Chapter 11: Family reunion

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"No! What do you mean they are defeated!? How did that princess do it without her friends!? Why is it whenever i try to do my best, it somehow always managed to fail!?", Praxina yelled in anger as she heard Katrina and Miranda were defeated.

"Seems like your little plan got ruined again! See, evil will never win! Gramorr didn't win and neither will you!", Carissa said with a smirk on her face.

"You shut up! I didn't ask you anything! It doesn't matter... I only needed them to be weakened enough so that the only thing they do can watch when i kill all of you!", Praxina said in anger.

Nathaniel and Doug were being scared of that threat. Of what they have learned from Lyna and Carissa, Praxina had become blood thirsty because her brother had died. And seeing and hearing of what she did with Katrina and Miranda, they knew that she is willing to go way more further then all of them are thinking.

"What makes you think that you are going to succeed? They have stopped you 1000x before, they are going to do it again wether you like it or not, so you better stop and accept it", Doug said with a big smile. Sure he is scared, but he knew that the princesses would come and save him in no time.

Praxina got more frustrated then she already is. She indeed knew deep down that they were going to defeat her, but her anger is blinding her to see it. 

At the same time, everyone was now gathered at Charlie and Raquelle their home. Iris, Auriana and Talia were unconscious and in the guest rooms. While they were de transformed, Charlie wasn't. She didn't want to hide herself again. Time that she goes back to the person she were before everything happened. 

"Do you have any idea where your sister could be? Cause as far i am aware, she is holding those three their friends", Charlie asked Mephisto.

Mephisto got in deep thought. He could be thinking of the cave he and Praxina used to hide in, but that would have been way to easy. It has to be somewhere where they wouldn't look. Ever.

And no, it isn't Charlie her house as that would be impossible. The house is way to small for that. Then something clicked.

"It could be Miranda and Katrina their house. No one would expect that she is hiding there!", he answered.

Charlie was shocked, but not surprised. After all, things like this are common in movies as she had watched tons of those.

"Then we shouldn't waste another second. The more we stay here, the bigger the chance is for them to die. Let's go", Charlie said before opening a portal that would let them to the manor.

"Raquelle, please make sure that those three won't follow us. As they are way to weakened for this", Charlie said before leaving.

"It's not like i have another choice to begin with. You can count on me!", she said.

Charlie nodded and then closed the portal. Mephisto had followed her of course.

"So ehh, you think that you can defeat her?", Charlie asked the boy.

"No, i don't. But what i do know is that she would be shocked for a few seconds what gives you the time to knock her out and get the resistance here. And knowing Prax, she would have used dark magic to make sure other dark magic can break the crystals she trapped your friends in. Then we will get the Resistance here and then she faces charges. Including me, as i was oart of the 'take over Emphedia' thingy", Mephisto said.

Yeah, it is clear that he has matured over the time. He is ready to take the consequences of his own actions. 

"Alright then. Let's go and look for them alright?" She said. He agreed snd then they split up.

"Eyy, Praxina? I know you are here. And i have a little surprise for you! Yeah! Did you know that your bro is still alive? In matter of fact, he is with us right now. In this very room", Charlie said hoping that that would catch her attention and much to her delight, it did in fact caught her attention.

"You are lying! My brother is dead! I saw it happen! Don't you dare make fun of his dead and use his death to get to me!", Praxina yelled as she attacked Charlie with all her strength. Just by saying that made Praxina go berserk.

Charlie defended herself as good as she could, but she had to do it constantly as Praxina wouldn't stop trying to attack her.

'Damnit, this is harder then i thought!', Charlie thought.

"It would be great to show up right now, you know that right!?", Charlie yelled hoping that Mephisto would be there soon. She doesn't know how much longer she can take this.

"Praxina, stop with this and listen to me for once! She is actually the one that took care of me when i got extremely wounded thanks to that explosion! You should actually thank her!", Mephisto said from behind them.

Praxina froze at that voice.

'Was Charlie really telling the truth? Is my brother really alive?...' is the only thing that went through Praxina's head. She stopped attacking Charlie and turned around. And there he was, her brother. Alive. Looking like he did the last time she saw him. She couldn't believe this.

That moment was good enough for Charlie to knock Praxina out. But they had forgotten one thing. Praxina had a new pet. Banes.

"O-oh, stay back kitty! Or do you really want to want to end up like Gramorr?", someone said from behind them. It was Clarissa, who stood there with Lyna, Nathaniel and Doug.

"While you and my sister were fighting, I managed to find them and free them. You can thank me layer", Mephisto said with a proud smile on his face. Now that, made Charlie happy as well. 

Banes knew that he couldn't fight against them all, so he teleported away to God knows where. Mephisto took his sister bridal style.

"Now, we only need to go to the Resistance and we can leave this mess behind us. Right?", Lyna said.

"Euhm", said Doug. Oh right, they forgot about them. Time to do a whole ass explanation. Again.

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