We didn't do anything productive the rest of the day.
Talked about Max.
Replayed the event over and over again.
I'm gonna miss the guy.
It started to get dark.
"I'll take watch." Annabeth says.
Katniss shrugs and lays down.
I plop next to Annabeth.
"Seaweed brain sleep." Annabeth says.
"Do you wanna talk?" I ask. Something was on her mind.
She sighs.
"Do you think the others are looking for us?" She asks.
"I- I almost forgot about the others." I say.
I really did.
"Do you think Leo is showing calypso around camp still?"
I laugh a little.
A little bit before we left Leo and calypso came to camp.
Piper almost murdered Leo.
Calypso and I got to settle things.
She apologized for the whole curse thing.
I apologized about never getting to free her.
"Yeah probably. Leo is like love sick over her."
"How do you think Jason and Piper are holding up? Our blonde superman." Annabeth says.
I laugh a little again.
"Percy. What if we never see them again. What if we don't make it? What if- what if they keep looking?" Annabeth says.
A tear rolls down her cheek.
I kiss her softly.
I look at her in the eyes and wipe the tear on her cheek.
"I promise on the River Styx that you will go home safely. That they won't keep looking for us forever. That you'll get to see Piper and Hazel and Reyna and Frank, Leo, Jason, Nico and even Clarrisse. You'll see them again."
I know that was a difficult promise to make but, I'd do anything for her.
Annabeth hugs me.
She kisses me lightly in the lips.
"You know what, I'll take first watch." I say.
She nods and cuddles up next to me.
"Seaweed brain." She says quietly.
"Yes?" I ask.
"Look at the stars."
I look up.
To my surprise Zoë Nightshades constellation was in the sky.
How was that even possible.
A shooting star flew by.
"Bob says hello..." Annabeth says gently.
As it started to get lighter Katniss started to stir.
She opened her eyes slowly and then shot up.
"Wake Annabeth up. We have to leave as soon as we can. Leave before everyone else can. Best way." She says quickly packing things up.
I shake Annabeth.
She shoots up ready for battle.
"What?" She says alert.
"We have to go now." I say.
Annabeth just shrugs and collects her things.
We make sure we snuff out our fire and start heading to the cornucopia.
Well, wherever that actually was.....
After walking for about an hour Katniss points forward.
A big field opens up.
The cornucopia.
Katniss grabs out her bow.
Me my sword.
Annabeth her dagger.
"Percy do you want to go or me?" Katniss whispers.
"I'll go."
"Okay." Katniss says nodding.
"I'll stay in the woods and if anyone approaches I'll protect." She explains.
Annabeth and I nod.
A boy, comes racing out of the woods, grabs the district 3 backpack and runs away.
Annabeth and I nod at each other and run.
We're running through the field side by side like we always do, running into hordes of monsters.
We grab our bags.
I hear muffling.
I turn around to see Annabeth being choked by the district 2 boy.
He throws her to the ground and tackles me.
"Is that your girlfriend?" He asks.
Where is Katniss?
I hear Annabeth gagging.
"Yeah, well she's about to see you die."
He's kicked in the side.
Then again.
Then again.
I get up quickly.
Annabeth has red marks around her neck.
Katniss comes running out of the woods.
Not because she came to help.
She's running from somebody.
Or something...
District 2 girl.
Katniss ran out of arrows.
I toss her the bag.
She takes a handful of arrows and puts them in her quiver and shoots at the district 2 girl.
A canon goes off.
Annabeth is being tackled again.
I slash at the guys arms wrapped around her.
He lets goes and I bring my sword into his chest.
I know violent.
I really didn't like killings these people.
I didn't like killing anyone.
It almost killed me inside.
If I hadn't, Annabeth would've died.
Annabeth and I have only killed about 2 people. Besides the people with the berries- I have to shake the thought.
Annabeth hugs me.
"What happened to protection?" I ask Katniss.
She sticks her tongue out at me.
"Ha. Ha."
"Guys, there is only one person left."
Annabeth points out.
"They're gonna have a finale soon." Katniss says a bit worried.
In district 12's bag were a bunch of arrows and some ambrosia.
I slip it in our first backpack with the rest of it.
Annabeth looks like she's about to cry when she opens her bag.
"Percy-" she tries to speak.
She takes out a dagger.
But not any dagger.
The one she lost in tarturus.
"That's the one like gave you..." I say.
"Yeah. I lost it in tarturus."
Katniss plays with an arrow trying to act like she's not listening.
Annabeth shrugs and sheaths it.
She puts it back into the backpack and continues to look in the bag.
"You guys worried about the finale? Isn't usually... very violent?"
No answer.
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