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Prompt- One where he fakes sick.
Liam's pov
Zayn has just left the band and ever since then management has been working us to the bone I can't cope with it any more. Both Niall and Harry has broken down because of management. Louis and I are both almost at breaking point. The only way that we are getting time off is if one of us is sick though. It is about 3am I have just got off the phone with management. I am exhausted I haven't been able to sleep all night and all of last night. We can't keep on working like this. I decide to fake sick. I know I need to make this believable so I need to go into someone's room since we are at a hotel. I know I am very clingy when I am sick. I get a warm glass of water and I drink it so that the thermometer registers a fever.
I grab my key for Niall's room since I knew Harry and Louis both hate being woken up especially when they don't have to. I walk to Niall's room and I think of something sad so my eyes will water and I pinch my nose a few times to make it red. I unlock Niall's door and I whimper and go over to Niall's bed. I shake him whilst whimpering. Niall opens his eyes and he lets his eyes adjust before he says "Li is that you?" I nod and whimper. Niall turns on the lamp by his bed and he says "What's up Li? It's 3 am surely you should be asleep" I whimper again and say "I don't feel well Niall" Niall sits up more and pats his bed. I sit next to him and lay my head on his shoulder. He feels my head and says "You do feel warm buddy. Have you taken your temperature?" I nod and say "It was 38.3 and I am freezing though Ni" Niall nods and says "We will keep an eye on your temperature. Have you been sick" I shake my head and Niall says "Do you feel like you are going to be sick?" I shake my head and say "Not at the moment. I just feel really nauseous" Niall nods and says "Let's get a few more hours sleep and hopefully you will feel better in the morning. We have a lot to do tomorrow" I nod and Niall turns off his lamp and lays us down. I curl into him and he smooths my hair. Soon I am fast asleep.
The next time I wake up it is 7:30am. I see a note from Niall saying 'Li I have gone down to breakfast. When I come back I am going to check your temperature and call management.' I go into the bathroom and I lock the door and I splash my face with warm water then I drink some warm water so the thermometer actually registers a fever. I hear a door opening and Niall's voice saying "Li where are you?" I say sounding like I am in pain "I'll be out in a minute." I rub my eyes and pinch my nose and I spray the room with air freshener to mask the fact that there isn't a smell and I unlock the door.
Niall says "Morning buddy how are you feeling?" I say sadly "I had diarrhoea." Niall nods and says "Can I check your temperature?" I nod and Niall puts the thermometer in my mouth and we wait for it to beep. Once the thermometer beeps Niall takes it out of my mouth. "38.6. Your temperature is on the increase" I nod and say "I wanna cuddle" Niall says "Yeah you can have a cuddle buddy. You go and get all comfy in bed and I will call management" I nod and get into Niall's bed. I feel bad for lying to Niall but we all need time off and the bad thing is I am actually starting to feel slightly nauseous. I don't know if it is because I am feeling guilty for lying to Niall or if I am actually sick.
After a couple of minutes Niall walks over still on the phone. He puts the phone on speaker and I realise he has an ear thermometer with him. I know that it is going to probably read normal. I start to say something but Niall cuts me off and says "I need to check with this one." I nod defeatedly. Niall puts the thermometer in my ear and we wait for it to beep. Once it beeps Niall pulls it out of my ear and says "38.6." Niall takes his phone and he goes into the kitchen. I look at the numbers on the screen and see 38.6. I am actually sick. I curl up on my side.
A couple of minutes later Niall comes over. "We have the day off Liam." I nod and reach out for a cuddle. Niall lays next to me and allows me to cuddle into him. He asks "Li what were you going to tell me earlier?" I shake my head and say "Nothing. I don't feel well Ni" Niall responds "Why don't you go to sleep then Li" I shake my head and gag slightly. Niall jumps out of bed and rushes to get the bin from the other side of the room. He comes back over to the bed and gives me the bin.
Niall gets back on the bed and I lay my head on Niall's shoulder and I yawn. Niall says "Li get some sleep buddy. You'll need it" I feel my mouth pool with saliva. I grab the bin and gag harshly over the bin. Niall gently rubs my back and I manage to bring some of the meal I had last night up.
Niall's pov
Poor Li he is so sick. I gently rub his back as he throws up into the bin. Once he is done he falls back on me and he whimpers. I say to him "What's wrong Li?" He whimpers and says "Stomach and head" I nod and say "Let me up and I will shut the curtains and turn off the light." Liam shakes his head and curls into me more.
About half an hour later there is a harsh knock on my hotel room door. I manage to break free from Liam who whimpers. I say to him "I'm just seeing who is at the door." I go over to the door and open it. I see Louis "Where's Liam? He isn't in his room. We have all overslept. We need to get going now" I say "We have the rest of the week off. Liam woke me in the middle of the night feeling sick. He threw up half an hour ago. Management let us have the rest of the week off" Louis sighs and says "How is he now?" I respond "I don't know. He is very clingy at the moment though" I hear Liam whimper from the bed and I look over at him. I see that he has tears rolling down his face. Louis says "Call if you need anything I am going to tell Harry and then go back to bed for a while" I nod and Louis leaves. I shut the door and I quietly shut the curtains and turn off the light. I get back into bed and say to Liam "Is that better buddy?" Liam nods and curls into me. I allow him to cuddle into me and I smooth his hair and soon he is back asleep.
A few weeks later no one's pov
Liam felt much better by the end of the week and he told Niall that he was faking to begin with but he was actually sick. Niall was upset with him for a while but forgave him quickly knowing that he did it so they could all have some time off which they so desperately needed.
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