Hello peeps!🖐
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu!☺
Hope you and your Families are doing well
So are you all ready to meet with our Today's guest of Let's Grab a Coffee☕ and Chat.
Interviewer: aiieeshaaadfff
And please welcome the Most Fabulous and Hard Working Author Staraddixt17 🤝
Let's get started😚🤞
Assalamu alaikum
This is me Staraddixt17 , Zoe. Zoe isn't my real name and that's how people call me here. I'm a teen and a lazy head. My username Staraddixt17 means that I'm an addict for stars and number 17 is my Jersey number so I'm much used to it. I'm so love with the stars, lol.
I'm a bored person thats all I have to say.:)
(Walaikumsalam, No you are not a boring person at all Zoee but you're an Amazing Person ❤)
🎤What inspired you to start writing?
Actually I came across a book called Written In The Stars by StarsAndMoon1447 .It was a month before my finale exams. I read only 2 chapters and I fell in love with that book. A month after my final exams I continued the book. That book really touched my heart. And after that it made me to write on my own.
That book is absolutely wonderful, MashaAllah.
(Will surely check it :) ).
🎤When did you start writing?
This year End of May, at midnight I started writing.
🎤Have you always wanted to be a writer?
Not always but sometimes.
🎤What comes first the plot or the Characters?
Sometimes plot sometimes characters but the most is plot and it pops on my head when someones seriously talking to me. Many would've notice me (when talking in person) acting different/weird when they talk to me.
( why so? 😅) .
🎤What is the most difficult part about writing for you?
The most difficult part is definitely Male POV for me. I literally have no idea how do boys react to things or what they would be thinking all day also their daily patterns. It's really hard to write that part. The romantic scenes also I do struggle in writing.
(Even I face with the same problem Zoee 😭 writing Male POV is so difficult sometime and about romantic part I don't know what to write🤐🤐)
🎤When you're writing an Emotional, Sad, Romantic scene,how did you get in the mood?
I'd place myself in the position of the specific character. I'd also listen to some music to take me into that type of moods. It'd would help me.
🎤What was your most favorite part and least favorite part of the publishing Journey?
Most favourite is getting votes, comments. They help me in motivating me to write more.
( Truee, I 100% agree with you)
Least favourite is publishing and completing the book.
🎤Did you find it more challenging to come up with your First Book?
Yes ofcourse.
Actually my very first book was 'Just Breathe' and I wrote it when I was 14. I published it as my friend said she'd be reading it and lemme know how was it. She said it was great but I was so nervous, I unpublished it and now I deleted it forever as I felt it was stupid.
Talking about my current book, it's really hard to write. I'd come across tons of writer's block, having no idea of how to take the plot on. Sometimes I'd even feel like to unpublish but one day I just thought of asking for some ideas from few authors. So I contact few of the great writers I know, and they gave me some valuable advices and it helped me a lot. They told me about their journey of writing. May Allah bless them as always.
(Oh 14? Really!, I'm shocked Zoee at such young age Masha Allah... Yeah Aameen)
🎤How many books have you written? And which is your Favorite?
I've only published 1 book while 2 are in my drafts. Idk which is my favourite one, lol.
🎤Which of your books where most enjoyable to write?
Almost every book I enjoy. But kinda I enjoy most in writing one of the book which is to be published soon as it as different kind of story.
(Ohkayy I'm excited to read it😍.. All the best👍💯)
🎤Tell us few things about your first book? What was the journey like?
My first book UHW, according to me its so horrible. Its not written like a professional writer. There's alot of mistakes and errors in that book but I'd keep on writing because I believe that someday I'd improve my writing. So this book UHW is something I use to practice my writings. I don't care if its bad, it helps me to improve.
And Tanyah17 , my classmate and best bud helped me alot. She was the first to read my book. She encouraged me to write and made me to publish the book. She even came to wattpad to read and support me. Btw she isn't much active.
I'm so thankful to her.
(Everyone do mistakes dear, nobody is perfect in this world.. That's great👏)
🎤What advice would you give a new writer, someone just starting out?
Write what you enjoy. Whatever you write, write for yourself. If you feel like giving up, don't force yourself. Just take a break and do something which you like. Like I'd do sketchings. When you're recovered, come back and start writing. And also you could do on search for things which could help you. Read many books so you could get any ideas. If you keep on writing you'd get some improvements, no matter if you get few votes, comments and reads.
(Woww, Such a great advice 👏👏) .
🎤Are you working on anything at the present you would like to share with your readers about?
Yah I'm working on a story called coerced. Its like non fiction but not really. Based on true incidents. Will be publishing after a month, Insha Allah!
(I'm excited💃, In Sha Allah).
🎤How many plot ideas are just waiting to be written? Can you tell us about one?
Its hard to count, lol. Really there's alot to be written but there's no time for that. One of the plot is something related to a love story inbetween a crime scene. As short story. I'd write if I feel like and also if its only stored in my mind.
(Wow 🤩 , I really wanted to read this one soon, please jaldi sai publish karo) .
🎤Which was the first book you read?
In wattpad its Bridge to Terabithia and a Islamic story ' A muslim halal love story', idk how it was added to my library. After that only I came to know that there are books like this type. And I don't remember the hardcopy.
🎤What is your favorite genre to read?
I don't have a specific genre but teen fiction, young adult, romance,thriller would do.
🎤Do you read your book reviews? How do you deal with the Good and the Bad ones?
Yeah I do and I haven't received much but I'd also read the comments on my book. Also they are positive feedbacks and it makes my day.
(Insha Allah you will receive it soon, yeah it does 😊)
🎤Who is your Favorite Author?
Its StarsAndMoon1447.
Literally I'm in love with the style of her writing. Her books are really wonderful, MashaAllah.
I'd also recommend her stories to y'all to try out.
(If you are saying this then she will be great author, I will surely check her books In Shaa Allah 🙂 and guys you also check her books out I'm sure you'll also love it 😊) .
🎤Which book is currently on your bedside table?
Biology tute and the writing book. I just finished my class, lol. The story book which is always be on the table 'Wave' by Sonali Deraniyagala.
(Haha Biology Book 👏.... I used to love that subject alot but now I'm not a science student, I really miss reading bio😪. Ohhh)
🎤Do you have any writing goal in General or just Wattpad?
Yah I have some ideas of writing in another platform and also I got some opportunities but before I thought of improving my writings. Insha Allah.
( oh In Shaa Allah.. All the best for your Future Zoee 😚.. I would love to see you as a bigger writer one day In Shaa Allah).
🎤Would you like to name any of the good friends you made on Wattpad?
Yah I'd like to.
ZainRish_24_ my classmate, zarrinRaihana , ShifnaKm5 , my NO-TEA , Sky_Gazer90 the monkey lover (mona-italic) TheBookWormNZ, the doc D01000 .
And there are many more.
🎤How does it feel when you get so much Support and Love from Reader's?
Honestly its so amazing. Without our readers support we writers are nothing ( I didn't consider me as the writer😜). Writers grew with their readers support. We should always be thankful to our genuine readers who support and show love on us.
Remember, without your readers you're nothing!
(Exactly, Reader's you are the Bestest Thank you for Supporting us so much❤❤. We love you alot.. and yes I aiieeshaaadf wanted to say you all All the best for you future my prayers are with you guyss.. And yes if you are feeling low then your please welcome to message me and In Shaa Allah I will try to brighten up your mood😊 Without you guys we writer's are nothing❤❤) .
🎤Lastly would you like to share something with your reader's or writer's?
My special thanks to the ones who keep on supporting me genuinely. Thank you so much for the support and love. Love you all.
And the writers, keep on writing and write for yourself. I think the earlier answers would help.
🎤Hope u have a fun doing this Interview with me? ☺
Ofcourse, I did. Jazakallahu khair for giving me this opportunity. May Allah bless you with a good health, wealth and success in every step of your life.
(Waiyakum 😊, Aameen. Aameen. Aameen❤❤.. I wish you the same ❤)
It was lovely chatting with you😚
Thank you so much for accepting my Invitation Staraddixt17 💜💙.
(A/N :- Hii/ Assalamualaikum Everyone!
Hope you all are doing Great!
And Peeps I wanted to Thank you all- My Readers for continuously supporting me.. As today This Interview book has hits 5.02k and I don't have much words to describe my Happiness... I really appreciate you for taking your time out and reading this.. Thank You ❤❤)
If you like this then do Vote, Comment & Share👍
If possible then Do check my other Book 'Destined to be together❤'.
Happy Reading🌼.
~Stay Safe.
~Stay Blessed✨
Thank you 🥀
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