The door behind her opens.
Your heart stops.
The first one to walk in was Ray. Followed by Mikey, then Frank. Then Gerard.
You feel your palms get clammy, and your sure you're blushing so hard it can be seen from fucking space. Your heart is pounding so hard you feel like it's going to burst through your chest. Your emotions are on overload, you have to take in a few deep, shaky breaths to calm yourself or you're gonna start crying right now.
The boys start talking and signing to the first little group of fans that go up. You and Jackson get in place so you'll have your time next. You get your CD's out and hold them in shaky hands. You press close to Jackson, shoulder to shoulder. Biting your lip, you look down at the CDs. Bullets, Revenge, Black Parade and Danger Days.
You don't have to wait long for your turn, and as you watch the people who were in front leave, getting their time with each member. Your chest starts to seize up.
Mel waves you, Jackson and two other girls forward.
You take a shaky step forward, a shy, elated smile on your face.
"Hey guys! Thanks for coming to the show!"
It's Frank who speaks up, doing a little wavy gesture, motioning for your group to move closer.
You lets out a laugh that sounds on the verge of hysterical. "It's was amazing, oh my god, it was so perfect." You ramble. Curse your tendency to spew word vomit.
The guys just smile (Even Mikey, but only a little, something that makes your heart stutter with happiness) and thank you for the compliment. You make a snap decision and turn to the closest member to you for signing.
It's Ray, and he gives you a welcoming smile, "Glad you enjoyed the show! What's your name?"
"I'm [F/N], the show was amazing. Best birthday ever!"
"Oh!" He exclaims, "Your birthday!? Well, I can safely say we're all glad we made your birthday the best! Now, can I sign those CDs for you?"
You nod and hand him the albums. He pulls a Sharpie from his back pocket, pulling off the cap with his mouth, and shuffles through the CDs, signing each one, but you see he adds an extra little 'happy birthday!' on the Black Parade cover.
He hands the back and you smile wide. From the corner of your eye, you can see Jackson talking to Mikey beside you as he gets his shirt signed, and then Mikey giving your best friend a hug while Jackson snaps a picture on his phone. That reminds you. You pull out your phone.
"May I also have a picture? Also, and this is weird but, can I kiss your cheek?"
Ray raises an eyebrow, looking like he's holding back a laugh.
"Sure to both." He shrugs.
You smile, opening the photo app on your phone.
Ray puts a hand on your waist and you reach up to press a soft kiss to his cheek, snapping a picture. It turns out awesome and you turn to Ray.
"Thank you so much!"
"No problem, that wasn't the oddest thing I've been asked."
You smile again. Knowing your time with Ray is up. "Thank you so much, this was awesome, you all inspire me so much."
He wishes you a happy birthday again, and you trade places with Jackson, finding yourself in front of Mikey Way.
He gives you a soft smile and hold his hand out for the CDs, you hand them to him and he starts to sign.
"Havin' fun?" He asks, shuffling Bullets to the back and starts signing Danger Days.
"Yeah! So much! This all seems too good to be true!"
His lips twitch up at that and he shuffles the albums again, stopping this time, "It's your birthday?"
You realize he's seen Rays comment on the Black Parade. You nod, your birthday had been forgotten again in your starstruck mind.
"Well, happy birthday....."
He nods, mumbling your name under his breath as he writes his own little message on the CD.
"You wanna picture?"
"Yes please!" He hands you your CDs and you pull up your phone. He throws an arm around your shoulders and you take a picture. You have the goofiest grin on your face, and compared to Mikey cool aura, you look like a lunatic.
You give zero fucks.
After bidding goodbye to Mikey and giving him a big thank you. You come face to face with the man, the myth, the legend, Frank Iero.
Jesus fucking Christ he's adorable.
You can't stop the grin on your face, Frank immediately launches into a conversation with you about the concert and how you enjoyed it, what song was your favourite and how he likes your sweater. When you tell him that it's your birthday he pulls you into a hug.
"Can I get a picture with you?"
"Hell yeah, Birthday Girl! Bring it in!"
Frank pulls you into another hug and you take a picture. He then goes about adding his signature to your stack of CDs. You realize that your time with him has flown by all too fast and he gives you another hug.
"It was fuckin' awesome meeting you [F/N]! Have a great birthday!"
Nerves suddenly hit you again full force. Cause there is only one person you have yet to talk to.
Shuffling away from Frank, you're met with the cutest yet sexiest smile ever.
"Hey! I'm Gerard! Thanks for coming to the concert!"
You wanna faint.
"H-hi, my names [F/N], the concert was perfect, you're perfection. Ohmygod, I'm sorry!"
You blush is pretty much the same red as Gerard's hair and you couldn't be more embarrassed. You need to stop with the word vomit.
Gerard only blushes lightly and laughs.
"Thank you so much! Would you like me to sign those amazing CDs for you?"
You nod, handing him the CDs. The one on top is Black Parade, after scanning the cover a smile takes over his face.
"Your birthday is today, huh?"
"Yeah," you smile, "It's been the best one I've ever had."
"Well, that must be celebrated with something... Hmmm. How about I sing 'Happy Birthday' for you?"
You're shocked to say the least. You know your face probably light up like a lot kid on Christmas. "Really?! Ohmygod, you would do that!"
Gerard gives you a smirk, an odd glint in his eyes that you can't place. Without warning he starts to sing softly, signing the albums as he does. Your pretty sure you haven't stopped blushing yet. There are butterflies in your tummy and a giddy grin on your face. Gerard Way has to be the sweetest man you have ever met.
He hands you the signed CDs and finishes his song.
"Happy Birthday to you [F/N]."
You shove the CDs away and turn to Gerard, throwing your arms around him. His arms wrap around your waist and you bury your face in his shoulder. You know you're crying now, but there are so many emotions going through you right now. Your hero has just sung you 'Happy Birthday', in the most sincere and perfect way. He didn't have to do that, yet he did.
You pull away and wipe your eyes, smiling at him.
"Thank you so much. That means a lot to me. You, all of you guys, have been my heroes. Your music has helped me a lot, made me feel not alone and like I could go on no matter how dark things got. So, thank you, Gerard."
He looks so genuinely moved by your words and he hugs you again and presses a kiss to the top of your head.
"That means a lot to me, [F/N]. Hearing that reminds me why I love what I do so much."
You know for sure that your heart has stopped. You can't handle this much happiness.
"Can I please have a picture with you?"
You ask softly
"Of course!" He moves a little so you can grab your camera. He presses close to you as you take the picture. Your faces are squished together and you have tear stains on your face, but it's the best picture you have ever taken.
"Thank you again, Gerard. This has been the ultimate birthday."
Your time is winding down, but you know that you and Jackson'll get thirty extra minutes later. It still makes you feel a bit sad though, you genuinely love talking to Gerard. There was a sort of instant connection that made you feel so safe and at ease with him.
"It was so amazing to get to meet and talk to you, [F/N]."
You hear Mel say that your groups time is over, and you definitely are sad now.
"Hey, don't be sad," Gerard says once he sees your face. "I hate when people are sad."
You give him a smile and giggle a little bit. "Goodbye, Gerard. Thank you for everything."
As you walk away and meet back up with Jackson you can't stop the blush on your face and the flutter in your stomach. You can't wait to talk to Gerard more later.
There it was everyone! You finally met Gee! I hope you all enjoyed it! I feel like you guys didn't enjoy my last chapter as much as the others, so I hope this makes up for it! Thanks for all the awesome comments and votes!
-The Killjoy Bride
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