Hello Everyone!🖐
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu!
Hope you are all doing good👍
Soo are you all excited to know our first guest of Let's grab a Coffee and chat🤞
Interviewer:- aiieeshaaadf
And please welcome the most Fabulous and Hardworking authentic-writes ( Previously known as Fatima_Sheikh) 🤝
So what are we all are waiting for..
Let's get started😉🤞
I am Fatima. I am 16 years old. And I am from India. I am an Ambivert. I love to read and write books. I tried to present my ideas and thoughts through my books.
Soo our first question is:-
🎤What inspired you to start writing?
Tbh,Nothing inspires me.
🎤When did you start writing?
I was just sitting on a couch feeling super bored.Then an idea popped into my mind.I took a pen and notebook and start scribbling to the plot.Thats how I came up with the story.I wrote a fan fiction a year ago and it was just a disaster.I deleted the book after a few months.I started writing the book on 21 March.
🎤What comes first the plot or the characters?
Definitely plot.You all will find it funny but the ending comes first in my mind.
🎤What is the most difficult part about writing for you?
Tbh,there is nothing difficult about writing.It just depends on my mood.I want to give a daily update to my readers but sometimes I won't feel like writing anything.
🎤When you're writing an Emotional, Sad,Romantic Scene,How do you get in the mood?
Whenever i wrote such scenes,I place myself in the position of the character.And that's how I was able to go in-depth of the emotions of the characters and feeling.
🎤What was your most favorite part and least favorite part of the publishing journey?
The most favorite part is that the reader's are liking my book. There least favorite part is that
Some reader's judge the book beforehand and Comment something harsh which turns off my mood.Overall the publishing journey is good.
🎤Did you find it more challenging to come up with your first book?
Of course,the first book always comes out challenging as we didn't know everything.We don't have many reader's or someone to review it.But after the second book, everything went alright.
🎤How many books have you written? And which is ur favorite?
I have written two Books.And my favorite is My Beautiful Wife.
🎤Which of your Books were most enjoyable to write?
My Beautiful Wife.It was very close to my heart.I enjoyed writing the book.From IsHad Romance,Hania's bubbly nature,and of course Azeem and Minal's banter.
🎤Tell us few things about your first book? What was the journey like?
The journey of the first book was very challenging.I was very nervous about the book but everything went alright.
🎤What advice would you give a new writer, someone just starting out?
To all the new writer's don't worry everything will be alright. I will advice you all to read a load of books before started writing.You will come across many new words and you will get an idea of how to write the book correctly.And never lose hope. Your book will be appreciated.
Good Luck😄
🎤Are you working on anything at the present you would like to share with your reader's about?
I am working on a short story book nowadays.So get ready for the bunch of stories that will be coming soon.
🎤How many plot ideas are just waiting to be written? Can you tell us about one?
I am just aa beginner. But I have around 50 Short stories in my mind.And there are some series of books also. I wish someone could write those books for me. No worries,I'm gonna pen down everything and you all can read it and share your feedback.
🎤Which was the first book you read?
The very first book I read is 'Devil for Husband'.
🎤What is your favorite genre to read?
My favorite genre is Romance and Teen fiction.
🎤Do you read your book review's? How do you deal with the good and the bad one's?
I love to read reviews on my book. The good ones surely motivate me to keep going but there are also some bad ones. I usually ignore it and continue writing. I tried my best not to let those negative comments affect me.
🎤Who is your favorite Author?
My favorite author's is Muskaan90, Ufaq_I, mahumsheikh,pumpkinyara.
🎤Which book is currently on your bedside table?
The book on my bedside table is Pride and Prejudice.
🎤Do you have any writing goal in general or just Wattpad?
Yeah,I want to be a writer in general. But I am very unprofessional in the writing field.
🎤Would you like to name any of the good friends you made on Wattpad?
I made so many friends in Wattpad and it was fun.
Ufaq,JannatJannat,Izah,Yara are my close friends. 😄
🎤How does it feel when you get so much love and support from your reader's?
I felt so good that the reader's are supporting me. My Happiness knew no bound when I have such loyal reader's. I love every single one of you.
🎤Lastly would you like to share something with your reader's or writer's?
I just wanna say Thank you to all my reader's for supporting me throughout. I will always be grateful to you all.
🎤Hope you had fun doing this interview with me?😊
It was pleasure giving the interview. And I am surely looking forward to the fun segment in the future.
It was a fun chatting with you😗
Thank you so much for accepting my Invitation authentic-writes 💙💜
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