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After the school hours, I headed towards the library for my detention. When I got there, I saw that there was nobody else in the room except the teacher who was going to keep an eye on us. I mean me since I was the only one there.

Damn my luck. The teacher was my Maths teacher. That pervert. Oh God help me.

I went to sit completely at the back so as to create the maximum distance between me and the teacher.

I was removing my biology book from my bag when I heard footsteps coming towards me.


I felt a kind of relief that I was not alone with that teacher even if it was Michael.

He sat in the chair next to me took out his phone and started playing a game. I wanted to ask him why Ryan did what he did to Sam. I was going to ask him when he lifted his eyes and I saw him looking in the direction of the door where Ethan, Daniel and Ryan were making their appearance. Talking about Ryan and Sam would be more difficult now but I have to do this. All three of them came at the back and took a seat. Nobody sat on my other side.

Good. Atleast I can run away if this conversation goes too far.

"I have to leave you alone for some time and I want you to behave", the teacher commanded.


It was becoming a bit awkward to stay with four silent guys in the library so I decided to ask them the truth and I directed my question towards Ryan who was staring blankly at the table.

"Why did you do that to Sam?", I asked him in a very calm tone.

Michael snapped his head towards me.

"I already told you that it was not his fault. It does not even concern you. Stop meddling in their affairs", Michael answered the question that was not even directed to him.

"I wasn't talking to you. Just stay away from me. As far as it's Sam's concern, it is also mine. And, just for your information, like you said earlier why don't YOU stop meddling in their affairs? If I'm not wrong, Ryan do have a mouth and as long as I remember he knows how to speak in English", I countered.

"You little-", Michael tried to intervene again but Ryan cut him off.

"Let me explain Michael. they need an explanation. Sam suffered much more than me and even if I'm not completely guilty, as you say, I am, even if it's only partly", Ryan said to Michael and calmed him down.

"So, all this started in this party where Sam-", Ryan started.

"I already know all this. Why did you make that video if you loved her?", I asked him straight to the point.

"I didn't love her...I mean before...I used to date Natalie, Emily's twin sister. Just after refusing Sam's love for me, we went to play truth or dare and at that time I was already a bit tipsy. So, while playing the game, I was dared to make a video of me and Sam making out by Natalie since she was a girl who was really hard to get. Many players didn't succeed but since I didn't like to lose, I accepted the challenge and the next morning I made the excuse of needing some time to think and she trusted me. I started dating her and like everyone said she was really hard to get as it was after two days that I was able to make the video to show Natalie. After showing it to her, I didn't delete it. I started to feel guilty as I was falling for her. Natalie got angry when she found out that I was falling for Sam because her last boyfriend left her for Sam but fortunately Sam didn't agree to the boy's proposal since the guy was a player. Then, to seek revenge, Natalie took the video from my phone and modified it. I don't know when and how but everyone thought I did it, even Sam", Ryan finished sounding a bit relieved.

"We planned to get back at Natalie but she left before that", Ethan added.

"So for your detention, you are going to have to write essays of about a thousand words on the topic that I'll give you", the teacher said when he came in the library and interrupted our conversation.

"Mr Michael Evans, you will write on smoking everything that you know or don't know on it, the causes and consequences etc, Mr Ethan Roberts will write on drugs, Mr Daniel Brown yours will be alcoholism, Mr Ryan Jones will do gambling and Miss Alyssa Young...what are you doing Alyssa?"

"I was looking at my biology notes", I answered a bit rudely since this teacher irritates me.

"Oh, biology...this is an interesting subject. Why don't you explain to us how sexual reproduction takes place?", the teacher suggested.

Was he actually serious? I didn't know what to do. He ushered me to come in front of the library. I started to get up when I felt Michael's hand firmly on my knee.

"And, do you want me to make you start finding ways of how man can reproduce asexually?", Michael said with a very furious voice.

"Michael, who do you think you are talking with?", the teacher asked angrily.

"Does it matter?", Michael snapped.

"I can give you another detention"


Michael stood up and left the library with me. The teacher's face was priceless. I have to admit that I enjoyed it when Michael put the teacher in his place.

Once we were in the yard, Michael took the direction of going to our dorm room when he noticed that I was not coming along.

"What happened now?"

"I need to go settle some things."


"I'll see you later", I went out without answering his question.

I know that I should've been more polite since he actually helped me and he could get in trouble but I'm sure that money is going to do it's work if he ever falls in one. It's not like he is the sweetest guy on Earth. He is still the same arrogant jerk and I'll definitely going to help him if he ever needs me but I wasn't going to tell him that I have to go find a job because I can't live only on air. If I would have told him that he would either laugh at me because of the fact that he is filthy rich, I mean everyone here is, or he may pity me which may make me seem to be a weak person and I was not prepared for any of these so it was better to just not answer.

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