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Hola Peeps!🖐

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu!

Hope you and your Families are doing well.

So are you all ready to meet with our Today's guest of Let's Grab a Coffee and Chat.

Interviewer: ZaaDF

And please welcome the Most Fabulous and Hard Working Author tarawrts 🤝

Let's get started😚🤞


Hii, I am Tara. The prettiest one ;)

(Hehe not only the prettiest but also the sweetest one😉)

🎤 What  inspired you to start writing? 

I remember when I was in 7th standard, I use to write and that time I wanted to become writer but that dream faded with time along with the pressure of study. Then in my second year graduation, I felt like writing and I started writing ffs on YouTube (my channel is deleted now). I got good response but I was not satisfied then I came across with wattpad and started my very first book. Although I had no idea how to write a novel, to be very honest I didn't even read any novel before writing but yeah I went with the flow and improved myself with time and yes I did read books after that.

🎤 When did you start writing?

I started writing in November, although I have encountered Wattpad way before but I was busy with YouTube then.

🎤 Have you always wanted to be a writer?

As I told you, it was a childhood dream forgotten long ago but something pushed me in this world again and now I want to be a successful writer.

( Surely your name will be mentioned in the most successful writers list one day..All the bestt)

🎤 What comes first the plot or the Characters?

I have always created my character first and then planned the plot according to their personality.

🎤 What is the most difficult part about writing for you?

There is nothing difficult for me, but yeah I do lack in smut scenes and yes I am weak in creating child's character.

🎤 When you're writing an Emotional, Sad, Romantic scene,how did you get in the mood?

Getting mood is not difficult part, getting out of it is really difficult. When I am writing, I simply enter in that world then this world doesn't not exist for me. I am so connected with my characters but once I am done writing, there is no such trick to come into reality again. Suppose I wrote a sad scene, I will be sad for rest of the day Or two and I don't even know why I am sad and same goes to the other scenes.

(Ohh ! That's the most difficult part i can also relate to that like when I'm reading sad scenes then the whole day I'll be thinking about it over and over again 😭)

🎤 What was your most favorite part and least favorite part of the publishing Journey?

My most favorite part was when my book reached to a lit of readers, it was my first book. I didn't even expected 100k and look it is so close to two Million.
Sad part is when people don't take the book as fiction, when they question why I wrote this, I should have written this way that too when I have given the explanation, they will still abuse characters and sometimes they will say bad about me but it's alright. It didn't affect me much as I believe praising comes with criticism. No matter how much a mango taste good there always be someone who don't like it. So, we have to accept the reality but yeah I will be happy if they start giving a constructive criticism, I will be glad.

(Ikr...they don't just think from writer's pov and it's dumbest things to say such words to writer's that why they have wrote like this and all I mean it's very rude to question someone who is putting there so much effort huh...but lemme just tell the best part is just to ignore them and not get affected towards their ugly words and focus on those who are supporting us and our work )

🎤 Did you find it more challenging to come up with your First Book?

No, it was all fun for me because I was writing for myself and I got unexpected response.

🎤 How many books have you written? And which is your Favorite?

I have written two books, one is completed that is "His Arranged wife" And the second one is ongoing that is " Mystic obsession"
Ofcourse, the first one is my favorite because it was my first book and I connect with the female character way to much.

(I have just read the prologue's of ur both the books and I must say that I can't wait to start reading it coz I really like the prologue of His Arranged Wife and even the Mystic Obsession also seems to be amazing but it's still ongoing so I will prefer to read the whole book at a time but I'm super excited to explore the Journey of Siya & Abhi 🤩)

🎤 Which of your books where most enjoyable to write?

His Arranged Wife, I loved writing it.

🎤 Tell us few things about your first book? What was the journey like?

My first book went pretty smooth but in start I was having tough time as my exam were in December and I started in mid November. So I took break of One and half months, that time I was free my exams were over. So I simply enjoyed the journey alot and thanks to my audience they gave me positive response.

🎤 What advice would you give a new writer, someone just starting out?

To be very honest, I don't find myself on the stage where I can give advice to anyone, I am still learning and a lot left to learn but from my journey I can just tell. Don't get demotivated just focus on your story. Don't get dishearten just because you're not getting views, new book takes time and yo build an audience too. Don't roam here and there for shout out or collab just focus on yourself and your book, your readers will find you by themselves. I also posted my book in a few author's message boards but then I stopped myself as i realized nobody gonna read just by a look, instead of that I should focus on my story and I did that, now look at the response.

(Wow..I'm highly impressed with what you said I think you did an brilliant job by giving more time to your work rather then posting it or asking people to give it a try ...Great Job dea )

🎤 Are you working on anything at the present you would like to share with your readers about?

Right now I am working on my book Mystic obsession and it's ongoing, yeah that's it nothing much to share.

(All the best & ik for sure you will be appreciated more and more by people for writing amazing stories)

🎤 How many plot ideas are just waiting to be written? Can you tell us about one?

There is no such plot in my mind, it eventually comes when I am writing, as I mentioned earlier I just create the characters, plot comes according to the rhythm of the story.

🎤 Which was the first book you read?

Stepping into Arrange marriage by Author sunali was my first book. I enjoyed reading that.

🎤 What is your favorite genre to read?

My favorite genre is Arrange marriage and forced marriage. I don't know I just love this yeah don't laugh now.

(Hehe not laughing as I also loved reading Arranged Marriages i loved the way they fall for each other and you know the best part I feel is the way they ignore each other's flaws and idk to explain but it's one of the most beautiful thing ever 😍)

🎤 Do you read your book reviews? How do you deal with the Good and the Bad ones?

To be honest, both didn't affect me. I remain same in good one and bad ones both. I appreciate both reviews while only thing is in back of my mind that there will be always some who don't like mango, that's their point of view. I write for myself and the readers who love the way of my writing, rest I don't care and yeah sometime I do reply them to clear their misunderstanding otherwise no offence. I am a person who loves peace, so I don't get involved in things much.

🎤 Who is your Favorite Author?

Magical Lovely is my favorite author, I just love the way she writes and she is so good in person too. Very generous and sweet. I just love her.

🎤 Which book is currently on your bedside table?

Writing and my CA journey does not permit me to read anything, in fact i have saved a lot's of book in my reading list that one day I will read when my exam will be over and the funny part is, my exam is on may 2025. So, currently I am not reading any of them.

(Wow ur doing CA ..All the best for ur future...Earlier even I thought to do CA but now there any many options so I'm all confused now *cries* currently I'm in my last Sem of bachelors degree and up of that doing internship so I'm planning to take a year - 6 months gap then plan something that will be helpful for my future..I think choosing your career path is very sensible and difficult at a time coz as our whole future depends on it ..)

🎤 Do you have any writing goal in General or just Wattpad?

I want to be a published Author, I want to publish my book in future. I don't waste time when I am not serious, because time is the only thing which I don't have. I want my book in hands of my readers, and I hope I can fulfill my Childhood's dream.

( You will be surely achieved your dreams one day and I would like to be among first few people who would loved to read it )

🎤 Would you like to name any of the good friends you made on Wattpad?

Author Sunali and Magical Lovely are one of my very good friend on wattpad. I am lucky to have both people in my life and journey.

🎤 How does it feel when you get so much Support and Love from Reader's?

Happy and lovable, I find myself very lucky that so many people love me and support me. I hope they get all the success they dreamt off. I only have two friends in real life and I live alone. So, when I see so many people love me and support me, I feel so lovable and lucky.

🎤 Do you want each book to stand on its own, or are you trying to build a body of work with connections between each book?

I have published two books and both are interconnected but in my case everything depends on my mood, if I want only a single book I will write it and if I desired to have a book on characters then I will write. I can't pick one I am very moody and stubborn, so it all depends on my mood. Like I was writing my first book when I wrote the character of Ishita and I didn't plan anything and suddenly I felt I wanted to write a book on her and I started her book.

(Oh )

🎤 What other authors are you friends with, and how do they help you become a better writer?

As I said earlier I am friends with only two authors. That too is a genuine friendship. It has nothing to do with writing, I have never taken anyone's help in writing. Once Author sunali recommended my book that's it nothing beyond that. I don't like mixing work with friendship.

🎤 Have you ever killed off a character your readers loved?

No, I haven't killed any characters I love. I believe in happy ending, sensitive heart. Oucchhh...

(Haha..let's do high-five coz my heart is also very very sensitive and I can't even read the emotional part I'll end up crying )

🎤 Who has been the biggest supporter of your writing?

My both friends, Akriti and Priyanka are my biggest supporters, they read my stories and gives me feedbacks, motivates me to write further not to forget they do tell me my mistakes.

( wow..such friends are really blessing you know ..they will be always honest and trustworthy.. )

🎤 Lastly would you like to share something with your reader's or writer's?

I don't know is it right to say or not but I want to say to readers that please be kind to everyone and there is no need to give hate or abuse the author's for their work. If you're not finding it good, constructive criticism is a good way to convey your message. In fact, when you criticise while giving a valid point it has way more effective than abuse and hate.
And I want to confess to my readers that I love you all, please don't take my words to your heart because I say it in a fun way. That's how I am in real life. I love you guys a lot, you guys are the moon and I am the prettiest star who always roams around you. Love you cuties.

(Aww that's sweet...)

🎤 Hope u had a fun doing this Interview ? ☺️

Yeah I had fun doing this and I wish you all the best. You're doing great work. Thank you for having me.

( I'm glad to hear that...Thank you so much and wishing you the same... It's my pleasure to have you here....😊)

It was lovely chatting with you😚
Hope I didn't bored you with my questions 😅.

Thank you so much for accepting my Invitation tarawrts    💜💙.

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Happy Reading🌼.

~Stay Safe.
~Stay Blessed


                      Thank you 🥀

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