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The next day at University, Seolhee half expected things to be different. After all, she'd formed a sort of friendship with Sunwoo, and they'd agreed to try their best to keep up the front during school. Especially during school.  

But she should have known better than to get her hopes up. 

She'd spotted Sunwoo in the crowd and had run over, immediately linking her arm with his. But he'd immediately pulled away, and the few people nearby were already gossiping about that small thing. 

"What's wrong?" she whispered, looking up at him in concern. The side of his cheek was bruised as if he got into a fight. She reached up to touch it, but he caught her wrist in his hands, stopping her as her fingers hovered mere centimeters from his face. 

"Nevermind," he growled, pushing her hand away. 

Annoyance spiked inside of her, and she followed him as he began to walk away, and thankfully no one was in the next hallway they entered. She ran up to him, taking his hand and spinning him to face her. "Seriously, are you okay?" she asked, her gaze raking over him. Everything about him was suddenly different. His cold, mean, always annoyed demeanor, the one that she'd been used to at first. But in the span of a few short days, he'd shown her that he could be so much more. So much better. She was confused why he was acting like this again, especially around her, when she thought they were friends. "Did you get into another fight or something?" she said, remembering the countless fights he'd had with other students. She never even knew what they were about, no one seemed to really know. 

"Nevermind," he said again, trying to leave. Her grip tightened on his hand, not wanting him to leave. It wasn't just the bruise on his face... she couldn't understand why they were back to this

"Why are you acting like this?" she snapped, glaring at him. "You were nice literally yesterday. What is it? Did I do something?" 

Sunwoo glanced around, making sure no one was around before he glared at her. "Shortcake, the world doesn't revolve around you. No, you didn't do anything. And it's none of your business what happened to me. What, do you think we're friends or something?" he scoffed. "It's all fake, remember that. Don't pretend to be close, not when there's no one around to see," he said, yanking his hand out of her grip and walking away. 

Seolhee opened her mouth and then closed it again. She wanted to scream that he was the one who insisted on going on actual "dates" even when no one would be watching. 

But in a way, he was right. His words brought her back to reality. 

No matter how nice he'd acted yesterday, however sweet he seemed... They weren't friends. 

Maybe they never would be. 

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