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Seeing Sunwoo wait in front of the door of her last class only served to make her anger flare even more. Still, she'd play the part. And she'd play it flawlessly. That way her mother could call off the marriage, one of their parents could marry someone else, and soon he'd be out of her life. 

"You didn't have to wait for me," she said sweetly, slipping her hand into his and tippy-toeing to kiss his cheek. 

"I thought we could walk home together," he said, and though he smiled, his gaze was cold. 

Seolhee gritted her teeth together, forcing herself to continue smiling. "I have plans with Eric and Haknyeon today," she said lightly as they began to walk down the hallways, hand in hand. "You know that," she said teasingly, bumping her shoulder against his. 

"Oh, right," he said, his voice flat. She resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Truly, he was making this so difficult. 

"Well, make time for me this weekend?" he asked, his voice a little lighter now. She just nodded, pulling her hand out of his and waving goodbye as she headed off of campus. 

Haknyeon and Eric were waiting in the car. 

"Do I have to sit in the back?" she grumbled, getting into the car. 

"It's cause you're late," Eric said from the front, shrugging. 

"Ready?" Haknyeon asked from the driver's seat, not waiting for an answer before he started the car. "How are things with your boyfriend?" he asked after a moment, peeking at her through the mirror. 

She groaned, crossing her arms. "Fake boyfriend," she reminded him.

"How are things with your fake boyfriend?" 

"Not great," she sighed. "But it's not like it matters. It's not like it's real." 

"Looking at your face, it seems like it matters," Eric said, his voice somehow both teasing and gentle. He looked back at her, concern flickering in his eyes. 

"I just stupidly thought that maybe we'd be friends, but I guess not," she said with a shrug. She didn't voice her other thoughts. She missed Jacob and wanted him to come back quickly. Though they spoke on the phone almost every day, it obviously wasn't the same. To combat her dating Sunwoo, her mother had arranged a "date" with her fiancé, and Seolhee was in no mood to meet Hyunjae. She suddenly realized that she'd implied to Sunwoo that they'd go out this weekend since she'd forgotten about Hyunjae. 

Well, at least she wouldn't have to worry about Sunwoo being upset when she told him she had other plans. He'd probably be delighted by the news. 

Closing her eyes and trying to ignore the worries in her head, she put in her headphones and tried to listen to music. But today, not even that helped. 

Because the music was reminding her of him. 

Opening her eyes again, she tried staring out the window to take her mind off of everything. But annoyingly, her mind kept going back to their kiss. 

She didn't want to admit it, but it had been her first kiss. 

Seolhee ran a hand through her hair, annoyance welling up inside her. Why did she do that? She'd always told herself that she wanted her first kiss to be something really special, with someone really special. Someone who really loved her. 

So why had she agreed to that stupid kiss? 

That stupid impulsive decision was always at the back of her mind, bothering her. She couldn't help feeling that she'd thrown her first kiss away. She couldn't help regretting it a bit, since she'd always wanted it to be with someone she loved, someone who loved her. 

And yet she also couldn't help but think there were some positives. 

Their parents saw and were shocked. Just thinking about their angry and horrified faces brought a mischievous smile to her lips. 

It might be able to get her out of her engagement. 

And though she didn't want to admit this either... 

It felt romantic. 

It had been the most romantic moment in her life, so far. 



I felt like posting an extra chapter😘

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