Let's rewind a bit.
"So Annabeth, do you know like any yummy shrubs and plants?" Max asks me as we start to look in a patch of herbs.
"Well the giant patch we are standing in is pretty good, but I think Katniss roots go with like everything." I say.
Max shrugs and starts collecting random things.
I sigh and start guiding him.
After a little while our pouch started to become full.
"Let's start going back." I say.
Max and I both stand up.
A twig snaps.
We jerk our heads.
An axe.
"Duck!" I yell at Max.
Let's hope he ducked.
I take out one of the little knives that impaled me earlier from the pouch.
Right in the chest.
It hit her right in the chest.
A canon goes off.
I turn around.
Tears start running down my cheek.
An axe was impaled in Max's chest.
The lights left his eyes and he dropped.
A second canon goes off.
"No!" I run over to Max.
It was the girl from 7.
The one who got away.
So many thoughts swam in my mind.
"Annabeth! Annabeth!" I hear yelling.
Percy and Katniss emerge from some trees.
Percy has his sword out, Katniss has he now with an arrow ready.
I'm sitting there next to Max.
Staring at them wrapped in a ball.
Tears streaming down my cheek.
I jump up to embrace a hug from Percy.
"Oh my gods Annabeth. I thought you- you were well dead."
He turns to find Katniss.
She's staring teary eyed at Max.
Percy realizes it and sits down.
Katniss and I follow.
We stay there for about 10 minutes.
We stay there and grieve.
We stay there for Max.
It's was 2 hours later.
We were all sitting around a fire cooking some herbs and a small bird that Katniss was able to shoot.
"Oh Katniss, your running out of arrows." Percy notices.
"I know." She says with more venom then there should be in her voice.
Percy looks at his shoes.
They were so muddy.
A speaker comes on.
"Tributes. We will be holding a feast. You will receive a backpack with your district number on it. Take what you want. It's tomorrow. This will be one of our last..." the man on the speaker pauses. "Announcements....." He says each letter so gently.
"I'm going." I say.
"Annabeth. It's a trick. A death note. You are not going." Percy says.
"No. Let her go. I'm going to. It's gonna be my arrows. And it's probably on a be some more good and weapons for you two. Well for that's what is probably gonna be in the district 4 bag."
Percy glances at me.
"We're going together." He says.
"As long as we're together." I say.
We said that to each other in Tartarus.
I still have nightmares from that place.
Katniss is raising an eyebrow at us.
"Do you guys want privacy. This is gross."
Percy's cheeks go red.
This is almost as bad as the time Frank caught us in the stables.
Oh my gods.
How could I forget them.
Piper, Jason, Frank, Hazel, Nico, Reyna, even Clarrisse.
They must be worried sick.
Percy and I just disappeared.
Do they know it was probably Hera's work?
I swear if I get my hands on that goddess she's gonna wanna-
We'll never mind.
I don't wanna be like- well killed.
"Annabeth...?" Percy's voice brings me back to reality.
"What?" I ask.
"We're not listening to anything we said?" He asks.
I shake my head.
I can feel them mentally face palming.
"Well, I was in the hunger games before. Don't ask why in them again.
The best thing to do is stay the night in the cornucopia. Then we can run out of there grab our bags and well, run." Katniss explains.
"No. It would be bad if we did that. We're out in the open and if someone has the same idea then we'll be cornered, I vote no."
Percy and Katniss seems to be registering this.
"She's right." Katniss says. "We'll stay here the night and early in the morning we'll go."
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