7 || I Noah Lot About You

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The week passed by quickly, during which Quinn and I didn't speak.

She kind of left me with mixed signals, and I wish she'd communicate better; she was never good at that.

Here's the gist of how Tuesday went:

Richard, Alan, Tina: "Maya how'd you get that bruise on your face?"

Me: "For popping Karofsky's tires."

Them: "??!!??!!"

Quinn, Puck, Karofsky: "..."

Mr. Figgins: "My hands are tied."

Needless to say, the follow-up was not what you would hope to happen in such a situation.

The week was pretty quiet, and I was at least thankful that Karofsky and Puck seemed to be scared of Quinn because their silence was very pleasant in Homeroom on Wednesday and Friday.

It was now Saturday and today I meet Mom's girlfriend and her son, Noah. I really hope they're both nice, though somehow I doubt Noah is, seeing how he was so reluctant to meet us at all.

"Maya, time to go!" Mom called. I picked up my jacket and speed-walked out the door.

On the drive there, I wondered if I would ever have to move in with them. I'd never done that; lived with anyone but my mom. My father was a flake, left right after Mom got pregnant and was never to be seen or heard from again. Well, besides a few times when I was three and five apparently but didn't remember.

I wondered if Noah's father was the same, or if he got to know him. I wondered if my father ever wondered about me.


It was almost 4 and I knew Maya and her mother would be here any minute.


Maya Callisto, the girl who seems to hate my guts and who I totally snitched on in Homeroom.

Maya Callisto, the reason Quinn Fabray ambushed me on Tuesday for doing just that.

Maya Callisto would be here any minute and I wished I could've convinced my mother to postpone again because neither of us were going to be happy to see one another.

I heard a "drrring!" and knew the moment I'd anticipated had arrived.

I'm fine. Noah Puckerman is not a pussy.

"Noah, come get the door!"


I stood on the porch next to Mom for a solid minute until the door opened.

Holy sh-

Puck is Noah!

"Hi Noah," I said with ease, a fake smile plastered on to cover up my shock. I don't know if I sounded calm, but I did in my head.

"You two know each other?" Mom asked. You gave me his name, but yeah.

Before Puck could reply, I responded, "Yes, best friends, actually!" with fake enthusiasm simply to annoy Puck. This was the worst scenario that could've happened besides "Noah" being a serial killer or something. I knew it! Nobody would name their child Puck!

"Allison." Mom's girlfriend held out her hand for me to shake, and I took it gingerly when she quickly moved on to Mom, engulfing her in a hug and then several kisses. It was sweet and all, but I think both Puck and I were getting uncomfortable after a full minute of this.

"Okay, okay, I think we're grossing out the kids, Allison."

"They can deal." She went in for one more kiss, then they finally parted and we all went inside.

"I'm just finishing up the spaghetti," Allison said, and my mom joined her in the kitchen. It was now just Puck and I stationed in the living room.

"You knew, didn't you?" I asked, alluding to his unsurprised face when we saw each other at the entryway.


"How long?"

"Since school started. Mum told me your name was Maya Callisto, so it didn't take a genius to figure out."

"Obviously." I scoffed. "Thanks for telling me, by the way. Oh, and for postponing all those dinners because...?"

"Hey if you knew, you'd do the same thing," he said, putting his hands up in innocence. In all honesty, he was right. We had a mutual distaste for each other, and not like the 'enemies-to-lovers' deal (especially since our moms are dating - ew), more like the 'I'm-finding-it-hard-being-in-the-same-room-with-you' type relationship.

I was currently experiencing that, so I walked into the kitchen where my mom and Allison were. Mom was going on about some story she'd relayed to me already from work - her 6th grade math class had pulled a Gandhi and pranked her by not speaking for the entire class. Sounds like a challenge, honestly. 

"Dinner's ready!" Allison called, and a few seconds later, Puck approached and we all sat down.

"So, didn't you say Noah was in glee club?" Mom asked. Allison nodded, mouth full. "That's lovely! I don't know if you knew this, Maya, but I was in glee club too back in high school." I didn't. All I knew is she went to McKinley and she and Allison were high school sweethearts - secretly, of course.

"Cool. Some of my friends are in glee club."

"Ah." Allison looked at Puck in a suspicious manner. "D'you know Quinn, then? Quinn... Febreze, I think." Allison was now the sole comfortable person at the table.

"Yes," I said curtly, not wanting to correct her or elaborate and hoping she'd take the hint; even though she looked like the type of person that would see the hint but continue anyway.

"Good, good... Noah here has a few stories about her-"

"Mom... no," Puck said. I now felt curious and kind of wanted her to go on even if I might feel hurt afterwards.

So I replied, "Great, I'd love to hear one."

"Noah?" she asked.


"They're our guests."

"No thank you."

"Fine, I can-"

There was then a loud bang as a cup of water hit the ground.

"Oh Noah...! We'd better clean up, anyway," Amanda said. Allison groaned, looking disappointed.

Puck had obviously done that on purpose, so now I was really curious.

Allison and my mom insisted I didn't have to help clean up, while Puck had already left the room and was who knows where.

Well, now I do, because I spotted him walking down the hall and stopped him. "Hey- Puck!"

"What?" he turned around sharply.

"What's your mom talking about you and Quinn? You seem awfully... embarrassed."

"Y'know, the real question is, what is going on with you and Quinn?" When I looked utterly lost, he continued, "You know, when she practically attacked me on Tuesday for snitching on you." I did not know about this. "What, she didn't tell you? I thought you two could barely get along. But-"

"Okay, I get your point. You're off the hook as long as I am."


When I left their house that day, I was feeling frustrated and jealous of the blissful ignorance of my past self from three hours ago.

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