Liam's pov
We have just started up our take me home tour. I am severely claustrophobic. I can barely go in lifts without having a panic attack. No one knows I am claustrophobic except Louis who is my boyfriend. He has supported me ever since he found out and he promised that he wouldn't tell anyone.
Today we have been really busy. We have had 5 interviews, a signing, rehearsal and a concert. We have just got back to the hotel and we are in the lobby. We are all exhausted so we decide to take the lift up to our floor. I look at Louis and he says to me quietly so the others doesn't hear him "Are you sure you want to go in the lift Liam? We can take the stairs if you really don't want to take the lift." I say back to Louis "I just wanna get to bed quickly." Louis nods and we both get in the lift. The doors close and I regret not taking Louis up on the offer of taking the stairs. It is really small in here.
As the lift starts to go there is a clanging sound and the lift stops between floor 4 and 5. Harry calls for help and the person on the other end says "Is there anyone with claustrophobia in there." Harry says "No I don't think so" the person on the other end says "Alright the other lift is also broken. That one has someone claustrophobic in there so they are our top priority. We will get someone there as soon as we can. What floor are you stuck on." Harry says "Between 4 and 5" the person on the other end says "Alright we will get you out as soon as possible" I feel Louis touching my arm. I look at him he must have seen the panic in my eyes because he whispers to me so that only I can hear him "You'll be alright babe. We will get out of here" I nod and break out in a cold sweat
About five minutes later we hear a cord snap and I bite my lip and I feel myself start to shake. I feel a tear slip down my face as I start to struggle to breath. I feel Harry, Niall and Zayn's eyes on me and Niall says "Liam are you alright buddy?" And he tries to touch me. I back into a corner and I slide down the edge of the lift with a ringing sensation in my ears and I pull at my hair.
Louis' pov
Zayn looks at me and says "Is Liam alright?" I shake my head and say "He has sever claustrophobia. I'm surprised he lasted this long without having a full blown panic attack." I crouch down in front of Liam and whisper comforting words to him not even sure if he can hear me. I hear Niall talking urgently to the person that was on the emergency phone again and he says "How much longer until we are getting out of here?" I hear the person say "The rescue team are on their way over now. Is everything alright in there?" I hear Niall say "No it turns out there is someone with sever claustrophobia in here but we didn't know" the person on the other end says "Are they alright? Do you need medical assistance?" I look at Niall and nod and Niall says "Yes please. I think he is close to passing out" the person on the other end says "Alright there will be a medical team there as well" Niall says "Alright thanks" I turn my attention back to Liam who is clutching his chest whilst crying and struggling to breath and he is shaking badly and sweating.
I hear someone say "Is everyone alright in there?" Zayn says "No one of our friends is severely claustrophobic he is having a bad panic attack" I hear someone say "Alright we have a medic team here as well. We will get you out of there as soon as possible" I say to Liam "We will be out soon babe" Liam gags and I say "We will be out soon I promise." Liam gags again and throws up just as the door gets pried open.
I gently lift Liam up and he tries to flail his arms I whisper in his ear "Hey it's me babe. I'm helping you to the medics" the boys let me out first and I carry Liam over to the medics and I gently lay him down the one of the medics gently tries to put an oxygen mask on Liam but he moves his head I gently hold his head and the medic puts the oxygen mask on his face. Another medic puts a blood pressure cup on Liam to measure his blood pressure I ask "What's his blood pressure?" The medic responds "120 over 80 so it is only a little high. And it is coming down as he is calming down slightly" I nod and gently smooth my fingers through his hair. I see the others talking to the rescue team and another medic asks me "Are you alright?" I nod and say "Yeah it's just Liam who needs checking over I think the others are alright as well" the medic nods and I continue to smooth Liam's hair. He looks at me and I still see the panic in his eyes. I say to him soothingly. "we are out now babe. I promise you are going to be alright" Liam nods and reaches out for me. I gently take his hand. I smile at him and he gives me a small smile back.
Once the medics has finished checking Liam over one of them says "Liam will be absolutely fine. All his vitals are back to normal range. Liam do you feel ready to sit up" Liam nods and I help Liam to sit up and the medic takes off the oxygen mask. Liam looks down and says "I'm sorry" I say to him "Why you sorry for?" Liam shrugs and responds "I scared you and the other boys and I threw up" I say to him "There is no need for you to be sorry Liam it's not your fault." Liam nods and the medic asks "Do you feel ready to stand up Liam?" Liam shakes his head and responds "Still feel a little shaky" the medic nods and says "Take as long as you need" Liam leans his head on my shoulder and rubs his eyes. I rub his arm to provide him with comfort.
About five minutes later Liam says "I think I am ready to stand up now" I nod and Liam takes his head off my shoulder. I stand up and I take Liam's hands and I gently pull him up to stand up. Liam leans on me and the medic asks "You alright Liam?" Liam nods and says "I wanna go to bed" I nod and the medic says "What floor is your room on?" I say "This one luckily" the medic nods and I gently support Liam to our room. The medic holds the door open for us and I sit Liam on the bed. The medic says "Any problems call down to front desk and ask for the medic team" I nod and say "Thank you so much for everything" the medic says "Not a problem. It's my job to help people. Don't worry we will keep this information to us" I nod and say "Thanks" and the medic leaves.
I go over to Liam and say "Come on babe let's get you out of these vomit covered clothes" Liam nods and I help him out of his jumper and top. I put them in a bag and I help him into a new top before I say "Could you stand up for me babe?" Liam nods and I gently help him up and he leans on me. I gently pull down his trousers and I sit him back down and help him to put on his joggers. I lay him down and kiss him on the forehead. He reaches out for a cuddle. I get on the bed next to him and I allow Liam to cuddle into me. I gently smooth his hair and soon he is fast asleep. I smile at the sleeping boy in my arms.
A couple of minutes later the door opens to reveal Harry, Niall and Zayn. I say "Why didn't you knock. We could have been naked." They laugh and Zayn says "We wanted to know how Liam was and didn't want to wake him up just incase he was asleep" I nod and say "He is asleep. He is alright now" the others nod and Harry says "Why didn't he tell us he was claustrophobic?" I respond "He was scared that you guys were going to make fun of him. He got made fun of in school about being claustrophobic. I only found out because after we got back from a date we were exhausted and I asked Liam if we could go in a lift and he started panicking and he told me" the others nod again and Niall says "We would never make fun of Liam. He is our brother. Next time we go to Wolverhampton he needs to show us who made fun of him for having a sever fear. We will have a little chat with them" I laugh a little and say "We can't do that Niall especially not in public" he responds "Oh so we can do it in privet then?" I say "Maybe if Liam says it's alright" we all start yawning and I say "I think I am going to go to sleep" the others nod in agreement and leaves to go to their room.
A few weeks later no one's pov
Liam felt much better after a good nights sleep. When ever they could they made sure to take the stairs so Liam didn't have another panic attack and they made sure that Liam was by one of the others in a crowd so that they could comfort him as much as possible.
A/N- Happy 31st birthday Louis Tomlinson
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