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News spread quickly that Harry Potter is dating Aurelia Adolpha. So fast that my uncle sent us both a letter the day after we kissed.

Someone must have told him because it definitely wasn't me.

I was sitting at the Gryffindor table with the Golden trio, Neville and Ginny. Luna joined us, as always.

An owl flew in and dropped two letters. One landed in front of me and the other landed in front of Harry, who was sitting next to me.

"It's from Remus", I said, looking at the writing on the envelope.

"Mine is from your Uncle", Harry said to me.

We looked at each other. We both weren't sure if we were going to like whatever they wrote.

"One of you is a sneak", I hissed, staring at our friends suspiciously. In my opinion, they all responded with suspicious behavior.

Ron and Ginny pointed at each other accusingly. Hermione rolled her eyes at them. Luna was staring off into space. Neville went back to eating.

I opened up my letter from Remus.


One of your friends has told me what happened between you and Harry. I really am happy for you and I know you both are great children, but I want to make sure that you're being safe. Your parents were always playing it safe until they decided not to.

My eyes widened. "Uh, if he's going to talk about how I was conceived, I don't think I want to read this", I said.

Neville's eyes widened at this. I've never seen him look so traumatized.

I braced myself and continued reading.

What I'm trying to say is, I love you both, but if Harry tries anything, Professor Mcgonagall will contact me.

At that moment, Harry and I looked around the Great Hall. I saw Professor Mcgonagall sitting at the Staff's table. She looked at us with a stern look.

Me and Harry looked at each other. We looked back at our letters and continued reading them.

Also, your Uncle is very proud. I've never seen him prouder. I am not sure as to why he's so proud. I believe he's proud that another member of the family has broken the House Black tradition of falling for Purebloods. Though, I also believe he is happy for you both. Sirius is currently writing his letter to Harry. I suspect both letters will arrive to you at the same time and I will be expecting a letter response from you. If I don't get an owl post in the next few days, I'll keep sending letters. Have fun, but not too much fun.


"What the bloody hell just happened?" I asked. Harry shrugged his shoulders. We looked at each other again.

We switched letters. While Harry read Remus's letter, I read Sirius's.


One of your friends has told me the news about you and Aurelia. I'm proud of you both, but I too want you to be safe. So, to even my surprise, I made a deal with Snape. I told him if you and Aurelia decided to not play it safe, he can take house points or give detention.

Once again, Harry and I looked around the Great Hall. Harry found Mcgonagall, but I looked at Snape. He was glaring at me.

Harry and I looked back at the letters and continued reading.

Knowing Severus, he'll probably do both. Remus says he is happy for you, but as I am writing this letter, I hear Remus in the other room. He sounds concerned and he is repeatedly asking himself, "How do I respond when my daughter-I mean, foster child starts dating". I have no idea as to why he keeps correcting himself. We all know he sees Aurelia as a daughter. Anyways, Remus and I will be expecting a response from the both of you. If we don't get one, we'll keep sending letters until we do. Love you both.


"My Uncle is working with Snape?" I asked, sounding surprised and concerned.

"This is unbelievable", Harry said.

"My Uncle is working with Snape?" I repeated. This time, I sounded more surprised.

"There's something else on your letters", Luna said.

Me and Harry looked at the two letters. The last sentence on both parchment said the same thing

P.S Dumbledore is watching.

"Why?" I sighed. Harry turned around, but I didn't bother. I buried my head into my hands.

"This is a bit dramatic", Harry said.

"A bit?" I asked, looking up. "A bit is an understatement. I'm done with breakfast. Want to make a run for it to the Room of Requirement?"

"First, I think we should write a letter back to them", Harry said.

I sighed. I pulled out two quills and two pieces of parchment from my satchel. Harry and I began writing.

For whatever reason, you and my Uncle are concerned, but I can assure you that we are being safe. I don't know why one of our friends told you what happened. I believe it was Ginny. Whomever it was, they will get caught. I'm not going to write much because I know you have a thing for my Uncle and Tonks and you probably have plans. I love you both. While we're being safe, please be safe too.


P.S Mad-eye is watching you.

"I think that's good", I said. Harry looked at my letter and reads it.

I smiled proudly. "You are amazing", Harry said. I looked at him. We kissed each other.

"Shoot, Professor Snape is standing up. It looks like he's coming over here", Hermione said.

Me and Harry stood up quickly. "Let's get to the Room of Requirement", I said. Me and Harry grabbed each other's hand and ran out of the Great Hall.

When we got to the Room of Requirements, I was still laughing. I had started laughing a while before we lost Snape.

"I can't believe we did that", I said through laughter.

"You enjoyed that, didn't you?" Harry asked.

"Us running away from Snape and getting away with it? Yeah, I enjoyed it. A little", I said, chuckling.

Me and Harry kissed each other. I didn't want the moment to end. It was amazing and I was happy.

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