The Triwizard Cup

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While I was sitting there on a bench with the twins, they were trying to comfort me in their unique way as they were talking about a prank they pulled on Filch when they first came to this school, "you should have seen Filch's face he looked like a pimple ready to burst" George explains as Fred is holding my hand which has me to lean into his side a little more cuddling into his side finding comfort in his calming aura at the moment, "really, just because you made a mess of the second-floor corridor" I joke for them to nod on my way of looking at what happened in the end, "and he never found out who did it" Fred tells me as I begin to laugh on the fact they are just silly. While laughing away at the twins on what happened, in the end, I notice Hermione come into view, "Lillian, found you", Hermione breathes out as I look at her. 

I smiled at Hermione, who looked at the twins with raised brows and at me, "come on, let's go; Harry's looking for you", she told me. As I nod, I know Harry would be beside himself, worried about where I ran off. Still, the look on her face tells me many things right now. I wish to clear up most of those loose threads in her head, "let's go find Harry then", I tell her as I let go of Fred's hand while getting up and then turning to look at the twins with a little smile directed there way, "see you later" I tell them as I turn to walk away next to Hermione. 

When we go around a corner, I notice the little smirk on Hermione's face. I turn my head to look at the little look on her face about what just happened with the twins and Fred Weasley, "don't give me that look", I tell her as we continue to walk, "oh, why not, future Mrs Weasley?" she questions as my cheeks. Go crimson on the mention of me being a Mrs and a Weasley at that, "shove off Hermione", I joke, pushing her shoulder lightly as we walk, which resulted in Hermione doing a little giggle on me being red now, "well,,, it seemed you were quite comfortable sitting they're next to Fred" Hermione comments as I roll my eyes on the subject about Fred Weasley who had become my friend now after that whole incident last year when he was a total jerk, "were just friends and I needed someone to hug then; Harry wasn't their so Fred and George are the only other two boys that make a joke of the matter when I need them to Hermione" I explain as she nods while not looking like she is convinced about what just happened in front of her, but at least she has dropped it. Later that day, I have my potion book in hand as I sit next to Hermione on a bench in the great hall. 

As we began to read, people were coming in, which made me not pay attention to them that much as they were putting their names into the Goblet of Fire. Are they stupid or plain idiotic? I wish not to know which one they are, "Come on, Cedric. Put it in!" one of Cedric's friends says as I roll my eyes and then turn the page in my book, which has me peek over my book to watch him put his name into the cup with his hair sticking to his face, why is it that all the older seven years who have girlfriends might I add look so good looking to me now. 

I look back to my book only for a second to hear the Weasley twins cheer as they run in. I look at them with a raised brow, knowing that it isn't going to work one bit because of the age line that Dumbledore created himself, "Well, lads, we've done it." George boasts as I look over at Hermione a little, who shakes her head on the subject, turning back to her book without interest in her features, "Cooked it up just this morning." Fred continues to boast as I look at them what a bunch of idiots they are if they think it's going to work, "Well, it's not going to work." I tell them as I notice their eyes come over to me, but I don't mind that. "Oh, yeah? And why is that, Potter?" George asks as they are on either side of me, "Do you see this? Well, this is an Age Line. Dumbledore drew it himself." I indicate with my finger the line so they do not look taken aback by the line shown to them as they look at it, "So?" George then asks as I roll my eyes at them and close my book, putting it on my lap while looking at the twins, "So, a genius like Dumbledore? He couldn't possibly be a dodge as pathetically dimwitted as an Aging Potion." I tell them as they look at me with a smirk coming onto their features about all this. Some day, they will be the death of me. 

They seemed to find it funny what I just said about all this age-line business, "But that's why it's so brilliant." George tells me as I raise an eyebrow at his point on all this as I look at him, "Because it's so pathetically dimwitted." Fred finishes as I turn my head to look at him as well. They then get up from the spots next to me, and I frown a little at them. They are just like children sometimes. They shake some potion in small veils that they prepared earlier, I suspect from what they told me, "Ready, Fred? Ready, George." they say to each other as I watch with interest if this will work or if it is going to go up in flames like it always is with the twins, "Bottoms up." they say together for them entwine their arms to down the others potion in big gulps as I watch them with the tilt of my head. Once the last drops of potion touch their lips, they stand up straight to jump down into the circle near the Goblet, which has everyone cheering on the boys, which makes me look at Hermione, who gives me a little look as the twins circle the Goblet with them, cheering on what they just did to beat the system. 

This is going to end badly on their part; I know it. The twins then dropped their names into the Goblet of Fire, which had the Goblet go berserk for the twins to be thrown out of the circle. I turned my eyes over to the twins, who sat up with white hair and beards, as I laughed at them at the fact they looked pretty silly with all that white hair. It was like Dumbledore being here, "I knew it", I whispered to Hermione, who rolled her eyes and went back to her book as the twins began fighting on the ground with people cheering them on with their fighting as I sighed, going back to the book that I open in my lap. 

I then notice Krum coming into the hall with a friend, and the Drumstrang headmaster enters. I watch them as the hall becomes quiet with the three people coming in. Krum puts his name into the Goblet and then looks over at Hermione as I look between them both with a smirk displayed on my lips while looking at my best friend, who smiles at Krum as I turn, watching as the Drumstrang leaves and then turn back to my friend nudging her with my arm on what just happened in front of my face, "did I just see that" I whisper to her as she goes a little red in the cheeks on the mention of the interaction with Viktor Krum, "Krum likes you" I comment as my best friend pulls her book up to not look at me with her still red in the cheeks, "come on Hermione, tell me the gossip" I whisper into her ear which has her then lower her book to turn to look at me, "ok I'll tell you if you tell me who you like," Hermione tells me as I look around to make sure no one is listening in on th conversation but it seems that everyone has gone back to what they are doing, "you know who I like," I whisper as Hermione rasies an eye brow at me on me already telling her the truth on Fred Weasley, "ok fine,, he's over there fighting with his twin, happy" I tell here as I look over at Fred and George fighting still on the floor which I will not unsee well the white hair part not the fact they are fighting on the floor like a couple of children, "so you admit it," Hermione cuts into my day dream which has me to turn back to her with a really look on my face, "yes, ok are you happy, now tell me, do you like Krum?" I question, which makes her smile at me, which makes me take her arm in mine, wishing to know the juicy gossip that she has got for me, "well that confirms it. We both have crushes", I tell her as she gives me a look on that which says that I'm acting like an ordinary girl right now in front of her which is a first in my books.

Thursday soon came around as I sat next to my brother, watching the name-picking from the Goblet of Fire, knowing it was time how exciting who would be drawn into the ways of Hogwarts to compete in this legendary event, "Sit down. Please. Now, the moment you've all been waiting for: The champion selection." Dumbledore explains to us as he waves a hand around the air for the lights to lower in brightness. I bite my lip lightly as I watch Dumbledore put his hands on the Goblet for him to step back as the flames then change red, spitting a name out for me to watch, wondering who is first, which makes Dumbledore catch the piece of paper midair, "The Durmstrang champion is Viktor Krum." Dumbledore declares as I look over at the Drumstrang's, who begin to cheer, which makes me suspect that they wanted Krum as their Champion for their school. 

While the Drumstrang's settle down, another piece of the paper flies out of the Goblet, which is round; by the way, it looks which made Dumbledore catch it, looking to the name on the piece of paper, "The champion for Fleur Delacour." once the words left his lips Beauxbatons cheers for their Champion as I am on the edge of my seat wondering who Hogwarts Champion who will be next I suspect is. The Goblet then spits out the last name as I gulp in, wondering who will compete in the Triwizard Tournament for Hogwarts, hoping it is someone suitable to represent the school.

Professor Dumbledore caught the name to look at it with a big smile coming onto his features, "The Hogwarts champion, Cedric Diggory!" Dumbledore calls as I look over to the Hufflepuff table where Cedric is sitting to see the pleased look on his features as he gets up and heads over to Dumbledore, who passes Cedric's piece of paper to him and then leaves the hall after the two other champions, which makes me know he will bring us glory in the Tournament for our school which I happy for, "Excellent! We now have our three champions. But in the end, only one will go down in history." Dumbledore was explaining as something was bought out on a pedestal for it to be covered in cloth, "Only one will hoist this chalice of champions......this vessel of victory......the Triwizard Cup!" Dumbledore declares as the fabric is pulled off, revealing a beautiful cup that is glowing blue. I smile, hoping for Hogwarts to hoist the cup into the air and show everyone how great our school is. 

Edited: 19/12/23

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