Chapter 12: The end?

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"They are all gonna be okay right? Cause from what Praxina had told us, none of them were in a great condition", Doug said seeing the Princesses together with Nathaniel. 

"Yes you idiot, you can see that they are doing so much better. What is this with humans and their stupid questions!?", Mephisto said. But he isn't really the one to talk, way before this all happened, he also said tons of stupid shit.

"And as there is no danger anymore, i don't see the reason of why you guy's memories should be erased. You can keep them. Even if Talia disagrees, i am sure that she wouldn't say no to a request of her friend", Charlie said to the humans.

"I hope so. Cause I don't want to forget any of this! This was way to crazy not to forget!", Doug said. You know, he could have filmed it. But he chose not to. After all, he didn't want to snitch his friends knowing that some people won't accept magic creatures. He didn't want to take the risk.

"The Resistance is arrived people. They ask for Mephisto to go with them. Their trial is going to happen soon. And they all hope that it's gonna be alright.

"So, i guess that this is it then", Charlie said as she and Mephisto got some time alone to say their goodbyes. 

"Yeah it is. Even though I don't like princesses most of the time, i have to admit that it was actually fun to work with you. And thank you, for taking care of me when i was in the worst condition ever", Mephisto said.

"No problem. Will we see each other again? Cause I don't know if i will ever return to Emphedia", Charlie asked. It's true, as her part of the planet is most likely gone, she doesn't really have much of a choice.

"I am certain of it. They most likely will ask you to be present on the trial anyway", he said. There was a huge chance that that is going to happen anyway.

"Well, then i see you there i suppose...", she said. It was quiet for a few seconds, but they came closer before kissing each other on the lips.

"About time you did that", Charlie said with a smile which he returned. Guards then came and brought him away.

After a while, the princesses were healed and were filled in with everything. Even though Talia did in fact complained about Nathaniel and Dough keeping their memories, she found that it was time to let the truth be known to her friends only. They can be trusted.

They went back to Sunny Bay and Charlie stayed as there was a lot of recovering to do.

"Time to fix this mess", she said before helping people who needed it. 

This was the end. Or, is it?

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