Liam's pov
I am filming the Polaroid music video with Jonas Blue and Lennon Stella. We are filming my second solo shoot. I am by some arches and stairs. I do a little turn just before I am about to get to the stairs but I don't realise how close I am to them. I trip and fall on the stairs I land funny on my right wrist and I feel it snap. I whimper quietly. I hear some footsteps coming over. I hear Jonas saying "Liam are you alright?" I nod keeping my head down. I slowly sit up using my left arm to push myself up Lennon asks me "Are you sure? You took quite the fall then" I nod and say "My wrist hurts slightly but I'll be fine" they both nod and look at me concerned.
After we have finished filming the music video I go to my trailer and I grab my phone. I find Harry's number and I call him. After a couple of rings Harry picks up and says "Hey babe. You ready to be picked up" I say "Yeah." Harry asks concerns "Li babe are you alright?" I say "I fell over and hurt my wrist" Harry says "Are you alright?" I shrug even though I know he can't see me and say "I don't know. My wrist really hurts Haz." Harry responds "Alright Li. I'll be there soon I promise and we will get your arm checked out at the hospital" I nod and say see you soon Hazzy." Harry responds "See you soon Lima bean" the call ends and I rest my head on my good hand
I hear my trailer door open and I feel someone sit beside me. I hear Jonas saying "Liam are you alright?" I nod and say "Harry will be here soon to get my arm checked out" I look up at Jonas and he nods and we fall into a comfortable silence. After about five minutes I hear the trailer door open again and Harry walks through. He looks at me and smiles. I smile back and he sits down on my other side. He asks "How's your arm doing Li?" I shrug and say "It hurts Haz" Harry nods and says "Let's take you to the hospital to get it checked out" I nod and Harry says "Thank you for looking after him" Jonas responds "Your welcome. Hopefully you'll get better soon Liam" I nod and we leave the trailer.
Once they get to the hospital Harry's pov
We have already been brought through to an x-ray room. We are waiting for the results to come through. They think it is broken but they wanted to make sure. They gave Liam some strong painkillers and it has made him very sleepy. He is falling asleep on my shoulder. The doctor walks back through and says "His wrist is broken. He will need a cast." I nod and the doctor asks "What colour would you like Liam?" Liam shrugs and says sleepily "Purple please" the doctor nods and puts on a purple cast. The doctor then says "He will need to come back in 6 weeks to get his cast removed and a check up to see how well it is healing" I nod and say "Thank you. See you in 6 weeks"
I help Liam out to my car and drive home. Once we are home I look over at Liam and see he is asleep. I quietly get out of the car and I carefully open Liam's door. I carefully unstrap him and lift him up. He whines in his sleep but snuggles into me. I gently carry him up to the house after locking the car. I carefully open the door. I go into the living room and I carefully take off Liam's shoes and I go back out into the hallway. I shut the front door and I take off my own shoes. I put both pairs of shoes in the shoe rack and I go back into the living room. I gently lay down next to Liam and I cuddle with him whilst watching a few episodes of friends quietly so I don't wake Liam up.
6 weeks later no one's pov
Liam got his cast off after 6 weeks and he thanked Harry for looking after him whilst he had his cast on.
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