INTERVIEW with @aynatulmarziya

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Hello peeps!

Assalamualaikum Warahmatuallahi Wabarakatuhu?!

Hope you all are doing well?

Soo are you all ready to meet our Today's guest of Let's Grab a Coffee☕ and Chat.

Interviewer:- aiieeshaaadfff

And please welcome the most Amazing and Hardworking Author aynatulmarziya 🤝

So yeah let's get started☺🤞


Assalamualaikum,I am Aynat. Here everyone refer me that and I prefer the same😁.Uhmm as I said I'm Aynat who was a silent reader for 2 years then just to save my first story to be read later I started writing. Then I met few friends and awesome reader's who boosted my inner writer to write more and become an author of 4 books. I'm thankful to each person who read, voted as well as commented on my books.

So let's begin with our first question

What inspired you to start writing?
My cousins.

When did you start writing?
Last year August.

Have you always wanted to be a writer?
Didn't even know I can write until I wrote my first book.

What comes first the plot or the characters?
The Characters.

What is the most difficult part about writing for you?
When the book is about to end.

When you're writing an Emotional, Sad,Romantic Scene, How did you get in the mood?
I just put myself in the shoes of that particular character.

What was your most favorite and least favorite part of the publishing journey?
Favorite part is the Thanking part, least favorite nothing.

Did you find it more challenging to come up with your first book?
Not really, it was just for fun then I started enjoying writing.

How many book have you written? And which is your favorite?
I have completed 4 books and MTWC is kinda close to my heart.

Which of your books where more enjoyable to write?
All of them.

Tell us few things about your first book? What was the journey like?
MTWC is my first book which was made by my cousins and me at a girl's night out. The journey was very overwhelming for me.

What advice would you give a new writer, someone just starting out?
Keep writing even if one person is interested in your book as it's worth it.

Are you working on anything at the present you would like to share with your readers about?

How many plot ideas are just waiting to be written? Can you tell us about one?
One which prologue is already posted.

Which was the first book you read?
Swaragini Ragsan fanfic.

What is your favorite genre to read?

Do you read your book reviews? How do you deal with the Good and the Bad ones?
Definitely, Thank Allah i didn't get any bad one's till date and about good one's like anyone else I smile ear to ear.

Who is your Favorite Author?

Which book is currently on your bedside table?
None as I'm very busy now-a-days.

Do you have any writing goal in general or just wattpad?
Just Wattpad.

Would you like to name any of the good friends you made on wattpad?
I have a list it's very difficult to name all of them.

How does it feel when you get so much support, love and from reader's?
To Reader's: Always support the books you read by voting on them as it motivates the writer.
To Writer's: Never stop writing, write for your own satisfaction.

Lastly would you like to share something with your reader's or writer's?
I feel blessed to have such awsome friend's and reader's here.

Hope you had fun doing this Interview with me?😊
I enjoyed alot in giving this Interview. Thank you for taking it.

It was lovely chatting with you😚

Thank you so much for accepting my Invitation aynatulmarziya 💙💜

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Thank you🥀

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