Present Day
"Anakin- I- am- tired" I managed to stutter out as I was panting for my breath. Anakin laughed as he wiped off the sweat beads that had formed on his forehead.
"Giving up so easy, are we?" he retorted accusingly.
I scoffed as I rolled my eyes. "We've been training for hours, three to be exact" I said as I picked myself up from my hands-on-knees position I was in.
Anakin turned off his lightsaber as he went to grab his water bottle. I took that as a sign that we were done training for the day.
Don't get me wrong, Count Dooku trained me hard. For hours on end, I would practice the same lightsaber and combat moves until I had perfected each and every one of them. Though, that was years ago. I haven't trained this hard in years. Even though I knew every move by heart, Anakin still had me practice them over and over again to ensure that I would never make a mistake while in a battle.
Before my thoughts could continue, Anakin interrupted them. "Take a break, we'll begin again in five minutes."
I quickly shot him a "your kidding, right" look. He ignored it as he sat down near his robe on the training room floor.
I grabbed my water, took a sip, and decided to lay on my back on the ground. As I finally put my head down to rest, Anakin asked me a question.
"Y/n, what are your plans" he asked so nonchalantly.
I stared into the ceiling, contemplating his question. "What do you even mean" I queried, not redirecting my gaze.
"I mean, what are you hiding? There's no way a Sith apprentice like you would voluntarily stay here at the temple without causing some kind of trouble."
I now diverted my gaze to him. "I'm not hiding anything" I responded confidently.
He nodded, though I knew he didn't believe me. And he shouldn't. I was hiding something: my plan to escape.
About One Week Ago
It has been two weeks since Anakin and Obi-Wan had captured me. I was now training with Anakin every day since Yoda had instructed him to do so.
As I stood with Anakin in the Jedi training room, practicing some lightsaber tricks, I accidentally stumbled with one of my swings to hit Anakin's saber. Due to my mess up, his saber ended up grazing my upper right arm.
As I fell to the floor, wounded and in visibly in pain, Anakin turned off his saber and quickly went to my aid.
"I am so, so sorry, y/n. I swear it was an accident" he uttered with a new look of panic that spread across his face.
Immediately, he helped me up. As I stood, the pain in my arm only worsened.
Anakin brought me to the Jedi temple's medical center, accompanied by the new wound that he had created on my arm.
I had never once been brought to the medical center before today. Along with that, Anakin had never created any cuts or wounds on me before, besides some bruising from when we would do our hand to hand combat training.
As we arrived at the location, I was greeted by a friendly female robotic nurse. She wore different shades of pink around her robotic body, along with bright blue eyes that went with her bright blue smile (image above).
The nurse took me in and promptly started cleaning my wound and bandaging me up. Anakin stayed right next to me as the nurse continued to aid me, the panic lessening as he saw I was being taken care of.
I don't know why he stayed, maybe because he felt bad for hurting me or because he didn't want me to try and escape if I were left alone. Though, before the nurse finished bandaging me up, she instructed Anakin to leave. Her reasoning was because I needed a "personal checkup".
Anakin hesitated to follow her orders, but then complied. As he walked towards the door, he turned around to look at me one more time, then left. The nurse shut the door and closed the blinds. She then diverted her gaze to me.
"I have a message from Count Dooku" she stated instantly, now in a less friendly manner.
I looked at her, stunned. Was she one of Count Dooku's undercover droids?
Before my thoughts could continue, the nurse projected a hologram of Count Dooku, which now stood right in front of me. I stared at it as my master began to speak.
"Y/n, I see you have failed your mission. I was hesitant to come to your rescue, considering you're a failure and a disgrace to the Sith name. Then I realized that if the Jedi were so generous enough to have captured you and kept you alive, you must be of some importance to them, which means, you are of more importance to me. The Jedi cannot have you."
I stood there, struggling to comprehend what was being said in front of me.
"I've decided to send in a fake nurse droid to relay this message. If you are seeing this, assuming you're still alive, I am coming to rescue you in exactly one week. I, as well as an army of battle droids, will arrive at the Jedi temple unannounced. The battle droids will cause a distraction, marching inside the temple, shooting and killing any Jedi they see. I will be waiting just about 15 miles behind the temple with my ship. As the Jedi become preoccupied with the battle droids, your job is to grab a nearby speeder and make it out to me in time without getting captured. If you do not make it out there within the first 20 minutes of my arrival, I will leave you behind."
I stared at the hologram as my breathing became ragged. "I trust that you will not relay this message to any of the Jedi. You know that I will not hesitate to kill any Jedi if they so much as look in my general direction or try to stop me in any way. I will see you then."
As Count Dooku spoke his final words to me, the hologram switched off. Before I had enough time to process what I had just been told, the nurse quickly ushered me out of the medical center. And with that, I was off, back to the training room.
My mind scrambled as I collected my thoughts. I slowly started to process what had just happened.
In one week, I would be out of this place. Though, I couldn't lie to myself. I was starting to get used to things around here.
Everything about the Jedi felt more... alive. When I would train with Count Dooku, it felt more like a chore. It wasn't enjoyable, nor was it ever a pleasant experience. Though, when I train with Anakin, I guess I feel... cared for?
I mean, when I train with him, it feels like he truly wants me to learn and improve my saber and combat skills.
My mind is completely scattered right now. Nonetheless, even if I do feel that way, I was still leaving here in one week. I wasn't meant to be here, nor was I meant to stay here. Master Yoda was foolish to think I would ever become a Jedi.
Present Day
I now looked back at the ceiling as I took a deep breath. My arm has since healed from Anakin's saber grazing it the week prior.
Tomorrow was the day. Count Dooku would be here at the Jedi temple, havoc would be caused, and some Jedi will probably get hurt. But, in the end, I would have escaped, and that is all that mattered to me.
I didn't even notice Anakin walking towards me as I was deep in my thoughts.
He held out his hand for me to grab in order to assist me to stand up. As I took it, I noticed that it felt warm. Nice even. Count Dooku never tried, or even cared, to help me up from the ground if I had ever gotten hurt or became tired during our training.
"Let's start up again, and this time, I'll go easy on you" Anakin spoke to me as I stood, my saber now in hand.
"Yea, sure you will" I responded sarcastically.
He laughed at my sentence, and, it truly felt genuine.
I was starting to get the feeling that Anakin really was becoming more comfortable around me. Though he didn't trust me fully, I could tell he liked being around me. When we talked or trained, it didn't feel forced or unnatural. It felt real, like he wanted to be there with me.
But, again, I have no place in or as a Jedi. I wasn't born to be a Jedi. I was born to be a Sith, and I knew that.
After tomorrow, everything that I had experienced in the last three weeks would have felt like a long dream. I would finally be waking up.
some big stuff is about to happen in the next upcoming chapters, so brace yourselves!!
I am trying to update the story as often as I can, so thank you all for being so patient with me :)
much love to everyone <3
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