brains were like fried ice cream. All she could think about doing was brushing back Wolfe's bangs to expose her bright yellow eyes. Genetic engineering also had covered her in a soft gray fur.
"You're such a cute kitty!" Maybell burbled.
Wolfe scurried away on all fours. Her hands and arms didn't work properly, as if they were tied together. Maybell's lips twisted with concern. The pheromones in her brain muddied her thinking. She imagined Wolfe to be tortured, or intentionally crippled somehow.
"What's wrong with you?" Maybell asked.
"Lemme see!"
Maybell fought with Wolfe over her robe. The creature seemed unusually fragile, as if she were made of toothpicks. Despite being normal in height, she weighed less than twenty kilos. She was no match for Maybell, who soon had her disrobed.
Maybell gasped in horror. "What the heck is that?"
Wolfe turned her pretty eyes to the floor. "I... I'm really not a cat."
"No shit!"
Wolfe had so much bat DNA in her that she had sprouted wings. "That is not a good thing," Maybell said as a matter of fact.
"I know. But I'm okay."
"You should be taken in for de-engineering."
Despite the latitude given Genetics in regard to their body styling, one thing was against the law. New appendages were not allowed. No extra eyes, no extra arms, no extra feet.
And certainly no wings. "Please don't turn me in," Wolfe begged.
With the cat pheromones in her brain kicking in, Maybell wrapped Wolfe up in a hug. Her furry body was warm as a furnace.
"You're too pretty to be hacksawed apart."
"What were you thinking, though, junking on so much DNA?"
"It's not that. Bat DNA is forbidden. I'm kind of the reason why."
Maybell held Wolfe at arm's length. "So... they know about you?"
Wolfe nodded, smiling beautifully. "Sort of. They probably think I'm dead. I seem to keep losing weight."
"Do you eat?"
"Mm-hmm. The fruit here is delicious! Plus, you know. Bugs."
Maybell stuck out her tongue, releasing Wolfe from her hug. She slapped her own face a few times to keep from saying something crude or stupid, and to try clearing her head.
"Can you fly?" Maybell asked.
"I don't know. I'm afraid to try. I'm kind of fragile."
Maybell burst into action. She scurried about Tan's quarters, collecting sashes from a half-dozen robes. She tied them all end-to-end, making a long leash.
"Well, we're about to find out!" Maybell announced with too much cheer.
* * * * * * * * * * *
Claire was waiting outside Mrs. Peacock's estate when Maybell and Wolfe came back from their romp outdoors. Wolfe had one end of the leash Maybell had made out of bathrobe sashes tied around her waist. Maybell held onto the other end, leading Wolfe around like a good pet owner.
Maybell was still snookered on cat spit. "You'll never guess what I found!" she said to Claire, as if Wolfe were an abandoned puppy.
Maybell waited breathlessly as Claire took her sweet time responding. It was like that with her, having cow genes in her DNA.
"You are a cluster fuck to my eyes," Claire said to Maybell while snapping her bubblegum.
Not knowing what Claire wanted didn't faze Maybell a bit. "This is my friend Wolfe, and guess what she can do."
Wolfe was excited as well. "I can fly!"
"Come on, Claire!" Maybell cheered as she danced with Wolfe on her bathrobe sash leash. "You can fly her next!"
Before Maybell got too far away, Claire grabbed her by an arm. She forced her to stand still.
Maybell slurred her words with love. "Ow, you big cow. Leggo."
Claire marched Maybell back to Mrs. Peacock's estate. "You need to get dressed. We're leaving."
Maybell looked at her attire. She had on her cowboy boots and hat, and a kimono robe that hung open, as its sash was part of Wolfe's leash. Claire only grunted. Wolfe took the lead after they entered a side door of the mansion, bringing them into Tan's quarters.
"Something's wrong," Wolfe said, concerned. "Where is everybody?"
Now it was Wolfe's turn to wait, as Claire merely stared at her. "Where is everybody is right," Claire said. "What are you running here? A sex den?"
Wolfe's eyes darted about, hurt and confused. Maybell stripped and jumped in the whirlpool.
"Bring'em on, bitch!" she said to no one in particular. "I'm ready for my thirds!" When nobody responded, she added, "Fourths?"
Frightened by the silence, Wolfe retreated to her cushion in the corner as Claire shook her head and chewed gum. "Where's the booze?" Maybell asked next, timidly.
Leaning as far into the tub as her knocked knees would let her, Claire hauled Maybell out of the tub. "Come on in!" Maybell cheered, thinking Claire was going to join her, despite the fact that she was fully dressed. "Play in the bubbles with me."
Claire dragged Maybell to a loveseat and threw her wet naked butt into it. Maybell popped back to her feet in an instant, and tried using charm on Claire. She playfully tinkled the cowbell Claire wore around her neck while pressing her left cheek to Claire's gigantic right breast. After another moment of Maybell's tinkling, Claire took a quick step back, almost sending Maybell face first to floor.
"Get dressed," Claire said.
"Aw come on, you cow pie stain. Let me milk you first." Maybell tinkled Claire's bell one more time. "Isn't it time for a milking?"
Claire gave Maybell a shove and sent her sprawling back onto the loveseat. "Shut up. Where are your clothes?" Claire walked around looking for them.
"Squeezy big fat tits," Maybell said, oblivious to the trouble she was in. She began playing with her own boobs. "Hey! I'm a cowgirl too! Look at me squeeze my tits. Moo! Moo!"
As she searched for Maybell's clothes, Claire rolled her eyes at Wolfe, who looked scared enough to die. "What is wrong with her?" Claire asked the little bat girl.
"She's on cat pheromones. She's been having sex with Tan's friends."
"For over three days? That's all she's been doing?'
"She really is remarkable."
Maybell began trailing Claire, still kneading her breasts. "Huh," Maybell said. "Nothing's coming out. Let me squeeze yours, Moo-Claire. I bet I'd get a gallon!"
Claire turned on her heels, fast for a girl with cow in her. She grabbed Maybell by the scruff of her neck and brought her to her tiptoes.
"Where are your stupid clothes?"
"Fuck if I know. I've haven't seen them since I got here."
Claire blew a giant bubble and let it pop it Maybell's face.
"Moo," Maybell said quietly, teasing with a sideways grin.
Claire slowly shook her head. Still holding Maybell by the scruff, she scooped up her cowboy hat, boots and satchel, and the sashless kimono with her free hand. She then marched Maybell back out the door.
"Hey!" Maybell protested. "You can't take me outside. I'm still naked here!"
Claire nodded at Wolfe, who hopped around, following them. "She's naked," Claire said about Wolfe.
"She's got fur. And cargo shorts."
"Shut up," Claire said again, and nothing more.
"Where is everybody?" Wolfe quietly asked Claire, breaking the pregnant silence. "Where's Tan?"
"He got fired," Claire lowed.
Wolfe chirped while hyperventilating. "What?" she managed to squeak.
"Mrs. Peacock showed him the door after finding his den full of cats."
"Yeah!" Maybell cheered, being dragged along on her toes. "An' I've
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