chapter 4: permission

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"No! I wanna go home, I want see my big brother and grandad!" You yelled at probe that he trying feed you a breakfast but you didn't like it.

"Come on princess season! You have to eat your breakfast.." Probe said as he trying feed you again and you refuse him as you continue yelling and whine at him and always say 'I wanna see my big brother' or 'I wanna go home' again and again.

You were stuck in shelter that probe jail you there by your unconscious.

"Hey! Stop yelling princess season!" Adudu yelled at you with angry expression but you don't care.

"No and stop calling me princess season! I'm (y/n), the human just like my big brother!"

"When you have a brother?! You don't have siblings!"

"None of your business!! Yes I have, my big brother will rescue me!" You crossed your arm and turn around as you don't want see adudu and probe face.

Adudu about to yelled but stop by computer went to him. "Master, did you forgot? Princess season doesn't remember herself and her family." She said as you heard of her that made you curious but you ignore her and still mad.

Adudu scoffed. "Yeah, yeah."

"Hey, mister boss. What if we got wrong person this kid, she doesn't look princess season to me."

"She IS princess season! The internet said-" adudu cut off by the alarm sound. "What's going on?"

"This ship's core energy is almost depleted, sir." Computer said.

"Hm.. Locate the nearest refueling station! We'll make a pit-stop there." Adudu said as both nodded their boss while you still look at them with questioned face but yet you were planning to scape.

When the spaceship arrive the destination, probe went over your shelter. "Let's go princess season."

"I'm not princess season and what?" You asked probe still angry at him.

"Uh, okay then. Anyway I'ma take you with mister boss but we have handcuffed you." Probe said as you pout at him as you crossed your armed and look him away. "... Okay, how about this. Ima give you a candy!" You look at him curious face and saw probe had candy on his robotics hand.

Your finger on your chin and think. "Okay! As long you give me a candy."

"Okay! Oh I forgot introduced myself, my name probe." He said as he open the door shelter for you.

You smiled. "My name (y/n)! Let's be friends probe!"

Probe nodded as he accepted be your friend.

You were out the spaceship with them as your hand were handcuffed with motobot. Your face went to bored as you hate the waiting. "Can I go home now?"

"No." Adudu refuse you as you sudden kick his back that causing him yelped and fell on the ground on his face as you snicker at him while other's sweatdrop. "Why did you do that for?!"

"Why did you do that for?!" You copied him as he look angry face at you as he about to hit you but then sudden you heard a voice from afar.

"So it was YOU adudu! And Don't you dare hit her!"adudu look at two 'aliens'

"Eh? You know who I am?" Adudu said.

"Oh? You're pretty famous, huh, Mr. Boss?"

Other alien the hand on hips. "Dey. Who doesn't know you? The worst power sphere hunder of them all." Adudu and probe look each other then look back at alien. "Not even ONE power sphere to your name. Ha! See here!" They showed the wanted paper that has adudu face on it.

"I... I'VE FINALLY MADE IT INTO THE 'WANTED' LIST!" adudu exclaimed meanwhile you and motobot look each other then look back at adudu.

"No need to get THAT pumped. Your bounty's only worth $1" alien said as they showed the bounty's reward.

Meanwhile you didn't notice ciciko sneak behind you and motobot as he helped you get you two out the handcuffed.

While you two watch them and feel your hand weight didn't get heavy as you look down and saw the handcuffed no longer on your wrist, you gasped and look turn and see ciciko break handcuffed on motobot, you were about thank him but sudden heard a familiar voice.

"Stop pulling me! Gopal, help!" You recognize his voice you know as you start run toward him as ciciko stopped you but you ignore him.

Adudu stopped daydreaming and heard a familiar name. "Gopal...?" He said as he notice you run passed at him and run toward familiar voice from boboiboy.

as Gopal run toward boboiboy that he was dragging by miss alien but stopped notice you grab his hand as the miss alien look angry who pulling her 'son' alien as she turn around and gasped look at you. "P-princess season.." She said in alien language as you understand her language.

"Miss, can you let go of him.. Please...?" You asked her but yet you confused how you get that alien language from.

miss alien slowly losing grip on boboiboy armed and still look at you with stunned. You take off the bucket on boboiboy wearing reveal his face. As miss language even more shocked look at boboiboy.

boboiboy sweatdrop and look at miss alien with nervous smiled at her. "Err... Hehe. Oops?" Boboiboy said while he hold you closer to him while stare at miss alien.

Miss alien look at you two then she about to faint and fall on the ground but thanksfully the other alien caught her and run toward the bus and said. "It's an earthling and princess season still alive long years!"

Adudu watch them running toward the bus as he heard them, he slowly look toward boboiboy with glared. "You... So it was YOU?! And you princess season, how you get out?!"

Boboiboy and Gopal take off the alien disguise as boboiboy pull you behind him as he protect you. "Let motobot go!" He said with slight grip on your hand as you grip him back slightly not too strong.

Adudu wide eyes and look at probe. "Probe! Don't let them get motobot!"

"Don't worry, Mr. Boss! Motobot is safe with--" probe cut off by motobot isn't beside him as he shocked and a motorcycle drive passed at him.

"Faster, motobot! Faster!" Ciciko said as motobot drive fast as adudu notice them scape.

"Stop right there! After them, probe!" Probe nod at adudu as you watch him probe transform to vehicle, when probe done tranform himself to vehicle adudu ride in "hurry probe!" He start engine and chase them as the dust wind blew you three as you held your bunny cap to stay on your head.

You notice boboiboy changed form and element to lightning as he turn around look down at you and you look up at him nervous, lighting nodded at you and start chasing them as he leave you behind with Gopal.

Gopal notice lightning chase him with panic and he can't leave you here but sudden your eyes bright eyes with smile and Gopal notice you with curious and you look at Gopal with smile. "What with that smile?" He asked with sweatdrop As you giggle and he only saw a bright blink that made him bit blind as he cover his eyes from the light around you.

I think boboiboy allowed you used your power now.

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