INTERVIEW with @Temptatious_Readings

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Hola  Peeps!🖐

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu!☺

Hope you and your Families are doing well.

So are you all ready to meet with our Today's guest of Let's Grab a Coffee☕ and Chat.

Interviewer: aiieeshaaadfff

And please welcome the Most Fabulous and Hard Working Author Temptatious_Readings 🤝

Let's get started😚🤞


Hello everyone, I am T. Readings. I am not really sure what to say here...I love writing and am finishing up high school now. Am about to be in college where I hope to actually publish a novel traditionally. 

🎤What  inspired you to start writing?

What inspired me to start writing was my transition from public school to homeschooling right after the 6th grade. (And no, the switch had nothing to do with covid. That wasn't a thing yet lol)

I found myself with a bunch of extra time and I had always loved writing so I started to write. 

🎤When did you start writing?

I started writing when I was 12, but I only started publishing on wattpad when I was 14. I have been publishing chapter updates ever since lol. 

🎤 Have you always wanted to be a writer?

I since I was real young? No. But for the longest time I did wanna write stories. Once I started I ended up really loving it, so now I want to be an author. 

🎤What comes first the plot or the Characters?

For me, the plot comes first. But it comes to me in scenes. I will get an idea for a scene via a dream or thought, and from there I make a plot like and then add characters. 

🎤What is the most difficult part about writing for you?

I would have to say the editing is the hardest part. I love making my chapters the best the can be, but I hate going over it and editing out grammar and spelling. 

🎤When you're writing an Emotional, Sad, Romantic scene,how did you get in the mood?

Honestly, I don't really do anything particular. When I am sad or angry, I will write a scene I know is coming up. I feel like that gives my writing an extra pop of feeling. But other than that I kind of just write. Lol

🎤What was your most favorite part and least favorite part of the publishing Journey?

My favorite part is the response of readers, and again my least favorite part is the editing. I really don't like editing. 

🎤Did you find it more challenging to come up with your First Book?

Actually, I think my first book was the easiest to come up with. Then again have always found d it easy to come up with story plots and characters. It is finding the time to write it all that is the problem. Lol

🎤How many books have you written? And which is your Favorite?

I have fully finished 3, and I have sevreal WIP's. I am doing a re-write of two, which are part of a series, and I am writing a book two for the third. But those are currently under a different name, and talking about my favorite one is The 'Us' In Trust.

🎤Which of your books where most enjoyable to write?

Honestly, I enjoy all my books for diffrent reasons. I would say "The 'Us' in Trust" has been the most relaxing though. It is a fictional representation of my nightmares so that they aren't in my head but rather on paper. 

🎤Tell us few things about your first book? What was the journey like?

My first book was a total roller coaster to be honest. I was learning how to structure a book and how to make character arcs. World building was so new. I consider my first book to technically be the second one I finished though. I am satisfied with the world building, the characters, the structure, etc. I don't consider my 'first one done because I am re-writing it. 

🎤What advice would you give a new writer, someone just starting out?

My best advice is don't stress on the small details and write things out. If you don't have a title, don't worry. You will come up with one. And if you get a scene idea that isn't to come for like ten chapters, write it anyway. Then you won't forget. Also, details about characters (eye color, hair color, height, tattoos, etc) should be on a separate document so u don't have to hunt your book for it. 

🎤Are you working on anything at the present you would like to share with your readers about?

Actually, in reference to question 11, I would like to mention The 'Us' in Trust. It has triggers in the first chapter, so make sure to check them out. But I really think I am doing good with the book. (Not to sound self-absorbed or anything lol)

🎤How many plot ideas are just  waiting to be written? Can you tell us about one?

There are so many that I have in mind. I would say the one I have put the most thought into is a spicy reverse harem. I am not sure how much detail I should add. A woman finds her was out of a tough situation and finds her way back to something she loves once her trainer helps her find her way to two new men. (New meaning not the man how was with her in the tough situation.)

🎤Which was the first book you read?

The first book I read on wattpad is not currently on there, but the next one I remember reading is still one there. It is "Winning His Heart" by SunshineBandito. I don't remember the first book I ever read, that was too long ago. Lol.

🎤What is your favorite genre to read?

My favorite genre to read is romance. I am particularly fond of enemies to lovers. And the 'if you were mine' and 'one bed' trope. 

🎤Do you read your book reviews? How do you deal with the Good and the Bad ones?

I do read the reviews on my books. When they ate good ones, I am excited and happy. When it is a bad one I take it one of two ways. I look to see if the review is a critique or just an attack. It if is a critique, I see if I can improve. If it is an attack, I will either ignore it or contact the writer of it and ask why such a negative view was left. 

🎤Who is your Favorite Author?

My favorite author is S.J.Maas. I love her work. While some people find her problematic, I find her works amazing. 

🎤Which book is currently on your bedside table?

Defy the Night by Brigide Kemmerer and Words Like Water by Kristan Morgan. 

🎤Do you have any writing goal in General or just Wattpad?

I have goals for both. I want to win a watty award and I want to traditionally publish a novel by 21. 

(Woww.. Definitely you will win it one day and I pray that your dream novel get published someday but ha as you said before you turn 21☺😅)

🎤Would you like to name any of the good friends you made on Wattpad?

Sevreal amazing authors on here are SunshineBandito , amberstories23 , and RCorsini who has left wattpad but is now on tik tok under @ madameraerae. 

🎤How does it feel when you get so much Support and Love from Reader's?

I love support. I do write for myself, but seeing other people connect to my writing and enjoying it does make me smile. I love knowing that I am making something that other people like. 

🎤Lastly would you like to share something with your reader's or writer's?

While it is heard all over, I will say it again. Write what you love and write for yourself. With those two things, and a lot of hard work, you will be able to write your story. 

Hope u have a fun doing this Interview with me?

I had a lot of fun! Thank you for letting me be a part of this. 


It was lovely chatting with you😚

Thank you so much for accepting my Invitation Temptatious_Readings  💜💙.

If you like this then do Vote, Comment & Share👍

If possible then Do check my other Book 'Destined to be together❤'.

Happy Reading🌼.

~Stay Safe.
~Stay Blessed✨


                      Thank you 🥀

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