While we were celebrating who the champions were, the Goblet of Fire went haywire, and I wondered what was happening. This makes me draw my brows together as it then glows red, spitting out a fourth name, which makes me watch as Dumbledore catches it midair, looking at the piece of paper with surprise written all over his features, "Harry Potter?" Dumbledore yells as I go wide-eyed, looking at my brother, who looks deathly pale like I am feeling. I then see the faces around us, seeing they are not pleased with Harry being chosen for something yet again. "Harry Potter!" Dumbledore yells again, making me shake as I look at Hermione for fear of being written all over me.
How the hell does this keep happening to us, "oh god no", I whisper as I put my head in my hands, hating that it always happens to us. Now my brother is entered in the Triwizard tournament, and I feel that I am going to faint with the blood drumming in my earlobes and my head spinning, "Go on, Harry. Harry, for goodness sake." Hermione pushes as Harry gets up. I breathe in, sitting up to watch while my brother walks away from us, but I then notice the look on Ron's features which seems not to be pleased as I know he is pissed, which is plain lovely, just what we need at the moment.
I turn my eyes back to Harry, who walks up to Dumbledore as people are staring, which makes me lick my lips while sitting there, "He's a cheat!" someone yells, knowing it seems that way. Still, it can't be true, my brother a cheat not possible; Harry would never do that, "He's not even 17 yet!" another person yells as I look at Hermione with fear that he is going to hurt himself in the Triwizard tournament. It is going to break me more inside. Hermione takes my hand in hers to squeeze it tightly, trying to keep me calm.
Shortly after all that stuff with Harry, we clear the hall. I walk with Hermione as I am feeling light-headed and weak as my friend is supporting my frail form with her arm wrapped around me, "they will sort it out, Lillian", she reassures me as I give her a little look; I know she is trying to soothe my soul on all of this which is working a little in some ways, "but the rules are absolute, he is a Triwizard champion" I tell her as we walk together towards the common room until one of the twins leans on my shoulders which takes me off guard for a second.
Still, I regain my walking pace yet again while my heart is beating faster, looking up at the twin, who happens to be Fred, "Lillian, are you going to spill the beans?" Fred asks as I look at him with wonder at what he is sprouting right now regarding something, "about what?" I question for the twins to look between themselves as I see that they are insulted that I don't know what they are yabbying on about, "how did Harry get his name into that goblet?" George continues as I look at them with shock.
Are they complete idiots? My brother is not entirely dimwitted to enter his name into the tournament where he could get killed or hurt in it, not like these two, "my brother never entered his name in that goblet", I answer for Fred to chuckle as I look at him on that does he think I joke on such matters regarding my twin he is the only family I have left, and yet he still has siblings to spare like he does not care what I am going through, "yeah tell the truth, Pebble's" he tells me as I stop with a glare on my features to shove him off my shoulders turning to look at them with a glare on my features hating that they find enjoyment in such times when I am not in the mood for any of this, "MY BROTHER DID NOT ENTER HIS NAME INTO THE GOBLET, SO JUST LEAVE ME ALONE" I scream out with tears running down my face as I see the shock on the twins faces on the fact I am crying. I begin to run off down a corridor with me wishing not to be in the same place as the Weasley twins right now. They always think that we did something when we never did, which has me wipe my eyes on my sleeves while I run.
Days passed as I was not speaking with anyone, and people seemed to stay away from my brother and me because it seemed that people thought my brother put his name into the stupid goblet. Still, it wasn't true, which made me stick close to him cause it seems that Ron is a complete git about all this, which makes me not in the mood to speak with him or the Weasley twins, who have not spoken to me since that day I broke down in front of them.
I am walking Harry to the trophy room as he has a photo shoot for the daily prophet on the Champions. I look at the door as we come to a stop in front of it. I turned to Harry, who was standing in front of me, looking so much like our dad right now, except for the eyes; they were mothers, but then I noticed some dirt on his cheek. I take out my hankie to wipe it off, hoping he will not look bad in the photos, "I'll talk to you later, Harry", I tell my brother, who looks at me and he then frowns; I gulp in on the fact he can see right through me in the ways on finding out that I haven't been eating correctly because the worry that is eating me alive, I need to speak to someone about this but it seems that everyone is worried about my brother and not me at all in the ways of the professors but I'm ok, I'll live with my life, "go eat something, Lil's" Harry tells me as I smile a little that he is worried about my health he is my brother after all and family have to look out for each other in some cases, "I will, I promise, now go" I tell my brother while I turn him around, "knock them dead" I whisper to my brother while giving Harry a little push in his direction.
He begins to walk away as I breathe in while standing there. I turn around while dusting a hand over my red hair, hating the worry that is eating me alive at the moment on why my brother is in the tournament, "why so worried, Potter?" I heard the annoying drawl Malfoy as I turned my head to his table with an icy glare on my features, not in the mood for him at all; I had better things to do than to listen to Malfoy and him going off about my family, "none of your business Malfoy" I hiss as I walk away grabbing an apple from a basket as I pass my table with the feeling that I can't stomach anything at the moment it just doesn't stay down when I need it to because of the fear eating away at my stomach. I leave the hall to sit on a bench that overlooks the courtyard with some first-years goofing around with who knows what, which makes me smile a little as I read the transfiguration textbook that I am studying.
Someone then covers my eyes for me to go rigid on who is trying to surprise me, "guess who?" I heard one of my best friends in this place ask as a smile came onto my lips, knowing that they were the only Weasley I could stand at the moment, "Are you my best friend who has matching red hair and is also related to the Weasley family?" I question as she uncovers my eyes, sitting next to me with a pont on her lips that I guessed right on who she was, "you answer all of those correctly, Miss Potter, you get a gold star," she tells me seriously as Hermione then appears sitting on my other side with her nose in a book to then look up at us with a little smile on her features, "so how's Harry?" Hermione then questions as I breathe in, playing with the apple in my hands that I picked up on the way, with my mood changing to worry about what is happening with Harry, "he's getting there. I'm trying to look into who put his name in the goblet in the first place, but it is proving difficult," I was explaining as someone took the apple from my hand, which happened to be Hermione.
"well you should talk to someone about this, Lillian" Hermione tells me as while looking at me knowing that I wasn't hungry again after grabbing the certain apple from the great hall, "and you need to eat, Lillian or do you wish to worry Harry to bits?" Hermione questions as I close my book, feeling that I do not want a lecture today from Hermione or anyone for that matter, "Harry has more important things to worry about than my health," I answer as someone then takes the apple from Hermione which has me to look up, seeing Fred and George standing there which has a frown on my features about them coming into the conversation, "what do you two want?" I hiss out to look away from them as I look down again, feeling that my mood is getting worse by the second that they are here, "come on, Pebble's, we came over to cheer you up", George tells me as I stand up with a sour look on my features at them being here when they are not needed, "cheer me up? I would like to see you try," I growl out as they sit on the bench, pulling me down back into the spot, which has me look at them with narrowed eyes, not wanting to forgive them for what happened before, "ok, one" Fred counts as I look at him with a raised eyebrow on what is going to happen, "two" George continues wondering what they are planning at the moment when they are counting for me, "three," they say together when a bang then goes off as I go wide-eyed as I see Filch run past looking flustered as I smile and then start laughing at the sight wishing to know to what they did to make the caretaker run around like that.
I jumped up, grabbing Hermione and Ginny's arms, with the twins following as we came to a corridor, stopping to hide. I look around the corner, too, seeing that it is flooded with swamp-like matter as I cover my mouth from the laughter that is threatening to overflow. These two know how to get someone who is in a depressed mood into a happy air yet again. It's going to be awful when the Weasley twins finally leave school. They will not know what to do next with their lives when they are gone.
Edited: 19/12/23
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