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I was sat in the class with a very impatient Sam tapping her pen on the table waiting for the maths teacher.

"Is he going to come or not?", Sam finally asked.

"I think that his D is stuck in his wife's V", I said without thinking and blushed at my own response.

"Woah...What's with you girl? Are you on PMS mode?"

"No... Why?"

"You don't seem to be like the one using the word dick", she replied with a shrug.

And just when she said that, the teacher had to enter the class glaring at us both in the process.

"So, who's a dick here, Miss Smith?" Mr Andrew, the teacher asked.

"Umm nobody. I didn't say dick. I said dig, sir", Sam tried to use the whole lot of wisdom that is stuffed in her little mind but it didn't work as the little intelligence that the teacher had in his potato-sack like brain decided to work more than it needed to today.

"I don't think that I'm going to need to use a hearing aid any time soon. I can very well differentiate between dig and dick", Mr Andrew answered.

"Now, now, What should be done with you Miss Smith?", Mr Andrew pretend that he was thinking hard while tapping his chin with his fingers with an arrogant smile plastered on his face.

Sam was going to be punished because of me. I couldn't let this happen. So, like the great savior that I was, I decided to help Sam and lifted my hands so that I can speak.

"Yes Miss Young, anything you want to add in the interesting topic that Miss Smith thought was much more important than Algebra?"

"Yes...No, I mean she is not the only one at fault", I tried to defend Sam.

"Yes Sir. Actually, the reason for your lateness was concluded by Alyssa, Miss Smith is not the only one at fault", the guy sitting behind us interfered putting lots of emphasis on Sam's name and I recognized him as the third guy who was with Michael in the canteen.

He was going to get us in trouble for sure.

Okay not us...maybe me.

"And what was the conclusion Ryan?", Mr Andrew directed the question towards Ryan, the boy behind us whom I just got to know his name.

"Your D was stuck in your wife's V", he said without any hesitation and the whole class erupted into laughter.

This statement did not make any difference to the teacher as he was the greatest pervert who existed on this whole planet. Can you imagine a teacher flirting with his own student?...despite the fact that he is married? but guess what? He actually pretended that I said something very wrong and that he was really angry that he decided to punish me.

"Miss Alyssa Young. You are coming with me to the principle's office to get your detention ticket after the class."

And I swear if we were in a cartoon, fumes would be coming out of the teacher's ears and nose and his hair would have spiked up even if he has almost no hair. Good for him that he already started losing his hair even if he was still around thirty years. His head could have been made use of as a mirror because of the amount of oil that he has applied maybe thinking that he would actually get more hair.

"Lyssa, it's okay. It's not that hard to stay after school for a detention. I'm pretty much sure that there will be other people also there. You will not be the only one and by the way thank you but there was no need to do all this, I can actually handle situations like these. A detention is no biggie to me", Sam tried to comfort me but I can bet that this hasn't affected me at all.

I don't mind having a detention as long as the teacher keeping an eye on us will not be Mr Andrew or else that would suck ass. I would just do some work and then go find a job afterwards as I had planned to do.

"It's okay Sam. I can stay for a detention. It's no big deal", I said trying to get rid of the guilty feeling that Sam was probably feeling right now.



"Miss Smith"

"Misssss SSSSSmith"

"What do you want now Ryan? Are you not satisfied with what you have done? This is what you have always wanted to do and did to me, right?", Sam said with anger showing on her face...and maybe hurt.

I also saw a glint of hurt flash across Ryan's face and I decided that I should try to calm Sam down. It can't be just because of the detention that she is so angry with Ryan. There must be something else. I have to ask her later. I mean if that would help her feel better. I don't want to pry in her personal life.

"It's okay- ", I tried to calm her down but it seems like she wanted to vent all her anger on Ryan as she just lifted her hand to stop me from talking.

"You were going to be punished", Ryan tried to defend himself.

"So? I'll do what I want in my life. It's not the first time that I was going to be punished. I have been punished several times and by several people. Stop thinking for me", Sam retorted putting lots of emphasis on several people and headed towards the canteen after flipping Ryan off with me behind her.


Once we were in the canteen, I settled for a simple cheese and onion sandwich since it was the cheapest thing that was found on the menu for today.

"That's what you are eating? My cat eat much more than that", Sam asked me when she saw what I was going to eat.

"You have a cat?", I asked Sam a bit enthusiastically.

"No, I don't but -"

"I'm not that hungry that's why. Now, stop diverting my mind which let me tell you that it was a success when you mentioned the cat but now let's go because you have some explaining to do"

Yeah, I did have those pancakes in the morning. Michael left some for me after leaving me alone in the room like nothing happened and went away. Maybe I was just overreacting.

"So, what was that with Ryan? I can tell that it was not because of me", I asked her once we settled in our usual place.

"You are my friend. I did this for you. I couldn't bear the fact that him opening his big mouth landed you in trouble. All my friends mean a lot to me." She replied

"I know that you did it for me Sam and I'm really thankful that I got a friend like you but I can sense that there's something more to it and I want to help you. You also mean a lot to me", I encouraged her to tell me the reasons why she behaved like this so that she can feel lighter.

She nodded and tried to start telling me but she stopped. I don't know why she was hesitating.

"You can tell me later if you are not prepared for this now and yeah, just keep this in mind that i will never judge you if that's why you are hesitating to tell me", I tried to comfort her because of all the turmoil she was feeling right now.

"Alyssa, actually- ", she started when suddenly a voice said something that made me felt mortified.

"Do you want to me to make you feel good again, PRINCESS?"

Heyy there lovely people

So, I finally got the time to update this chapter or we can say that I made the time.

Actually this week was the first week of the second term and it already feel as if I went to school for one month with all these homework.

HSC sux...but all I can do is to tell you all that I'm really sorry despite the fact that the word sorry doesn't make things better every time but I just hope that it does work this time since it came directly from my heart...okay, i guess this is becoming a bit dramatic so I'll just stop here.

Do comment and vote, also if you have any type of question or if you want to share something just message me coz i like to make new friends ;)

Bye lovelies...<3

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