Harry's now looking at Zayn with horror.
Zayn finally knows that Harry is Kitty!
Harry's speechless, he doesn't know what to say or what to do! He can see Zayn's eyes filled with hurt. Harry's heart just torn into two, he'd hurt Zayn and for sure, he was hurt badly.
Zayn didn't say a word as he stood and looked at Harry one last time before exiting the eatery. Louis looked at Harry "Uh....wow, uhm.....I think I'll take out the food" Louis said as Harry ignored Louis. Julia was the one who answered him "Uh yes! Yes! Us too! Uhm, Waiter!" Julia wave a hand at the waiter.
Meanwhile Harry, he's thinking if he'll catch up to Zayn. His eyes began to sting as his heart is in pain "So, you are Kitty" Louis asked as Harry finally looked at him this time "You're Kitty all along?" Louis asked again as Harry slowly nodded his head "Wow, why didn't you tell Zayn?" Louis questions "Lou. I think it's not the time to—"
"No...no, you should've told Zayn you know. If you're afraid that he'll be mad at you for being a guy well, he won't!" Louis answered, controlling his voice from shouting "He won't get angry that Harry's a guy?" Julia asked as Louis looked at her
"He likes Harry. He always tells me that Kitty understands him, Kitty is this, Kitty is that...he can't stop talking about you Kitty because he had fallen inlove with Kitty" Louis said as Harry's breathing hitched "He loves....Harry?" Julia gasped "He loves Kitty...and for sure, he loves the person behind Kitty too.." Louis looked at Harry "What are you gonna do now Harry?" Louis asked as Harry frustratedly sighed "I don't really know now.....for sure he hates me" Harry softly answered.
Julia put her hand on his arm "I'm sorry for this Harry" Julia said as Harry looked at her "Uh....I'll just....go....Uh....I'll see you" Harry said as tears started to roll down his cheeks.
Julia and Louis watched him left the eatery.
Julia looked at Louis "What are we gonna do?" Julia asked as Louis shrugged "I don't know, we only have a day left here....should we do something?" Louis asked as Julia snapped her fingers "I was planning this party for you guys because I was about to make Harry jealous so that he can tell Zayn the truth! But it turned out that Zayn knew first sooooo-"
"We'll held the party for them to talk and make up!" Louis added as both of them gave a high five! "You read my mind! Okay okay! I'll tell Niall!" Julia said as Louis nodded.
Zayn went back to the Inn. He can't believe that Harry is actually Kitty!
His Kitty!
Zayn's gut tells him that he is when he first saw him at the Pub but he followed his illusion that Julia is Kitty! Zayn's angry and upset but other part of him is happy that Harry is Kitty.
But mostly he's upset because Harry lied to him.
Zayn doesn't need to lie since whether Kitty will be a boy or a girl, he'll accept him anyway because Zayn likes a person through its personality and not by its gender.
He hadn't told Harry that but, he's glad that Kitty is Harry and not Julia. He just doesn't find any connection with Julia at all.
But with Harry, they'd instantly clicked. As Zayn's saw Harry's surprised expression at the eatery, he knows that he's shock that Zayn knows. Zayn just can't be there anymore because he's deeply hurt that Harry lied.
They'll be leaving London tomorrow and Zayn is upset. He grabbed his phone and looked at his notifications and he saw that Kitty or Harry chatted him. Zayn read each messages
KITTY: CAN I TALK TO YOU? At least apologize.
Zayn closed his eyes as inhaled and exhaled. He was expecting a smooth meet up but it ended up to be complicated.
Zayn sighed as he locked his phone and lied down in the bed. He closed his eyes and upon closing them, all he can see is Harry. His porcelain, clear skin, his smooth curls and his beautiful green eyes.
Zayn groaned as he opened his eyes "Ugh! Why Harry?!" Zayn muttered as he wiped his face with his palms as his phone ring "Hello?"
"Zayn! Its Louis! Where are you?" Louis asked "At the Inn. Sorry for leaving you at the Eatery. Uh where are you?"
"Uh yeah and because of leaving me....Julia invited us to a party and I said yes. Its just a small gathering. You, me, Julia and his friend"
"Julia's friend you mean, Harry?"
"No, its her other Friend, Niall. They'll be throwing a going away party for us" Louis answered "So you better agree. As your payment for leaving me at the eatery"
Louis added as Zayn sighed "Okay fine" Zayn replied "Good. I'll see you at the entrance of the Inn later! Bye!" And with that, Louis hang up.
//A/N: OH GOSH, you think their plan will work? Baby Zayn! I could only imagine the hurt he feels knowing that Harry lied to him. Tsss Harry better do something or at least, let Julia and Louis' plan work.
Do you think they'll have an happy ending? hehe.
Thank you guys for the reads! SOOOO THANKFUL! ❤️
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