chapter 3: kidnapped

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It's night time here, everyone will sleep soon but yet in kokotaim still customers as boboiboy cleaning the table while you collect the empty plate while the cat sleep on counter as tok aba doesn't mind it "Boboiboy! Grab these drinks will you?"

"Okay, tok." Boboiboy walk toward the counter as tok aba told him. Ochobot approach him while holding two plates.

"Boboiboy, clear up that table over there?"

"Oh, I can help!" You said. Before boboiboy said and sudden person called his name.

"You, boy. The cheque, please!"

"Quick, boboiboy. The Ice is starting to melt."

Boboiboy quickly around and you wanted to help him but you got idea. "Big brother! Maybe I can help, let me split my season power!"

"Huh? No no, you shouldn't used power lil sis, I'll handle this. Okay?" Boboiboy said as you frowned and nod at him as boboiboy activate his power to triple split while you watch him split to three of him and each elements.

"Wind. You'll help out tok aba."

"Lighting, give ochobot a hand."

"And I'll tally up the bills." Earthquake said and he felt tugging his shirt he look down at you.

"What am I doing now?" You asked innocent, this made your three brothers melted their heart by your innocent.

"Hm..." Earthquake thinking and look around quickly to something to do for you and he got idea. "Maybe you help ciciko spaceship?" He said as you smile and nod.

"Okay!" You exclaimed as you run toward at ciciko spaceship while the ori trio get to their work.

"Come one, come all! Take a photo with the spaceship!" You heard from Gopal and you saw him there and he has a stand the photography on spaceship, you approach him curious. "Three for ten! Three for ten! Three for ten!" He said as wind approach him and you while holding a drink.

"Really, gopal? You're still selling photos at this hour?"

"Hey, of course! Time is money!" Gopal showed you two a money that made you two surprise.


"That's a lot of cash!"

"Why of course! Tons wanted to check out this cool spaceship. All of them took me up on my offer!" Gopal said as you tilted your head and wind think and sudden Gopal take a picture both of you on spaceship behind you both and then click and flash that made you both surprise sudden.

Gopal making a filter picture. "Here you go! Gopal's photography service." give you a picture as you take it and look.

"Whoa... This isn't half bad!"

"So cool!" Sudden Gopal take the picture on your hand. "Huh?"

"Want one? That's 30 bucks for one."

"$30 for ONE?!" You two shocked.

"I remember you said 'three for ten' just now?" You said curious.

"A special price among friends, (y/n)! Boboiboy!"

Before you could said, wind grab your hand and he 'tch' "some friends you are! I'm gonna go send these drinks over. Come on lil sis." He said as he start float toward ciciko spaceship and he let his power to let you float with him. While Gopal chase you and tried to changed his mind the Price's. As you didn't notice a green smoke...

You both made it the spaceship as you first greet them. "Hi, ciciko! Hi, motobot!" You approach them both.

"Hey princess season." Ciciko greet you as you curious why he call you princess season but you shrugged and ignore call you that.

Wind greet ciciko before you. "Hi, ciciko! Tok aba made you a drink." Wind give ciciko the drink as ciciko take it.

"Thank you, boboiboy. Huh? What kind of drink is this?" He asked.

Before wind said what drink about then sudden Gopal pushed him to front ciciko and he explain the chocolate drink, You shocked by Gopal sudden and you went wind worried face as wind told you he was okay. While ciciko listen Gopal as before he could drink the chocolate drink but Gopal snatch his drink. "The best iced chocolate drink EVER!" He said as he drink the chocolate drink and he drink whole chocolate.

"Hey, Gopal! Why did you do that?!"

"Huh?" Gopal look at you.

"That ciciko drinks and you drink it all!" You said as Gopal shocked and realized that.

"Huh? Err..." He look at ciciko and slowly give him back chocolate drink but it empty as Gopal nervous laugh at him.

You notice green smoke on your feet, you curious and a flash your version that sudden realize a sleep smoke, you panic little and quickly tug wind shirt and wind look at you and notice a green smoke. "Huh? What... What's happening?"

"Big brother, don't breath in the sleeping gas!" You tried warned him and you heard thud sound as you look over there and see Gopal was sleep then ciciko sudden sleep as for you were immune the sleeping gas, you look turn at wind who about to sleep. Before you could stay wake him up but sudden he fell sleep. Everyone sleep on kokotaim but except you and motobot.

You and motobot look around the sleeping gas and close you both each other and sudden you saw a figure went you two. The figure laugh. "At long last." You drag motobot on your back to defend him and glared at figure. "I'll finally... Get my hand on a power sphere! And a princess season!." The figure said as he jump off the robot head and approach you two.

"Who... Who are you?!" You said as you stay brave.

"What? Who am I princess season?" He laughed. "I am... Adudu!" He take off the mask that made you yelped and you notice he look sleepy.

"The legendary power sphere.... Hunt... Er... Ah... Ssho...Sleep.... Y... Ugh..." He fell sleep, you had chance to scape this gas with motobot, you grab motobot hand and you two start run toward the exit and a robot block you two way.

"Hey! Where do you think you two going, huh?!" You two gasped and stopped running and a robot approach you two, you were about activate your power but you can't that your brother told you not used your power and there's no nothing to scape. "Come here, you two!"

"D... Don't!"

"Big brother!!"

"Boboiboy?" Someone call his name and shake his shoulder to wake him up. "Hey, boboiboy?"

Boboiboy slowly open his eyes and saw tok aba and Ochobot. "Wake up!"

Boboiboy slowly sit up and fix his dini cap as he yawn. "Morning, tok aba." He look at tok aba and he look around where are you at but you weren't there and he realize he sleep outside. "Wh... Why we're we sleeping outside?" He asked Ochobot.

"You guys we're knocked out by sleeping gas last night! We've been attacked, boboiboy!" Ochobot explain him.

"Huh?! We got attacked?!"

"Not only that..." Tok aba said with concerned face. Boboiboy look at his grandad and asked.

"What do you mean not only that?"

"... They kidnapped motobot And (y/n)."

"They kidnapped my little sis?!"

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