INTERVIEW with @Star_That_Shines

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Hello peeps!🖐

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu!☺

Hope you all are doing well

So are you all ready to meet with our Today's guest of Let's Grab a Coffee☕ and Chat.

Interviewer: aiieeshaaadfff

And please welcome the Most Amazing and Hard Working Author Star_That_Shines 🤝

So yeah let's get started😚🤞


Hello everyone. I am kahkashan Jamshir. I am 23 from Mumbai. And I am a Wattpad writer. 

🎤What  inspired you to start writing?

I wish I could say what inspired me but I do not remember. But I think it must have been those millions of stories that are constantly on my mind. 

🎤When did you start writing?

I tried writing for the first time when I was 16 or 17. But never completed it. I started late unlike many writers. My first year of college, roughly 6 years ago, I published my first book on Wattpad. That was the beginning.

🎤Have you always wanted to be a writer?

I always had stories on my mind but never thought of it. Even when I started writing I didn't think I wanted to be a writer. I was writing for fun. 

🎤What comes first the plot or the Characters?

Plot. The characters follow. Only with the plot, we can develop characters. But at times I start with liking a character and then maybe fitting it in a story. 

🎤What is the most difficult part about writing for you?

Editing. It is not a part of writing per se but if there is anything that I find difficult then that is editing. I hate it. 

🎤When you're writing an Emotional, Sad, Romantic scene,how did you get in the mood?

I picture myself as that character. I think what can be the normal reaction or how do humans feel in such scenarios then I try to compare it with the character. But that mostly happens during the editing. While writing I go with the common reaction or feeling. 

🎤What was your most favorite part and least favorite part of the publishing Journey?

Favourite I guess when my readers read it and give me their review and also when I publish! And the least favourite is editing..... 

🎤Did you find it more challenging to come up with your First Book?

Not really. It was just for fun like I said. So I went with the flow and thought nothing. And when I say nothing, I mean nothing. You can actually see that in my story. It is just words flowing without much thoughts given.

🎤How many books have you written? And which is your Favorite?

Nine complete books, six incomplete, millions imaginary!
I cannot say which one is my favourite. I enjoyed them all. Maybe some less and some more but that doesn't mean I love one more than the other. I like them all. Mother never picks! 

🎤Which of your books where most enjoyable to write?

Most enjoyable, umm, I enjoyed them all. The most I would say New girl in the house, followed my new girl in the office and then a few on number 3. 

🎤Tell us few things about your first book? What was the journey like?

The journey was long. I wrote whenever I felt like writing. I think I took more than a year or at least a year to complete it. It was a good journey for sure. But again I didn't consider it as a journey so I don't know how it went. Sorry! 

🎤What advice would you give a new writer, someone just starting out?

Keep writing. Find your style, find your story. When you keep going you learn a lot and you understand a lot, about yourself and your writing. So keep going. There are going to be millions of reasons not to. Many excuses will come up but keep going. You will fall in love. Trust me. It is a beautiful world.  

🎤Are you working on anything at the present you would like to share with your readers about?

I am working on two things. One is ready and out to go. But the other one is under editing. Hopefully, they both will be published soon. InshaAllah.

🎤How many plot ideas are just waiting to be written? Can you tell us about one?

Millions! I have so many stories! I think about at least 3 of them on a daily basis! I love stories. I love to come up with new plots. I just love it all.
Ah okay, one story is about humans. That is all I got. If I start I will end up telling the whole story so I will keep quiet. But it is a good story about humans. It really is. 

🎤Which was the first book you read?

Chicken soup for teenage souls, I guess. One of the soup books. Or maybe a book called 'the last detective'. I barely remember the story but I remember the name. I hope that is the name. 

🎤What is your favorite genre to read?

I love self-help books. And mystery/ thriller. They are amazing. 

🎤Do you read your book reviews? How do you deal with the Good and the Bad ones?

Yes, I read. I wait for the reviews. I, of course, celebrate the good ones and the bad ones, I try not to overreact and try to make changes if needed. But the first step is to keep calm, in both cases. 

🎤Who is your Favorite Author?

Jane Austen! Who else can it be! Love that woman! I wish she was alive! Actually, I wish I was alive back then. It has to be my favourite century! 

🎤Which book is currently on your bedside table?

A book called ', awaken the giant within' by Antony Robbins. Highly recommended. 

🎤Do you have any writing goal in General or just Wattpad?

I have. I have many goals and many plans. insha'Allah soon I will begin my story. 

🎤Would you like to name any of the good friends you made on Wattpad?

I cannot name one. I have many. All of them are special and I love them. They keep me going. They encourage me so much. I love them so much! I would like to thank Wattpad for them. Thank you so much! 

🎤How does it feel when you get so much Support and Love from Reader's?

It feels surreal. It feels so special. It makes me feel alive. It helps me wake up in the morning and keep going. It helps me to survive. Thank you so much, guys! You all are a rockstar. 

🎤Lastly would you like to share something with your Reader's or Writer's?

I just want to thank each and every one of you for everything. I am here today because of you all. Thank you so much. I owe this to you. And my dear writers, you are doing great. Keep going. You are shining and you are becoming a great writer. I know you can do this. Keep going. You got this!

🎤Hope u have a fun doing this Interview with me?

I loved this interview. Thank you so much.Thank you once again. 

It was fun chatting with you😚

Thank you so much for accepting my Invitation Star_That_Shines 💜💙

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