Chapter 12

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The gang are now at the eatery near the Museum.

Louis was talking about the chick that he saw at the Museum earlier and he's the only one talking. Julia, Harry and Zayn are all quiet—awkwardly quiet.

Zayn's all focus on the menu while Harry and Julia are nervously taking glances at each other "So Harry, what's good here?" Louis asked as Zayn took a glance at Harry behind the menu "Uh....well, you could try their caesar salad and Panera bread, they're delicious" Harry answered "That's all green?!" Louis said with a cringe expression as Zayn's heart sped up

"Oh I'm sorry....I rarely eat meat" Harry said without a pause "You're a vegan?" Louis asked as Harry's eyes landed on Zayn's.

Harry's heart beat quickened as he saw Zayn looking intently at him.

Harry cleared his throat "Uh.....well, not really....I just don't like eating....meat" Harry nervously answered "Why don't we order then?" Zayn said as Louis cheered. He wave a hand as a waiter approached them "1 steak, mashed potato on the side, Saucy fries and a strawberry smoothie!" Louis ordered as the waiter jotted down his order on his pad.

The waiter looked at Harry "Uhh....Caesar salad, orange juice and a slice of coleslaw pizza" Harry softly said as Zayn's eyes stares at him "That's all green" Louis cringe again "Oooh I'll have lasagna and chocolate frappe!" Julia piped in as Zayn look at her "I thought you don't like Sweets? And you hate meat?" Zayn said as Julia's eyes widened and seriously, she feels like passing out "Did I say that?" Julia gave an awkward chuckle as Harry's heart can't stop beating so fast "Well, today's my cheat day! Yey!" Julia added.

Zayn then ordered "1 steak, fries on the side and a coke, thanks" Zayn said as the waiter nodded "Your orders will be serve in 15 minutes" The waiter said and left.

After the waiter left, the table had gone silent again.

Harry tried his best not to meet eyes with Zayn "So Julia—" Zayn started as he face Julia "I really wanna hear about your college life" Zayn said as Julia cracked a small and awkward smile "What....what about it?" She nervously asked "You can tell me about the first time that you've entered. I love that story. I just wanna see you telling it" Zayn said as Julia subtlety elbowed Harry.

Harry didn't know what to do! Zayn's trying to pull off their strings!

"Uh.... you know what, Harry was there too, he....he....he'll tell you" Julia stuttered as she look at Harry "Tell Him Harry" Julia said with a pleading face as Harry looked at Zayn.

Zayn's eyes found his "Uh....actually, its not that interesting" Harry said "It was interesting to me" Zayn answered as Harry paused and stared at him.

Zayn's expression was blank, just staring at him.

Harry swallowed hard as he tried his best to stay calm "Okay, I'll tell you" Harry said as he cleared his throat "I was....I mean, Julia" Harry emphasized Julia's name "....was at the line at the student office. She was waiting for her dorm room to be printed. Then, one student cut her off. Julia said "Excuse me? There's a line!" But the student just stared at her like she's not there" Harry exhaled "Julia then realizes that she's indeed invisible because people can't even see her, even though she's tall, lanky and curly—" Louis eyebrows raised "Tall? Curly?" Louis softly mumbled with a confuse expression on his face "—People doesn't see her much because she's quiet and reserved...she mostly hear people calling her weird and boring—"

"And did Julia remembered what I told her in our chat?" Zayn barged in as Harry's insides churn " her that......I read this on your chat..." Harry nervously chuckled "You told her.....that its okay to be weird and boring because someday, someone will see you as you are. And being weird and boring will be your—"

"—will be your most lovable trait" Zayn finished his sentences as Harry's eyes widened and his chest hurts!

He suddenly felt lightheaded and his insides are churning; real bad!

"And yes, I see you Harry..." Zayn said this time as Louis and Julia looked at both of them back and forth " may be weird, boring and you feel invisible but I see you...clearly.....Kitty" Zayn emphasized the word Kitty as Harry's eyes widened even more.


//A/N: ZAYN FUCKING KNOWS! Ahhhhh! Okay, When I read this part, I was shaking and my heart can't stop pumping because of the anticipation! Harry baby, stop making Zayn like a fool. He deserves the truth and he deserves you.

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