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Me and the Gryffindor team flew into the field. The crowd cheered loudly.

The game started with Madame Hooch throwing the Quaffle into the air. A Ravenclaw player from the other team grabbed the ball.

The Ravenclaw player soared towards the goal. I watched as the game went on. It was actually going great.

Suddenly, a golden, round object flew into my face. It was the Snitch.

It flew away and I went after it. The Ravenclaw Seeker, who was Cho Chang, followed me. Our broomsticks flew beside each other's as we raced for the Snitch.

The snitch flew higher into the sky. Cho and I reached for the golden snitch.

The snitch flew towards the ground. I leaned back on my broom and dived after the Snitch.

I zoomed down to the Snitch with Cho behind me. The snitch got close to the ground.

I pulled up on my broom so I wouldn't knock into the ground. I thought about how I was going to catch the snitch.

I took a deep breath and remembered the move I always did when I played Quidditch with my sister.

I flew above the snitch. I tilted to the side and flew upside down on my broom.

I reached for the snitch and...

"Aurelia Adolpha has caught the snitch! Gryffindor wins!"

There was loud cheers. The whole Gryffindor team flew to the ground. Me, Ron and Ginny were lifted onto people's shoulders as everyone except Ravenclaw cheered.

There were more celebratory shouts of, "Go, Go, Gryffindor!"


After the game, I returned to the tents. Hermione came back in and tackled me with a hug.

"I knew you could do it!" She said happily.

"Thank you for believing in me", I said.

"There's someone who wants to see you", Hermione said.

Hermione led me outside. We walked towards the back of the tent. There, I saw Remus, smiling at me with a proud smile.

I ran towards him and hugged him tightly. "You were amazing, sweetheart", Remus said.

Hermione left Remus and I alone. "How did you know I was playing?" I asked Remus.

"Dumbledore told me about the last minute changes. He knew I wouldn't pass up the opportunity to watch you play Quidditch", Remus said. "Your Uncle wanted to be here. Since he couldn't be here, he wanted me to give you these".

Remus gave me a small bouquet of Orchids. My favorite flower.

"Oh my Godric. They're beautiful", I said. "Thank you to the both of you. These are beautiful".

"I should get going. I will tell Sirius you loved the flowers", Remus said. I gave him one last hug before he walked away.


When I got back to the common room, I changed my outfit.

The Common room was full of cheers. I had two reasons to celebrate. Gryffindor won the House Cup and Ron and Lavender has broken up.

As I was celebrating, I saw the common room door open. People grabbed Harry and pulled him into the common room.

"We won!" People shouted.

I ran towards Harry. "Harry, you're here! You're here. We won", I said with excitement. "I wish you could've been there. Ginny, she was amazing. The other team didn't know what hit em. And Ron-he blocked almost everything that the other team threw his way. It was amazing. It was-it was bloody brilliant. Oh, and I was flying towards the snitch, you see, and I went upside down on my broom and caught the snitch. I felt nervous at the beginning of the game, but now, I feel amazing. Who knew a Quidditch game could be so much fun? The whole game, it was amazing. Y-You're amazing. Your team-"

I didn't finish. My heart pounded so loudly in my ear, I thought everyone would hear. The room fell silent because everyone saw Harry kiss me.

Our lips separated. I looked at Harry and smiled. There was wolf whistles and nervous chuckles.

I felt my cheeks turn red. Me and Harry smiled nervously at each other. Then, we grabbed each other's hand and walked out of the common room.

We stood on a balcony and watched the sunset. "I must say it took you long enough, Potter", I said.

"Sorry I kept you waiting", Harry said.

"It's fine. I've been waiting since the Triwizard Tournament, but it was worth the wait", I said. "I guess I was afraid that if I were to get closer to you, you would end up like..."

"Like your sister", Harry finished. I nodded sadly. "Lia". He grabbed my hand. "If we can make our friendship work, I think we can make this work as a...together".

"Do you, maybe want to go on a date this coming Hogsmeade weekend?" I asked nervously.

"Yeah. Yeah, that's nice", Harry said. "I'd...like that. Very much". We both chuckled nervously. "Do you want to stay out here a while longer?" Harry asked. I smiled and nodded.

We looked at the sunset. Me and Harry occasionally held each other's hand.

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