chapter 23

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Peter always had plans and more importantly he always find a way to win

Peter check at the equipment he was brought and made plan

But he opened the file that was give to him

Peter saw imagines on a warehouse downtown new york with picture of militia carrying some avengers equipment and stark tech

Peter:I could go in there and find something useful

Hearing a voice behind him

Captain marvel:Planning a big project

Peter:You can say that

Captain marvel:Who was that

Peter:Frank castle or what the streets call him The punisher

Captain marvel:Right so serious what are you planning

Peter:Im thinking of fighting fire with fire

Captain marvel:explain

Peter:I was think of fighting does tanks with my on power

Captain marvel:Your gonna build a tank?

Peter:Kinda but i also need another new things

Captain marvel:What

Peter:Castle gave me some picture of the front lines of the milita seems there taking there some of our equipment and taking it to a warehouse upstate new York

Captain marvel:and what are you planning

Peter:We might need something to fight against them

Captain marvel:I mean your right but do you wanna risk it im afraid you'll get caught

Peter:Carol think about it the only way to beat them is with a taste of there own medicine

Captain marvel:Can you even build a tank

Peter:Of course.....i read it in the back of a magazine catalog

Captain marvel:Oh my god are you serious should i get erika some safety equipment

Peter:No you see i took some squematics of the quinjet and some of shields vehicles and gonna reverse engineer it

Captain marvel:Wow....didn't know you were that smart

Peter:People build some sweet cars in there homes just gonna fix this fuel pump

Captain marvel:Thats a manifold

Peter:Oh well i guess its fix

Captain marvel:Ill go tell the others

Captain marvel went to the others to tell them about peters plan

She hulk:Ok just a quick question how smart is he

Captain marvel:Well he has a lot knowledge of most of our vehicles

Medusa:But those soldiers are probably jogging the hole place

Captain marvel:and more importantly taskmaster is there

She hulk:But how are we gonna go without getting detected

Peter comes:Simple they have the skys and roads but what they don't have is the water and sewer

Spider women:Ok that helps a bit what else

Peter:Those tanks are basically drones so we can  easily hide away from them inside the warehouse could he different

Medusa:We will need to be well hidden away

Peter:Not only that find a safe way to move in and out and to cover our tracks and to we wont be followed

She hulk:What about destroying those tanks i tried punching them

Peter:Im still looking for a weakness...but ill he heading out later at night im gonna go spend time with erika *leaving*

Crytal:So who is going

Captain marvel:I will

Spider women:Me too

She hulk:nahh


Crystal:You should stay

Captain marvel:What noo why

Medusa:You have a daughter and she needs you and you to Jessica

Crystal:Yea your mother we can do it

Carol looked at the other room and saw erika drawing with her dad

Carol:I want to take erika away and somewhere safe from this war but there just gonna keep coming

She hulk:What

Carol:problems my problems i just want it to stop there's always something

Medusa:Stay here with her we will go and deal with it

Later at night near a warehouse
Spider man:alright listen closely we need to avoid any lights and stay away from the milita anyway people

Medusa carried crystal with her hair and she hulk jumped and tried to be sneaky but caused a shake

Militia:What was that

Militia:Ill go check

Crystal quickly melted the door handle and opened it

All 3 of them went in

Spider man:Ok look for things we need medical supplies,communicators,or scanners

The trio keep searching spider man went to look for stark things

Spider man:Come on stark have something useful squematic or a college fund for my daughter

Spider man then finds something very useful

Spider man:Yes jarvis

Spider man sees nano tech

Spider man:Perfect

Peter goes to see the other and see she hulk carrying a large crate of items

Medusa:Thats all

Peter:Good now let go

???:Stop right there

Peter quickly turned to see someone in an iron man armour

???:Surrender now

Peter then web them to get them stuck

Peter:You guys get moving ill deal with him

The figure came down and revealed to be war machine

Peter:Ok listen i don't know what you do to commander rhodey but he will be mad that your using his suit

The war machine opened his mask to reveal rhodey


War machine:Sorry spider man but your under arrest

War machine was about to grab him but spider man grabbed him and through him

Spider man:Why are you doing this

War machine:Im a soldier remember im serving my country

Spider man:You know what there doing*web kicking him*

War machine:Im under oath and i kept my promise for when ever im needed*shooting his minigun*

Spider man:This is inhumane please you can stop this

War machine:And i don't want to*firing missiles*

Spider man thrown crate at him

Spider man:Enough

Spider man:Im last chance give up

War machine:You took danvers from me!!!*shooting all his gun*

Spider man dodged and jumped on his pack pinning him down

Spider man:No you see carol give birth to our child and i didn't tell her since she was with you and to protect my daughter from carol and i had a plan

War machine:what plan break a mans heart

Spider man:No take my daughter away from here and away from carol cause i didn't think she could be a good mother thats why!!

War machine stood quiet

Spider man proceeds to rip of war machine missile launcher

Spider man:Im taking this and you need to rethink everything

War machine stood on the ground defeated

Peter quicky got out before milita saw him

Peter meet the other by a bay

Medusa:are you alright

Peter:fine let go

The other returns back to there homes

The other went inside to rest while peter got to work

Spider man:Ok let get to work

Peter made a makeshift machine to take Jarvis's hard drive

Spider man: moment of truth

Peter pressed a button and waited silent tilll
Jarvis:Im online


Jarvis:How may i assist you

Peter:So much

Carol came in with Erika

Carol:Peter can you give me a hand


Carol:Is that jarvis?


Carol:Is that?*pointing at war machine missile launcher*

Peter:um...come on baby lets get you to bed*taking erika*

Carol:Peter did you fight rhodey


Carol:What happened why did he fight you

Peter:carol he is a soldier and he was drafted to serve his country

Carol:Oh...did he hurt you

Peter:No don't worry

Carol followed peter to his room and put erika to bed

Peter:Let me read you a story its called "what happens when you give a mouse a cookie"

Carol:how ironic

Erika cookies

Peter read the story but soon everyone feel asleep

Then an aunt may came with the a force and took pictures

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