8 || Oddities

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Sunday was fine, and Monday was unusually okay, but the rest of the week was odd.



When I got to school that day, Tina informed me that Kurt's dad was in the hospital due to a heart attack. He was in a coma. They didn't know when he would wake up. Kurt and I weren't as close now as the first week of school, but we still talked now and again and this news really scared me.

People had been swarming him all day comforting him, and of course it was extremely kind of them, but I don't think they noticed the uncomfortable look on his face or how overbearing it might have been. And yes, he needed to accept the fact that his dad was in the hospital (he was trying to play it off as if everything was normal), but I think he also needed some familiarity.

This is why I simply followed along with his wishes. Though we weren't super close, I knew he needed a friend. So when he asked me to come to his house after school, I gladly came by.

However, when we heard some suspicious noises from his brother Finn's bedroom (Kurt said he was with his girlfriend, Rachel), we headed out to The Lima Bean.

While Kurt didn't want to talk about his dad, he did open up about some of the football players who had been harassing him after I talked about my whole thing with Karofsky.

He played it off as if it was nothing, but I think it was really getting to him. I made a promise to myself to do something about this, or get in touch with some adult who could.



Kurt's dad was still in the hospital. It was really taking a toll on him, I could tell.

I know he was only going to school to feign normalcy, but I still found it really brave of him. There was still the expected overload of comfort, not to mention how can you focus with something so ominous on your mind?

To be fair, I don't think he was paying much attention in class, but my point still stands.

2nd period - Gym - was an odd one. We'd just moved on from our basketball unit to weightlifting, and we needed to find a partner to spot us.

I can't tell if it was lucky or unlucky that Lucy Quinn Fabray walked up to me and requested that I be her partner.

Come on Lucy; why me, why now? We had to have partners during the basketball unit and she only partnered with me on the first day. Nobody had really "clicked" with me, so I just chose whatever random equally lonely person I happened to come across. Then, of course, we picked our teams, and then we were just a band of misfits.

It's not like I had much of a choice this time because most people had already chosen partners, but I don't know if I would've agreed had another person asked me as well.

I am really confused as to where we stand at the moment. She hasn't really talked to me since last Monday, but apparently she cornered Puck? And for some reason Karofsky is avoiding me, so that could be her doing too. And now she wants to be my partner. But she left me.

"You're going first, I'm tired," she said like we conversed on the daily.

No. I was going to make boundaries clear, and soon. She didn't get to do this again.

The class went fine, but it was hard to focus on lifting weights when she was standing right over me. I managed - barely.

After school, I dropped by the hospital to visit Kurt's dad with him. He wanted some company. He simply held his hand and we were there for an hour... or three? I don't know. It was nice, though. Peaceful and dark but optimistic, too.

Then the day was over and I hoped, naively and in vain, that the rest of the week would be "normal."



Thursday is usually a weird day, because Friday is almost the weekend and Thursday is almost Friday. It's one of the days that just drags on and on.

This Thursday, though, was more weird than usual.

Sometime during that day, I learned that Puck, or "Noah," I guess, had been taken to juvie yesterday. I decided to ask Sam about it in Homeroom.

"Yeah, Finn said he drove his mom's car through the front of a store and stole the ATM. He should be there a week or two."


Karofsky didn't look surprised, though, and said, "Well, serves him right for getting caught." 

"How would you not get caught?" I asked. He pretended like he hadn't heard me. Funny.

After school, I drove Kurt to the hospital; he didn't have a car and Carole was already there.

I was really worried that Burt would never wake up.

When we got inside, instead of one, we were met wit five people: one I didn't know at all, one who I recognized as Finn's insane girlfriend, Finn, Carole, and Quinn.

"Rachel, Quinn and I are taking turns," the girl I didn't recognize said. Kurt looked peeved.

"Mercedes..." I guess that was her name, "Guys... I didn't ask you to do this."

"Honey, I know you're upset about what's happening," Carole started, "I get it. But friends help out, even when you don't ask."

"Well Maya's helping out just fine-"

"Mr. Kurt Hummel." A woman entered.

"Dude, why didn't you just tell us you wanted to pray in Muslim?" Finn asked. I would've laughed if it weren't such a horrible circumstance, so I bit my lip hard in order to refrain.

"Finn. Not the time," I said.

"She's gonna see if acupuncture will improve the circulation to my dad's brain. Amazingly, needles pierce the skin better than psalms."

Kurt shooed Mercedes, Finn's girlfriend (who I now remember is named Rachel,) Quinn, and even Finn out. I went to follow, but Kurt said, "Stay please. I need you." His voice cracked at the end.

Of course I was going to stay.

Kurt had gotten his hopes up, though. I knew he would even though the doctors had warned him and Carole not to. But hope is much too irresistible, and I was the one to pick up the pieces when it failed. It hurt so bad to see his usually cheery self like this.

When would this nightmare be over ?



Friday was a doozy.

As expected, Kurt's dad hadn't miraculously woken up last night. That would be too easy.

In Gym, Quinn partnered with me again for whatever reason, and I accepted because... well... I don't want to admit why.

But my subconscious knows: I miss her. I miss her so bad. I miss her so bad that I'd do it all over again. I'd risk that hurt. I miss her, so, so much. I crave her too. Not just her, I crave her kisses and her love.

But most of all, I want her to miss me too. I want her to remember when she was Lucy and I was Maya and it was summer and we were in love.

I'm not religious, but God, I miss her.

Maybe I shouldn't have forgiven her yet; maybe I hadn't. But I would do whatever it takes for us to be us again.

I don't think that's classified as my subconscious anymore, and now I feel sick. Which was not good because I was lifting weights and Quinn was spotting me and she asked, "Are you okay Maya? You look very pale." She put the bar back on the stand with my help.

"Fine," I replied. "Just tired." I don't know if I was lying, but it seemed to work. She shrugged and took the weight for the rest of the class, not letting me use it even when I felt better. She was really strong and lifted it so effortlessly. It was kind of... nope.

Lunch was not what I'd expected.

When I located Tina, she wasn't with our usual crowd; sitting there with her were Artie, Kurt, Sam, Finn, Rachel, Mercedes, even Quinn, plus more but that's the extent to who I recognized.

"Hey..." I said, and 10-ish heads turned to face me. Tina patted the spot next to her and I hesitantly took a seat.

"So, we need to talk to you about something..." Tina said in her soft voice and frowned slightly  at me.

"Rip the band-aid off," I said, beginning to eat my lunch casually.

She stole a glance at the others, earning nods of approval, before beginning.

"Well... we were wondering... if you wanted to join glee club?" she asked kindly.

A black-haired girl in a cheerleader uniform sitting next to Quinn spoke up: "No, Tina, you're not supposed to ask her! Here. Maya, is it?" I nodded, now really confused. "We are down one glee club member to compete. Tina says you can sing good enough. Come audition after school in the choir room."

"I'm good," I said and went back to eating. I didn't have the capacity to join glee club when I was barely passing school, not to mention I didn't have a good impression from when I was almost sent to a crackhouse.

"Excuse me? We really need a member, and you're our only shot," Rachel said. When I didn't respond, she finished with the irrefutable, "Please." I continued eating. They'd have to try harder if they really wanted me to join, because if I accepted, a lot of things would get messy; like my relationship with Quinn.

But it seems like I really was their last hope because they didn't give up.

Quinn finally said something. "Maya..." she started, "I know you can sing." She snuck a glance at the others to see if they had any clue what she had meant; they didn't. I did.

We used to sing together lots. Never really with anyone else, maybe Frannie a few times, but that was it. Her voice was smooth and low and velvety, and mine was soft and had a large range.

She continued after a few seconds, "It'll be fun." She smiled her alluring smile and for a second I wondered why I hadn't just said yes in the first place. "Please, Maya. We wouldn't all be here if it weren't important. We just want to compete and we need you."

"Okay," I said before I registered that I'd just agreed. Too late now, I guess. Maybe it will be fun...

Oh my god, she's doing it again.

"Can you come after school today?" Sam asked.

"Sure." I had nothing better to do.

So that was that.

My audition really wasn't grand. I walked in, the last one there, went over to the piano, and sang "She's Always a Woman" by Billy Joel. Good thing nobody knew who it was directed to.

I got in, obviously, and the rest of the meeting was filled with me learning everyone's names and the teacher... Mr. Shoe, I think, (Odd name, right?) started going over competition details. It was pretty chill.



Kurt's dad miraculously woke up today. I was woken up by Kurt's phone call, actually, so I headed over to the hospital and there Burt was in all his glory!

A few other people from glee stopped by, not including Quinn.

What a week!

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