𝟑 . 𝐃 𝐚 𝐦 𝐧 , 𝐒 𝐡 𝐞 ' 𝐬 𝐆 𝐨 𝐨 𝐝

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I woke up hoping that everything that I had experienced the day prior was all just some sort of bad dream. Though, as I scanned my surroundings, I was quickly let down. 

I laid in one of the detention center cells that I was brought to the night before. My lightsaber and robe were both taken away from me yesterday, probably sometime while I was unconscious after being shocked by that droid. The cot-like bed that I had been sleeping on was not comfortable in the slightest, though it would suffice for the time being. 

I could't tell what time it was due to the lack of windows in my cell. All I knew is that I was either going to hate today because of the training I had to do with Anakin, or love today because I had killed Anakin, or any other Jedi for that fact.

As I continued to scan my surroundings just as I did last night, I sadly came to the conclusion that there were still no ways to escape this cell. That's just great for me.

Before my thoughts could go on any longer, Anakin appeared in front of my cell with two clone troopers.

"Good morning, sunshine" he said with a sarcastic smile. "Your up just in time for your training."

I groaned as I rolled my eyes and started to get up from the uncomfortable bed. 

"Trust me, I don't want to do this anymore than you do. But just like you, I have orders that I need to follow as well" he retorted.

I continued to ignore Anakin as I made my way towards the entrance of the cell. This pathetic Jedi doesn't even deserve to have my respect.

As the laser gate to my cell opened, I was immediately cuffed by one of the two storm troopers. He grabbed me forcefully, causing me to wince as he pulled my arms.

"Careful" Anakin said as he shot him a look. 

"Sorry, sir" the clone trooper replied.

I looked at Anakin with a confused expression as to why he would even care enough to say that, when just yesterday, he almost killed me with a force choke.

He picked up on my confusion. "We wouldn't want our guest to get hurt before she even started training, now would we?"

I scoffed at his sarcasm. Boy, these Jedi are irritating.

Anakin handed me a protein bar as I exited the cell, which I assumed would be the only food I was eating for breakfast. The four of us started walking towards our destination, which I guessed to be the Jedi Training Room. Anakin was walking in front of me while the two clones were on each side of me. They really didn't want me getting away.


As we neared the Jedi Training Room, three more clone troopers were stationed outside the grand doors. I guess it was for maximum security or whatever.

Anakin, the two clone troopers, and I entered through the huge doors the led into the room. To be honest, I was taken aback by how large this room was. There were long, massive windows that overlooked the city of Coruscant. Four large statues stood around the inner circle of the training room, and there was light emitting from all different places. (image above)

Anakin ordered one of the clone troopers to remove my hand cuffs, and then for the two of them to leave the room. 

"Stay stationed outside the doors just incase she tries to escape" he ordered. "Though, I don't think that will be much of an issue considering she's training with me." 

Hmm, so he's stuck up and cocky. Wait until he sees how well trained I already am.

The two clones nodded as they preceded to walk out of the grand doors of the room. Anakin removed his robe as I stood there with the same clothes I had on from the day prior. He then unclipped his lightsaber from his belt and ignited it.

"How am I supposed to battle you if I have no weapon" I queried.

"By using the force, your mind, and different fighting techniques and styles" he responded.

I grazed my tongue inside my cheek as I looked around to take in my surroundings.

"What? Did the Sith not teach you how to fight without a saber?" he asked mockingly as he tilted his head to the side.

"You'll just have to wait and see" I retorted with a sarcastic smile. Great, an unfair fight with a fully trained Jedi master who has a lightsaber. And not to mention, he is the "chosen one" as well. I grabbed a hair tie from my wrist and put my y/h/c hair up in a tight, high pony tail.

(I recommend listening to "Next Level" by A$ton Wyld while reading this next part - it's sooo good).

"Alright, you ready princess?" Anakin asked as he started walking around the center floor in a circle. Princess, really?

I followed on the opposite side of him, circling the floor as well, not daring to take my eyes off of him.

Almost immediately, he ran up to me, lightsaber in hand, ready to strike me down. As he swung his saber horizontally to try and cut my body in half, I ducked down. Instantly, I returned back up and backed away to another part of the floor.

"Huh, that was pretty good" he stated. "But you'll have to do better than that if you truly want to win a fight."

Just then, he ran up to me again. Though, this time, it was faster and with more force. He tried to strike me down as he jumped into the air, probably planning to plunge the saber into my heart, but I quickly used the force to throw him back through the air. He dropped his saber as he hit the ground, which then rolled away from him.

"How about we have an even fight. No sabers, just using the force and our fists" I asked as Anakin slowly picked himself off the ground.

"Alright, show me what you got" he retorted as he straightened out his belt, which was now all messed up.

At once, I ran up to him and jumped into the air. Here, I did a two foot chest kick that landed into a 3-point crouch. As I gracefully executed the flip and landed on my two feet, one hand in the front resting on the ground and the other arm upwards behind me, I looked up at Anakin. Shock had grown on his face as he now began to understand what he was really getting into.

I stood up from my stance, the same as Anakin was doing after I had kicked him to the ground. "How was that?" I asked with a smirk.

He huffed. Without saying a word, he jolted me back by using the force. I was thrown through the air and hit the ground, where I landed on my back. Of course he would use the force.

He now walked up to me, assuming that I would stay in this position long enough for him to do something else. Though, before he even got the chance, I placed my both of my hands by the sides of my ears, rolled my back so that all of my weight was on my shoulders, and kicked up so I could land in a squat.

He was taken aback by my smooth movements. I guess he didn't expect me to be as well trained as I was. Though, that didn't last long as he now threw a punch at me, trying to hit my face. I leaped to the side and ran towards the other side of the room. Now, I could see him growing impatient as I continued to dodge all of his hits.

I began to run up to him, my confidence now boosting more than ever. Here, I preformed an acrobatic double-leg grapple of the neck, otherwise known as a flying scissor legs takedown. As I ran up to him, I leaped into the air, propelled myself upwards using his shoulders, wrapped my legs around his neck, and flipped him downwards. As he hit the ground, my legs never left his neck.

Just then, two clone troopers burst through the grand doors. Assuming that they wondered what all the commotion was, I eased their anxiousness.

"Don't worry boys, I was just showing Anakin what fighting moves I knew from training with the Sith" I said as I unwrapped my legs from Anakin's neck. I looked at Anakin, who was still on the ground laying on his back, panting.

As they nodded and walked out of the room, I overheard one of the clone troopers speak. "Damn, she's good."

I smirked as I looked towards Anakin, who now had his hand raised, signaling for me to go and pick him up from the ground.

"I've got to admit, I underestimated your ability to fight. You're very well trained in that department" he declared as he went to go take a drink from his bottle of water and retrieve his lightsaber from the ground.

"Yea, well, Count Dooku wanted me to be prepared to fight in any scenario, which includes one without lightsabers."

As I spoke, I saw Anakin pull out an object that was wrapped inside of his Jedi robe. As he took it out, I noticed that it was a lightsaber that looked brand new.

He walked over to me and handed me the saber. "The Jedi council decided that you won't be needing your old lightsaber anymore, y/n. Red isn't exactly a Jedi color" he said as I examined the shiny new saber that laid in my hand.

"Well go ahead" he said as he watched me.

I took a few steps back and prepared to view my new saber. As I ignited it, an intense yellow light beamed from it. I observed what was now my new colored saber for a few seconds and gently swung it around. It swung smoothly. I mean, I can't lie, it was a good saber.

I then looked up at Anakin, who was staring at the saber just as I was. "Why is it yellow and not blue like yours?" I queried.

"Well, when Master Yoda observed you while you were in the interrogation center, he noticed that you acquire practical skills outside the purview of the Force" he stated. "A yellow saber is the common color of blade for a Jedi Sentinel, who are Jedi that hone their skills in a balance of combat and scholarly pursuits."

I stared at him with intrigue, signaling him to continue talking. 

"Sentinels preferred working directly with everyday citizens of the galaxy instead of the pensive meditation and study that is found within the confines of a Jedi Temple" he continued. "They were usually expert spies, trackers, and technicians. They understood that the Force couldn't be relied on to solve every problem that they might face."

"Wow" I said, truly shocked that Master Yoda could even figure that out about me within the small amount of time we had spent with each other. 

"Master Yoda also noticed that you are committed to maintaining things in a particular order. I mean, it's a quite uncommon blade color. It actually really extraordinary."

I looked down at the saber, which was still ignited. It was scary how well Master Yoda knew me after such a short amount of time. Though, he wasn't wrong. I liked keeping things in order. I also liked using different fighting techniques without having to use my lightsaber or the force. So, I guess, yellow really was my color.

"Enough history. Now that you have your new lightsaber, we can actually start training with it" Anakin said as he now ignited his blue saber.

Anakin held out his saber and started showing me some of his signature moves, and we continued to train fiercely for the next couple of hours.


omg this girl is a baddie, am I right?

I hope you guys are enjoying the chapters so far!! There will be more explanation referring to her past and her family in the near future, so stay tuned for that :))

please leave any feedback you might have and vote if you would like!! it really helps let me know that you guys are enjoying the chapters, and I am always open to constructive criticism. ly all <3

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