Peter was doing push up in his room when 2 little arms wrapped around his head
Erika:Soft*resting her head on peter*
Peter:Hang on baby*continuing his push ups*
Erika enjoyed the ride her father was giving and peter enjoyed having more weight to gain more strength
Peter one handed pressed a button on his phone
Jarvis:How can i help sir
Peter:How is the squematic of the tank going
Jarvis:15% has been completed
Peter:Alright keep me updated
Peter:Yup im making a nice car...maybe one day me and you can drive around maybe get some cookies
Peter:How about we get some
Peter took Erika on his head as erika laid her head on peter soft hair
Peter:Huh you love my softness
Peter went to the kitchen and grabbed her a cookie
Peter:here sweetie but promise you'll eat an orange later or something
Carol:Umm peter You might wanna come see this
Peter went to erika and saw everyone in the living room
Carol:Look*pointing at the tv*
Militia:The vigilante know as spider man has now been terracing us and but is off schedule now we must began to take him down
Militia:We will be ready to apprehend spider man
Carol:Peter you cannot go out now
Peter:No but the tank is still going...jarvis how is it going
Jarvis:the squematic is in 27% completion
She hulk:how long is it gonna take
Peter:Dont know a while but i found something useful
Peter:With the help of Jarvis i figured it
Peter:How to take the tank down
She hulk:Really that's perfect
Peter:To the basement
Peter and the other heroes went to the basement seeing sheets of equipment and the minigun
Spider women:Whoa never seen this side of you
Peter:I make things like this before
Carol:How does this work
Peter:Jarvis pull the squematic of the tank
Jarvis showed everyone the squematics
Peter: Ok there are different tank
·Twin rattler
·diamond back
Jarvis:but they do have a common weakness as they are made my phineas mason aka the thinker
Carol:Should have know
Peter:jarvis Point out the weakness
Peter:A good shot there will cause a chain reaction that will cause it to blow up
She hulk:easy
Peter:But there is other things
Peter:There is also a rocket launcher and other things that are aimed at the sky along side a dangerous drone
Spider women:They mean business
Peter:There easy to take down but taskmaster and other have area that block the street
Carol:And we have to fight rhodey
Peter:Ill take him down one thing that i want is to know we will not take lives no killing just take them down
Everyone agreed
Peter:Good now im gonna need to make a new armoured suit just incase
Erika grabbed peter old mask and tried to put it on
Everyone laugh
Peter:easy Erika your not ready for battle....carol can you and i speak in private
Everyone left expect carol and peter and erika
Carol:Whats up
Peter:I need you to sigh something
Peter handed carol a paper that said
Life insurance
Carol:Wait what!!!
Peter:sign in it
Carol:Do you know what this is
Peter:yea and do you
Carol:What are you giving me
Peter:some money and the documentation of the house in Chicago were gonna take Erika to chicago
Peter pulled an image out of Chicago
Peter:This is the house god peter its beautiful
Peter:safe and far away from problem to keep Erika safe
Carol:Peter please you will live and we will raise Erika
Peter:I don't want erika in this situation she deserves better than this
Carol:Peter don't leave us don't leave me
Peter:I just want my family to be safe
Carol:Then lets us be together lets fight this battle together and make sure Erika can have a future with us
Peter hugged carol tightly
Erika then hugged there legs
Peter:I.....I.....I love you
Carol kissed peter and Erika just giggled
Then they heard a knock at the door
Peter:Ill get it
Peter went with erika
When peter opened he was meet with mj
Peter:Mj Hi
Mj:Peter i saw the news and came to check on you
Peter:Im fine come in
Mj walked inside and was greeted by erika
Mj;Hi baby*picking her up*
Peter:You see what's coming
Mj:Its getting harder peter
Peter:I haven't had a difficult challenge since potty training Erika
Mj laughs
Peter:Any word from the others
Mj;actually yes you see they are in a stark warehouse away from the militia jurisdiction
Peter:The militia are taking things to far and im gonna go fight to being back hope once more
Erika:Fight*wearing the spider man mask
Mj:Look at her wearing the spider man mask she is adorable
Peter:Thank you carol
Mj:How are you and danvers
Peter:Well....we are doing amazing she reconnect well with Erika and she loves her
Mj:What about she hulk and the others
Peter:There fine erika has gerry to keep her entertained and im busy planning something
Peter.jarvis how is the progress going
Jarvis:We have a 56 percent sir
Mj:What are you making
Peter:A means to turn the tide of the war
Carol comes
Carol:Oh hey mary Jane right
Mj:Yes carol
Carol:So my daughter call you red
Mj:Yes and what does call you
Erika rested her head on mj making carol jealous
May:mary jane dear how are you
Mj:Oh i came to check on peter
May:aww still checking on peter's stupidity
Mj:Oh i just saw the news
Peter:Well let me take erika and gerry outside to get some fresh air
Mj handed erika to peter
Mj:Oh and peter i brought Erika a shirt
Mj Handed Erika blue shirt and took Erika outside where Gerry was
May:Want to join us for tea
Mj:I would love to
May:Here danver made
Mj:Really wow that's new
Carol:and it made it great*smiling*
Mj:So what is peter up to in making a tank
Carol:Well...he is trying to save us and bring hope to his daughter
Mj:So is the house build
May:Oh yea its done he still tried to convince me
Carol:Wait what the house in Chicago is done
May:Yup showed me the imagine its beautiful
Spider women:huh a house in Chicago far away
Carol:Why does he want to leave
Mj:You see ever since he became spider man he lost so many things and villians they became a huge problem and they wont stop till peter is dead but i wonder what peter felt when he found out that goblin was dead
Carol:Wait he is dead how
Mj:He told me the militia tank shot him down
Spider women:Aww man you don't think peter liked it
Mj:You see he wanted to stop being spider man to be a full time father to erika but the problem is
She hulk:We need him
Medusa:New York needs him
Carol:and the militia have taken control and literally shown they can beat us and Spider man dealt with this
Mj:Yup...cant fee help but feel jealous of you
Carol:wait what why
Mj:me and him were supposed to be married but thought i would be in his problem and i rank off as i couldn't deal with it as i ran off at the wedding
Carol looked at her with rage
Mj:But then i realized that i made a mistake and then i saw him with you then he was alone and with your child being a single father i thought maybe i can win him back if i become a mom to Erika can't deny i feel i love with her
Carol looked down
Carol:When i went to the portal to the future i saw erika and she told me you were her mom
Mj looked at her
Carol:She said you loved her as her daughter gave her everything a daughter needs but you were killed trying to save erika
Mj looked away
Carol:You have my respect for that
Mj:Thanks carol
Erika came in wearing the shirt MJ gave her
Erika:i like my shirt thank you red
Mj smiled
Peter came with gerry on his shoulder
Peter:How ironic with the shirt
Mj:She loves cookie
Peter phone rang as he heard jarvis say
Jarvis:squematic at 100% ready for nano formation
Peter:sweet *handing gerry to Jessica*
Jarvis:prepare formation
Peter:Got it ill be outside Everyone
Carol:Want some help
Peter:if you want to
Peter went outside were he brought the materials and made the surrounding of the car
Peter then put a pole in the middle and attached the minigun and rhodey rocket launcher
Peter then attached the nanotechnology in its place and it began its transformation
She hulk:Looks dumb
Peter put a chip inside as gave its form and made its parts slowly
Erika and mj saw how the vehicle came to its form
Then its was done
Jarvis:System fully online
Jarvis:Im online vehicle ready and arm
*opening the pilot seat*
Spider man went in
Peter:I em a genius
Carol:So how do fight back
Peter:Well suns going down better ready now the dog bites back
Carol:Your not gonna fight in that messed up suit
Peter:No i got something better
Erika went up to see it
Peter:In the name of my family i will bring home and there asses back were they came from
Eveyone:Erika Noo
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